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Block Exchange Protocol
\def\dosc#1#2\csod{\text{#1}\small\style{text-transform: uppercase}{\text{#2}}}
The protocol at a given peer $p$ is divided into two distinct components:
1. neighborhood (connection) manager;
2. block exchange manager manager.
The neighborhood manager is responsible for maintaining a minimum set of $d$ peers within $p$'s network view. The block exchange manager, on the other hand, will manage block queries and uploads/downloads with surrounding peers, and may request additional or different neighbors to the neighborhood manager should that need arise.
Peers can be of any of three distinct types:
1. **download/cache peers (DCPs)**. Downloads blocks from and uploads blocks to other peers in the swarm. May or may not hold a _viable copy_[^1] of the file;
2. **storage peers (SPs).** Only upload blocks to other peers in the swarm. Typically do not hold a viable copy of the file, unless they are also DCPs;
3. **DHT tracker nodes.** Keeps track of a (subset of) the peers that currently make up a download swarm.
## Base Protocol
**Neighborhood bootstrap.** A peer $p$ joining a swarm to download a file $F$ starts by:
1. sending an $\announcepeer$ message, containing a peer descriptor with its network address and port, to the DHT tracker;
2. receiving a $\swarmsample$ message in response, which contains up to $d$ randomly chosen peer descriptors (where $d \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}$), and which should be used to bootstrap $p$'s neighborhood manager.
PeerDescriptor* = object of RootObj
peerId: Hash
ip: IpAddress
port: Port
AnnouncePeer* = object of Message
descriptor: PeerDescriptor
SwarmSample* = object of Message
sample: seq[PeerDescriptor]
**Figure 1.** Peer descriptors, $\announcepeer$, and $\swarmsample$.
**Block knowledge bootstrap.** Once $p$ has access to a neighborhood, it attempts to map the set of blocks held by each neighbor by sending $\have$ messages to all of them, in sets of size $d_q \leq d$ at a time. Each $\have$ message contains a want list which encodes the full set of blocks that $p$ does not have on $F$. Note that the want list may contain more blocks than what is required for $p$ to obtaion a viable copy of $F$.
Have* = object of RootObj
wants: IntSet
**Figure 2.** A $\have$ message.
A neighbor $q$ receiving a $\have$ message will reply with a $\have$ message containing its own wantlist of the blocks it does not have. This exchange allows $q$ to learn about the blocks $p$ currently has (and wants), and $p$ to learn about the blocks $q$ currently has (and wants). $p$ will keep track, for every neighbor $q$, of the blocks that $q$ wants and has. Once $p$ has exchange $\have$ messages with $q$, its knowledge about $q$'s blocks is _bootstrapped_.
**Block knowledge maintenance.** Maintenance of block knowledge then happens as peers download blocks, verify their correctness (Merkle proof), and broadcast that knowledge to neighbors that want them.
**Block download schedule.** As peer $p$ continuously updates its knowledge about which peers have which blocks, it contructs and maintains its _download schedule_. A download schedule is nothing but an ordered set of $(\text{peer}, \text{block})$ pairs where pairs are ordered by a scoring function $f$.
There are several possible ways to build scoring functions. For instance, $p$ could privilege rare blocks as Bittorrent does, and could construct weighted combinations of peer speed/latency and a score for blocks. At first, we will start simple and implement: _i)_ random selection; _ii)_ rarest first.
proc download(self: Peer, F: File):
while not self.store.hasEnoughBlocks(F):
let downloadSlot = await self.acquireDownloadSlot()
let (neighbor, blockDescriptor) = nextFromSchedule(
self.peers, self.store, F)
if await downloadSlot.download(blockDescriptor, self.store, neighbor):
announceBlock(blockDescriptor, self.peers)
**Figure 3.** Pseudocode for a file download.
**Neighborhood maintenance.** In addition to maintaining block knowledge, $p$ needs to maintain its neighborhood as well. A neighbor $q$ is _elligible for replacement_ if one of the following holds:
1. $q$ is declared dead by $p$'s heartbeat failure detector;
2. $q$ fails to supply blocks to $p$ after $m$ attempts;
3. $q$ is a storage node and $p$ already has all the blocks $q$ has to offer.
In any of those cases, $p$ will trigger a _resample_, in which it will ask from the DHT tracker for a new random peer. $p$ may optionally inform the tracker of which peers it already knows so as to avoid having those being returned. If no new peer can be found, $p$ waits for some amount of time, and tries again.[^2]
[^1]: a set of blocks that is as large as the minimum number required to reconstruct the file.
[^2]: simple exponential backoff could work as a first strategy here.