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# [AIdrifter CS 浮生筆錄](https://hackmd.io/s/rypeUnYSb) <br> C++ Standard Libraries(STL)
## Overview
- C++ Standard libraries
- C++ Standard Template libraries(subset)
- Object Origin Programming
- Combine Algorithms and Containers
- But each containers is different! how should we do that ?
- Iterrators
- give same interface for containers and algorithns
- Implement Algorithms via **iterators** !!
- N Alog * M Containers = M + N Implementations

- half-open : **[begin,end)**

// First Example:
using namespace std;
vector<int> vec;
vec.push_back(8); // vec: {4, 1, 8}
vector<int>::iterator itr1 = vec.begin(); // half-open: [begin, end)
vector<int>::iterator itr2 = vec.end();
for (vector<int>::iterator itr = itr1; itr!=itr2; ++itr)
cout << *itr << " "; // Print out: 4 1 8
sort(itr1, itr2); // vec: {1, 4, 8}
## Reasons to use C++ standard libraries
- code reuse, no need to reinvent the wheel
- Efficiency (fast and use less resouces). Modern C++ compiler are usually tuned to optimize for C++ standard library code.
- Accurate, less buggy
- Terse, readable code ,reduced control flow
- Standardization, guaranteed availability
- A role model of writing library
- Good knowledge of data structures and algorithms
# Sequence Container

## STL Headers
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <set> // set and multiset
#include <map> // map and multimap
#include <unordered_set> // unordered set/multiset
#include <unordered_map> // unordered map/multimap
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric> // some numeric algorithm
#include <functional>
## vector
* Properties:
* 1. fast insert/remove at the end: O(1)
* 2. slow insert/remove at the begining or in the middle: O(n)
* 3. slow search: O(n)
* Vector
vector<int> vec; // vec.size() == 0
vec.push_back(8); // vec: {4, 1, 8}; vec.size() == 3
// Vector specific operations:
cout << vec[2]; // 8 (no range check)
cout << vec.at(2); // 8 (throw range_error exception of out of range)
for (int i; i < vec.size(); i++) {
cout << vec[i] << " ";
for (list<int>::iterator itr = vec.begin(); itr!= vec.end(); ++itr)
cout << *itr << " ";
for (it: vec) // C++ 11
cout << it << " ";
// Vector is a dynamically allocated contiguous array in memory
int* p = &vec[0]; p[2] = 6;
- **Common member functions of all containers.**
- empty()
- size()
- swap()
- copy constructor ...
// vec: {4, 1, 8}
if (vec.empty()) { cout << "Not possible.\n"; }
cout << vec.size(); // 3
vector<int> vec2(vec); // Copy constructor, vec2: {4, 1, 8}
vec.clear(); // Remove all items in vec; vec.size() == 0
vec2.swap(vec); // vec2 becomes empty, and vec has 3 items.
// Notes: No penalty of abstraction, very efficient.
/* Properties of Vector:
* 1. fast insert/remove at the end: O(1)
* 2. slow insert/remove at the begining or in the middle: O(n)
* 3. slow search: O(n)
## deque
* Properties:
* 1. fast insert/remove at the begining and the end;
* 2. slow insert/remove in the middle: O(n)
* 3. slow search: O(n)
* Deque
deque<int> deq = { 4, 6, 7 };
deq.push_front(2); // deq: {2, 4, 6, 7}
deq.push_back(3); // deq: {2, 4, 6, 7, 3}
// Deque has similar interface with vector
cout << deq[1]; // 4
## list
* double linked list
* Properties:
* 1. fast insert/remove at any place: O(1)
* 2. slow search: O(n)
* 3. no random access, no [] operator.
list<int> mylist = {5, 2, 9 };
mylist.push_back(6); // mylist: { 5, 2, 9, 6}
mylist.push_front(4); // mylist: { 4, 5, 2, 9, 6}
list<int>::iterator itr = find(mylist.begin(), mylist.end(), 2); // itr -> 2
mylist.insert(itr, 8); // mylist: {4, 5, 8, 2, 9, 6}
// O(1), faster than vector/deque
itr++; // itr -> 9
mylist.erase(itr); // mylist: {4, 8, 5, 2, 6} O(1)
mylist1.splice(itr, mylist2, itr_a, itr_b ); // O(1)
## forward list
## array
- vecotr vs array
- array size() can not be changed.
