changed 10 months ago
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Fellowship application clangenb

Hi there my name is Christian Langenbacher (github @clangenb). I hereby request to join th Polkadot Technical Fellowship.

Polkadot Account: 16YCL3UVpVWQLGW3p3Zx4k5WAEp9W1DwdDnxAbyAaPxVxnp3
Kusama Account: E57Aa2P9uWG3Req6XsDBMaPYuJNtuzaErwfAv3a5sdsmBGb

I have been a major contributor to codebases revolving around substrate, i.e., Integritee, Encointer, substrate-api-client since 2018. For Integritee and Encointer, I am also the software lead, and very recently, in January 24, I joined Ajuna es Senior Blockchain Dev. The contributions so far were mostly in the following repos:




Minor Fix supplied to substrate:

Recently, I have also commited some important fixes to a Web3 funded dart substrate api library:

I ommitted now all the maintenance stuff that I did for the encointer and integritee parachain.

I have also been representing these projects at some conferences:

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