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# Design Doc - @rx-angular/state
author: Michael Hladky
created: 2020-02-02
status: [**draft** | in review | approved | implemented | obsolete]
doc url: Link to the document itself
feedback url: Link to the related GitHub issue or similar
design doc template version: 1.0.0
## Objective
A rough overall explanation of the idea as well as related terms and a quick scatch of the need.
Angular is missing the glue to tie component/directive/pipe properties safely together in a reactive way.
This code should solve the low level problems and leave enough space for custom wrappers.
Also it can be used library independent.
Furthermore it can be a starting point for a more specific state management e.g. something that couples with a specific global state lib.
Fully tested, documented and usable version here:
### Approvals
### Expected User/Developer Experience
Describe what will the user be able to do and how will they be able to do it thanks to this new feature. This should be done in a story format, described from the user’s/developer’s perspective, with as many details as possible but without going into the implementation details.
With this service the developer can creat fully reactive components without using the word subscribe.
It takes care of handling reactive things like the router as well as imperative like Input Bindings.
Under the hood it uses some logic to take care of the following problematic things:
- **NO initial state needed, state is lazy. Especially important for `*ngrxLet` as it has a lazy view**
- [The reentrance situation](https://stackblitz.com/edit/rxjs-notification-reentrance)
- Subscribing independent fron the view
- Unsubscribing from all stateful as well as side effect subscriptions when the component is destroyed
- [Ensures composition is always hot, independent of subscribers](https://stackblitz.com/edit/ng-mat-rxjs-ex-hot-vs-cold)
- No need to use `subscribe` anymore.
As this class only tackles low level problems it could ised as core for other architectural patterns like
Alex Okrushko's [Component Store Architecture](https://hackmd.io/zLKrFIadTMS2T6zCYGyHew?view) as well as for display only components that need to be reactive.
**The naming and number of overloads of the API can still be decided on**
Setup can be done in 2 ways:
- `class MyComponent extends RxState<{key: number}>`
- `constructor(state: RxState<{key: number}>)`
Interaction with the state can be done over 4 methods split into 2 styles:
- **getState** - get state imperatively
- **setState** - set state imperatively
- **$** - get state reactively with no optimisations
- **select** - get state reactively
- **connect** - set state reactively
Side effects are subscribed and unsubscribed over 1 method:
- **hold** - maintain subscription for side efects
### Motivational Problems
The motivation here is to provide a slim API to the user and internally handle all low-level problems.
Especially helpful is the `connect` and `hold` method as they enable fully reactive and subscriptionless coding.
To elaborate I solve following problems:
**Selection state:**
export class MyComponent {
// Full object
readonly state$ = this.state.select();
// state slice
readonly firstName$ = this.state.select('firstName');
// nested state slice
readonly firstName$ = this.state.select('user', 'firstname');
// transformation
readonly firstName$ this.state.select(map(s => s.firstName));
// transformation, behaviour
readonly firstName$ = this.state.select(map(s => s.firstName), debounceTime(1000));
constructor(private state: RxState<{title: string}>) {
**Connection single value input bindings to the state:**
export class MyComponent {
readonly firstName$ = this.state.select(s => s.firstName);
@Input() set user(user: {firstName: string, lastName: string}) {
// with previouse state
this.state.setState(s => ({...user, firstName + s.otherSlice}));
constructor(private state: RxState<{title: string}>) {
**Connection in input bindings to the state:**
export class MyComponent {
readonly messages$ = this.state.select(s => s.firstName);
@Input() set messages(messages$) {
// with single messages - Observable<string[]>