- a and b is different types
- 文中指的是 a 和 b 雖然元素內容一樣 但是宣告的size不一樣 是不同的type
int a[3] = {3,4,5};
array<int, 3> a = {3, 4 ,5};
array<int, 4 > b ={3, 4 ,5};
# Associate Container
- each elelemt's key associateive with his value
- set/multiset means each element has same key(special case)
- map/multimap has different key
- **binary tree**
- insert o(log(n)
- Always sorted , default criteria is <
- Becuase is not sequence container => No push_back(),push_front()
## Set & multiset
* Properties:
* 1. Fast search: O(log(n))
* 2. Traversing is slow (compared to vector & deque)
* 3. No random access, no [] operator.
### Set
- No duplicates item
set<int> myset;
myset.insert(3); // myset: {3}
myset.insert(1); // myset: {1, 3}
myset.insert(7); // myset: {1, 3, 7}, O(log(n))
set<int>::iterator it;
it = myset.find(7); // O(log(n)), it points to 7
// Sequence containers don't even have find() member function
pair<set<int>::iterator, bool> ret;
ret = myset.insert(3); // no new element inserted
if (ret.second==false)
it=ret.first; // "it" now points to element 3
// 原本插入要log(n) 先用iterator先找到後 插入只要O(1)
// 當然iterator在找的時候也是花掉log(n)
myset.insert(it, 9); // myset: {1, 3, 7, 9} O(log(n)) => O(1)
// it points to 3
myset.erase(it); // myset: {1, 7, 9}
myset.erase(7); // myset: {1, 9}
// Note: none of the sequence containers provide this kind of erase.
### multiset
- multiset is a set that allows duplicated items
- set and multiset : value of the elements cannot be modified
- you may destory the data structure => matain failed ...
// multiset is a set that allows duplicated items
multiset<int> myset;
// set/multiset: value of the elements cannot be modified
*it = 10; // *it is read-only
## map & multimap
### map
- No duplicated key
map<char,int> mymap;
mymap.insert ( pair<char,int>('a',100) );
mymap.insert ( make_pair('z',200) );
map<char,int>::iterator it = mymap.begin();
mymap.insert(it, pair<char,int>('b',300)); // "it" is a hint
it = mymap.find('z'); // O(log(n))
// showing contents:
for ( it=mymap.begin() ; it != mymap.end(); it++ )
cout << (*it).first << " => " << (*it).second << endl;
### multimap
- multimap is a map that allows duplicated keys
- value can be modifed , but key can not be modified.
- because key is the index ...
// multimap is a map that allows duplicated keys
multimap<char,int> mymap;
// map/multimap:
// -- keys cannot be modified
// type of *it: pair<const char, int>
(*it).first = 'd'; // Error
## What's does "Associative" mean?
- map: key and value has associative.
- set: key and value has associative, **but key is same(special case)**

# Unordered Container(C++ 11)

## define
- unordered multiset : unodered set that allows duplicated elements
- unordered map : unordered set of pairs
- unordered multimap : unordered map that allows duplicated keys
- hash collision => performance degree
- many item insert at same bucket

## Properties of Unordered Containers
- Fastest search/insert at any place : O(1)
- Associate Conatiner takes O(log(n))
- vector, deque takes O(n)
- list takes O(1) to insert , O(n) to search
- Unordered set/Multiset : element value cannot be changed.
- Unordered map/multimap : element key cannot be changed.(應該連value都不行吧...)
- Note About Associative Array
- Search time: unordered_map , O(1); map, O(log(n))
- Unordered_map may degrade to O(n);
- Can't use multimap and unordered_multimap, they don't have `[]` operator.
- 因為muiltimap 可以keys重複 , they don;t have unique key
## Container Adaptor
- Provide a restricted interface to meet special needs
- Implemented with fundamental container classes
- stack: LIFO, push(), pop(), top()
- queue: FIFO, push(), pop(), front(), back()
- priority queue: first item always has the greatest priority
- push() ,pop() , top()
- Another way of categorizing containers:
- array based containers: vector, deque
- Node base containers: list + associative containers + unordered container
- Array based cintainers invalidates pointers:
- native pointers, iterators , references
vector<int> vec = {1,2,3,4};
int *p = &vec[2]; // p points to 3
vec,insert(vec.begin(), 0);
cout<< *p << endl; // 2 or crash , but if the containers is belong to node base rather than array based, we don't have this problem
# iterators and algorithms
## iterators
// Iterators
// 1. Random Access Iterator: vector , deque ,array
vector<int> iter;
iter += 5;
iter -= 4;
if(iter2 > iter1) ...
