changed 5 years ago
Linked with GitHub

Environment Setup Guide

Ensure Github Access

Ensure personal account access

Ensure IT has added to proper teams

Ensure SSH keypair on file

  1. First check to see if there are existing SSH keys. (the link will take you to GitHub's tutorial)
  2. If you do not have an SSH key, follow these instructions to generate a new one.
  3. If you do have a public and private pair, follow these instructions to add your key to the ssh-agent
  4. Then you will add your SSH key to your GitHub account

Setup Mac Dev Environment

Ensure Node is installed

Install node/js 8.1.2
brew install node@8.1.2

NB: for devs, make sure you can switch down to an older node via nvm or other manager nvm use 8.1.2

Trouble with NPM?

Try installing just regular node.
brew install node

Ensure a code editor is installed

we recommend downloading VSCode

Install colored git branches

Add this snippet to your .bash_profile
vim ~/.bash_profile

Paste in these lines:

parse_git_branch() {
  git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'

export PS1="\u@\h \W\[\033[32m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\] $ "

Save and quit.

Run source ~/.bash_profile to reload the changes into any open terminals. It will automatically load itself into new windows after that.

(Optional) Install bash autocompletion

Link to Git Tips and Tricks to understand using Autocomplete

  1. Download this file git-completion.bash
  2. Move or copy it to your home directory
  3. Add this line to your .bashrc file source ~/git-completion.bash, it will now read in every time you open your terminal

(Optional) Export shell path for code

This allows you to open code directly from the command line

From within VSCode editor, open to any file or none
cmd + t to open the command shortcut bar
type in > shell to pull up the quick command to add the code command to the path

vscode shell command

(Optional) Install VSCode extensions

Extensions can make it easier to work within the editor. Open the extensions browser by clicking the Settings Icon in the very lower left of VSCode and choosing Extensions, or, as you can see, it has a shortcut.

Settings, Extensions

One extension that is often useful is Gitlens.

Clone the Repo You Need

Ensure working directory

As the products grow, so do the places where documentation lives. Tech writers will end up with more than a few repos that you will work in and contribute to as part of your work.

  1. From home level in the terminal, type mkdir d2iq

CD into your working directory

  1. Change directory into the new one you just made, or the one you already had
    cd d2iq

Clone the repo you need

We will be using the docs site repo for all examples, but this might also be another product repo within D2iQ.
git clone dcos-docs-site

NB: On first time setup, you may need to follow the instructions to install xcode tools to get git functionality

cd into the Repo you just cloned

cd dcos-docs-site

Open the repo in your code editor

If you installed the shell extension, you can now open the folder your terminal is in with the command:
code .

Initialize the Repo (Docs Repo Only)

Content that is kept on other team repos would follow their init, if applicable.

Install node modules

This must be only done on first time or if a rare site tooling change occurs. Other repos may have other needs, see their Contributing Guide or similar resource for assistance if you will need to build their code.
npm install

Build the API page sets

This is necessary anytime a set is changed, or when a new DC/OS version (and there for a new set) is created
make build-api

This takes about 8 mins. It builds the folders build-ngindox and biuld-swagger.

Build a local preview

This is to ensure setup was successful
npm run dev

Open a browser and navigate to localhost:3000 to view the documentation site on your local system


Running a build on first install is to ensure that all tools have been installed and are reading the code correctly. Please make sure to debug any errors at this point until you can get a full preview of the docs site at localhost:3000 in your browser.

:TODO: image localhost docs landing page

Stop the local preview server

This necessary once you are done previewing, not great to leave it running.

Select a repo