this.state.connect('messages', message$);
// with single messages - Observable<string>
this.state.connect(messages$, => (s, m) => ({...s, messages: s.concat([m])}));
constructor(private state: RxState<{messages: string[]}>) {
**Connection Services to the state:**
export class MyComponent {
readonly userRoles$ = this.state.select(s => s.userRoles);
constructor(private GlobalState: Store<{userRoles: string[], ...}>,
private state: RxState<{userRoles: string[]}>) {
// the full global state
// The roles selection
this.state.connect('userRoles', this.globalState.select(getUserRoles()));
// The roles selection, with composition of the previous state
this.state.connect('userRoles', this.globalState.select(getUserRoles()), (s, userRoles) => calculation(s, userRoles));
**Managing side effects Services to the state:**
export class MyComponent {
constructor(private router: Router,
private state: RxState<{messages: string[]}>) {
const paramChange$ = this.router.params;
// Hold an already composed side effect
this.state.hold(paramChange$.pipe(tap(params => this.runSideEffect(params))));
// Hold and compose side effect
this.state.hold(paramChange$, (params) => this.runSideEffect(params));
**Mantaining loading states:**
export class MyComponent {
readonly users$ = this.$.select(s => s.users);
readonly loading$ = this.$.select(s => s.loading);
constructor(private router: Router,
private userService: UserService,
private $: RxState<{user: User, loading: boolean}>) {
const fetchUserOnUrlChange$ = this.router.params.pipe(
switchMap(p => this.userService.getUser(p.user).pipe(
map(res => ({user: res.user})),
startWith({loading: true}),
endWith({loading: false})
I also did a low level research for all cornercases we need to consider:
[💾 Reactive Ephemeral State](https://dev.to/rxjs/research-on-reactive-ephemeral-state-in-component-oriented-frameworks-38lk)
### Prior Art
## Prototype
### Detailed Design
Inlude some imporat cases. Error handling, and consider how to deal with e.g. performance.
This section should help to understand the tricky implementations in more detail.
Dont take too much attantion to typing if it bloats the code too much.
export class RxState<T extends object> implements Subscribable<any> {
subscription = new Subscription();
effectSubject = new Subject<Observable<Partial<T>>>();
stateObservables = new Subject<Observable<Partial<T>>>();
stateSlices = new Subject<Partial<T>>();
stateAccumulator: (st: T, sl: Partial<T>) => T = (
st: T,
sl: Partial<T>
): T => {
return { ...st, ...sl };
$ = merge(
scan(this.stateAccumulator, {} as T),
tap(newState => (this.state = newState)),
constructor() {}
getState(): T {
return this.state;
setState<K extends keyof T>(
projectState: ProjectStateFn<T> | K
): void {
connect<K extends keyof T>(
slice$: Observable<any | Partial<T>>,
projectFn: ProjectStateReducer<T, K>
): void {
const project = projectOrSlices$;
const slice$ = keyOrSlice$.pipe(
filter(slice => slice !== undefined),
map(v => project(this.getState(), v))
...opOrMapFn: OperatorFunction<T, R>[] | string[]
): Observable<T | R> {
if (!opOrMapFn || opOrMapFn.length === 0) {
return this.$.pipe(stateful());
} else if (isStringArrayGuard(opOrMapFn)) {
return this.$.pipe(stateful(pluck(...opOrMapFn)));
} else if (isOperateFnArrayGuard(opOrMapFn)) {
return this.$.pipe(stateful(pipeFromArray(opOrMapFn)));
throw new WrongSelectParamsError();
obsOrObsWithSideEffect: Observable<S>,
sideEffectFn?: (arg: S) => void
): void {
if (sideEffectFn) {
subscribe(): Unsubscribable {
const subscription = new Subscription();
return subscription;
**API usage:**
- setState
setState({key: value});
setState((state) => ({key: state.value + 1})
- getState
- connect
connect(Observable<{key: value}>);
connect(Observable<{key: value}>, (state, value) => ({key: state.value + value})
- select
select((state) => state.value)
- hold
hold(Observable<someType>, (value: someType) => void)
### Caveats
You may need to describe what you did not do or why simpler approaches don't work. Mention other things to watch out for (if any).
Security Considerations
How you’ll be secure. Considerations should include sanitization, escaping, existing security protocols and web standards, permission, user privacy, etc.