++iter; // faster than iter++ , because this operation without return value
// 2. Bidirectional iterator: list, set/multiset, map/multimap
list<int> itr;
// 3.forward iterator: forward_list
forward_list<int> itr;
// unordered containers provide "at least" forward iterators.
// 4.Input iterator: read and process values while iterating forward
int x = *itr;
// 5.Output Iterator: output values while iterating forward
*itr = 100;
## const iterator
// Every container has a iterator and a const_iterator
set<int>::iterator itr;
set<int>::const_iterator citr; // read only access to container elements
set<int> myset = {2,4,5,1,9};
for(citr = muset.begin(); citr != myset.end() )
cout << *citr << endl;
for_each(myset.cbegin(), myset.cend(), MyFunction); // only in C++ 11
// Iterator Functions
advance(itr, 5); // move itr forward 5 spots. itr += 5
distance(itr1, itr2); // Measure the distance between itr1 and itr2
## iterator Adaptor (Predefined Iterator)
- A special, more powerful iterator
- Insert iterator
- Stream iterator
- Reverse iterator
- Move iterator (C++ 11)
// 1. Insert Iterator:
vector<int> vec1 = {4,5};
vector<int> vec2 = {12,14,16,18};
vector<int>::iterator it = find(vec2.begin() , vec2.end(), 16);
insert_iterator< vector<int>> i_itr(vec2,it);
// {source start, source end, destination}
// vec2: {12, 14 ,4 ,5 ,16 ,18}
// other insert iterators : back_insert_iterator, front_insert_iterator
copy(vec1.begin(), vec1.end(), i_itr);
// 2. Stream Iterator
vecotr<string> vec4;
copy(istream_iterator<string>(cin), istream_iterator<string>(), back_inserter(vec4));
copy(vec4.begin(), vec4.end(), ostream_Iterator<string>(cout, " "));
// make it terse
unique_copy(istream_iterator<string>(cin), istream_iterator<string>(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout," "));
// 3. Reverse Iterator
reverse_iterator<vector<int>::iterator> ritr;
for (ritr = vec.rbegin(); ritr != vec.rend(); ritr++)
cout<< *ritr << end; // prints 7 6 5 4
## algorithms
- mostly loops
vector<int> vec = {4,2,5,1,3,9};
vector<int>::iterator itr = min_element(vec.begin(), vec.end()); // itr->1
// Note 1: Algorithms always process ranges in a half-open way : [begin, end)
sort(vec.begin(), itr); // vec: {2,4,5,1,3,9}
rverse(itr,vec.end()); // vec: {2,4,5,9,3,1} itr => 9
// Note 2:
vector<int> vec2(2);
copy(itr, vec.end(), // source
vec2.begin()); // destination
// vec2 needs to have at least space for 3 elements
// Note 3:
vector<int> vec3;
copy(itr, vec.end(), back_inserter(vec3)); // Inserting instead of overwriting
// back_insert_iterator : Not effect
// Note 4: Algorithms with function
bool isOdd(int i){
return i%2;
int main() {
vector<int> vec = {2,4,5,9,2};
vector<int>::iterator itr = find_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), isOdd); // return itr = 5
// Note 5 : algorithm with native C++ array
int arr[4] = {6,3,7,4};
sort(arr, arr+4);
# Functors
- A functor is something that can be **mapped over**.
* Function Objects (functors)
* Example:
class X {
void operator()(string str) {
cout << "Calling functor X with parameter " << str<< endl;
int main()
X foo;
foo("Hi"); // Calling functor X with parameter Hi
* Benefits of functor:
* 1. Smart function: capabilities beyond operator()
* It can remember state.
* 2. It can have its own type.
// operator string () const { return "X"; }
* Benefits of functor:
* 1. Smart function: capabilities beyond operator()
* It can remember state.
* 2. It can have its own type.