**New wording introduced**
**New concept introduced through the connect method**
- Demands good documentation
- Point out anti-patterns
### Performance Considerations
Try to describe under which conditions the suggested solution is performant and which factors play the key role when starting to get bad performance.
Describe a specific situation in which we can run into performance problems
If possible provide a POC or a theoretical explanation of a possible solution.
**distinctUntilChanged and shareReplay are placed automatically inside the select method**
**Updates from retrieved denormalized state to normalized state cause a performance impact in the state selection**
**Maintaining denormalized state**
- Special select logic => knowledge
## Documentation Plan
Try to describe the important parts of the implementation and how to documented it e.g. importance, a priority by relevance for user, level of detail, example needed.
Already existing docs are here as a starting point:
### Style Guide Impact
Does the documentation influence the way the current style guide is structured?
Also, does the new documentation introduces any technical implementations of the docs?
If so please name them and give a detailed description of the impact and if possible some POCs.
The needed documentation has no impact on the current way the documentation is maintained.
### Developer Experience Impact
How will this change impact developer experience?
Are we adding new tools developers need to learn? Are we asking developers to change their workflows in any way?
Are we placing any new constraints on how the developer should write the code to be compatible with this change?
This has no impact on a user's workflow but can increase performance and enables them to run zone-less.
If the user decide to disable NgZone, they may need to get more familiar with RxJS operators.
Other than this the user does not need to adopt or change anything.
### Breaking Changes
The new pipe will not introduce any breaking changes.
## Alternatives considered
Include alternate design ideas you tried out, but didn't continue with them.
List their disadvantages or at least why you did not invest more time in researching them.
Include alternate design ideas you tried out, but didn't continue with them.
List their disadvantages or at least why you did not invest more time in researching them.
Rough description auf the case
List different sub path:
- A)
- Filesize
- Performance
- Workflow
- Tooling
- Documentation
- Maintainance
- Breking Changes
**Why is the base class not extending from the Subject class?**
It's Bad practice.
**Where is the reducer?**
No need for a reducer as we have no actions.
**Why no actions?**
We are working in a local scope, there is no need to decouple from ourselves.
**How to work with entities?**
Predefined methods for arrays, objects, linked lists.
**Why is the selection method also reactive and not using mapper functions, e.g. createSelector only?**
Because create selector is not reactive.
## Work Breakdown
Explain how multiple people would actively working on the suggested code base.
If needed include branching suggestions or the way code interacts
## Resources
**Research Paper/Design Docs/RFC/StackBlitz/Repositories/Video/Podcast/Blog/Tweet/Graphic:**
- [Title](link.to.video/&optionalTimeInVideo=38m39s) In: Publisher, Name, Date.
**Previous Versions:**
// Github Release
- [Github: versionNumber](https://github.com/user/repository/tree/versionNumber)
// NPM Release
- [NPM: versionNumber](https://www.npmjs.com/package/package-name/v/versionNumber)
**Github Pull Request/Issue/Doc/Source Link**
// Github Source Link
- [Short Description](https://github.com/user/repository/blob/versionNumber/src/.../file.ts#optionalLineOrRange)
// Github Issue
- [Issue Title](https://github.com/user/repository/issues/issuesId)
// Github PR
- [PR Title](https://github.com/user/repository/pull/prId)
- [💾 Reactive Ephemeral State](https://dev.to/rxjs/research-on-reactive-ephemeral-state-in-component-oriented-frameworks-38lk) In: Dev.to, Michael Hladky
- [💾 NgRx Component Store](https://hackmd.io/zLKrFIadTMS2T6zCYGyHew?view) In: HackMD, Alex Okrushko
- [💾 component-store-ngrx-demo](https://stackblitz.com/edit/component-store-ngrx-demo)In: StackBlitz, Alex Okrushko
- [💾 NgRx Local Store](https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/NgRx-Local-Store-CskwmD7OBGca1YvMKVuPw) In: DropBox Paper, Mike Ryan