* Parameterized Function
class X {
X(int i) {}
void operator()(string str) {
cout << "Calling functor X with parameter " << str<< endl;
int main()
## Why we use functors ?
void add2(int i) {
cout << i+2 << endl;
template<int val>
void addVal(int i) {
cout << val+i << endl;
class AddValue {
int val;
AddValue(int j) : val(j) { }
void operator()(int i) {
cout << i+val << endl;
int main()
vector<int> vec = { 2, 3, 4, 5};
//for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), add2); // {4, 5, 6, 7}
int x = 2;
//for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), addVal<x>); // {4, 5, 6, 7} , you will compile failed ...
for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), AddValue(x)); // {4, 5, 6, 7}
/* Notes:
//global variable: int val;
template<int val>
void addVal(int i) {
cout << val+i << endl;
//std::for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), addVal<3>);
class AddValue {
int val;
AddValue(int j) : val(j) { }
void operator()(int i) {
cout << i+val << endl;
//int x = 9;
//std::for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), AddValue(x));
## STL functors
* Build-in Functors
less greater greater_equal less_equal not_equal_to
logical_and logical_not logical_or
multiplies minus plus divide modulus negate
int x = multiplies<int>()(3,4); // x = 3 * 4
if (not_equal_to<int>()(x, 10)) // if (x != 10)
cout << x << endl;
## Parameter Binding C++ 11
* Parameter Binding
set<int> myset = { 2, 3, 4, 5};
vector<int> vec;
int x = multiplies<int>()(3,4); // x = 3 * 4
// Multiply myset's elements by 10 and save in vec:
transform(myset.begin(), myset.end(), // source
back_inserter(vec), // destination
bind(multiplies<int>(), placeholders::_1, 10)); // functor
// First parameter of multiplies<int>() is substituted with myset's element
// vec: {20, 30, 40, 50}
void addVal(int i, int val) {
cout << i+val << endl;
for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), bind(addVal, placeholders::_1, 2));
// C++ 03: bind1st, bind2nd
void addVal(int i, int val) {
cout << i+val << endl;
for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), bind(addVal, placeholders::_1, 2));
// C++ 03: bind1st, bind2nd
// Convert a regular function to a functor
double Pow(double x, double y) {
return pow(x, y);
int main()
set<int> myset = {3, 1, 25, 7, 12};
deque<int> d;
auto f = function<double (double,double)>(Pow); //C++ 11
transform(myset.begin(), myset.end(), // source
back_inserter(d), // destination
bind(f, placeholders::_1, 2)); // functor
// d: {1, 9, 49, 144, 625}
// C++ 03 uses ptr_fun
set<int> myset = {3, 1, 25, 7, 12};
// when (x > 20) || (x < 5), copy from myset to d
deque<int> d;
bool needCopy(int x){
return (x>20)||(x<5);
transform(myset.begin(), myset.end(), // source
back_inserter(d), // destination
// C++ 11 lambda function:
transform(myset.begin(), myset.end(), // source
back_inserter(d), // destination
[](int x){return (x>20)||(x<5);}
bind(greater<int>(), placeholders::_1, 20),
bind(less<int>(), placeholders::_1, 5))
// C++ 11 lambda function:
transform(myset.begin(), myset.end(), // source
back_inserter(d), // destination
[](int x){return (x>20)||(x<5);}
bool needCopy(int x){
return (x>20)||(x<5);
## Why do we need functor in STL ?
* Why do we need functor in STL?
set<int> myset = {3, 1, 25, 7, 12}; // myset: {1, 3, 7, 12, 25}
// same as:
set<int, less<int> > myset = {3, 1, 25, 7, 12};
bool lsb_less(int x, int y) {
return (x%10)<(y%10);
class Lsb_less {
bool operator()(int x, int y) {
return (x%10)<(y%10);
int main()
set<int, Lsb_less> myset = {3, 1, 25, 7, 12}; // myset: {1,12,3,25,7}
/* Notes
bool lsb_less(int x, int y) {
return (x%10)<(y%10);
class Lsb_less {
bool operator()(int x, int y) {
return (x%10)<(y%10);
## Predicate
* Predicate
* A functor or function that:
* 1. Returns a boolean
* 2. Does not modify data
class NeedCopy {
bool operator()(int x){
return (x>20)||(x<5);
transform(myset.begin(), myset.end(), // source
back_inserter(d), // destination
// Predicate is used for comparison or condition check
// More About Functors
# C++ STL Algorithms
## Non-modifying algorithms
## Modifying algorithms
## Sorting
## Sorted Data Algorithms and Numeric Algorithms
## C++ String Constructor and Size