Hacker Speed Dating

Roll Call

Graham- Berlin ( Gnosis PM/ Prediction markets)
Paco - France (Decentralized workers / P2P Education)
Joe - Lisbon (Aragon Operations / Estonia DAO / Stable coin + legal assurance)
Giel - Data scientist/ new to solidity.
Burrrata - (Collab19 and HelpDAO)
Nima - Ocean Protocol ( random breakfast matching )
Manu - Ven/Barcelona/Ber (Helping)
Nich - Thailand ( Solidity/NFT's/composable tokens / using rDAI to send interest as dontions)
Q - USA (Settler Ventures / Layer one podcast)
David - Sloviana ( IOT / Making Rasberry pies / Blockchain + search + media)
Andres - Venezuela Likes DAO's
M - Estonia (Front end dev / wants to work on E-estonia )
Feihu - (Solidity) looking for idea to work on
Parth - (Back end / solidity/ nodeJS) looking for a idea to work on
Mars - based in London 🇬🇧, E-Estonia 🇪🇪 resident since 2015, established Playa Dust company to sell some Playa Dust in the spirit of decommodification 🔥🔥🔥 Need to renew my ID card

Getting Started

Team formation github > https://github.com/metacartel/dragon-quest

Interspace > https://interspace.metagame.wtf


  • Meet each other
  • Pitch and share hack ideas

0-5 MINS

  • Lobby period (wait for folks to join)

5-10 MINS (see how many folks turn up)

  • Explain the formatt of how we will this session
    • If less than 30 folks
      • Get folks to do a quick intro
      • Get them to queue up their hack ideas to pitch/share (then get them to pitch 1 by one)
    • If more than 30 folks
      • Split off into two groups -> two zooms
      • Introductions amongst the group
      • Pitch ideas / discuss chat etc.
      • With 20 minutes left, we bring it back into one group and then cross pitch / share

Project Pitches

Graham Gnosis Prediction Market Pitch

Prediction Market = people are looking for fun !
Shit talking on Twitter turns into bets aimed at #cryptotwitter.
Augur could be the oracle or Relity.io
Goal = Get banned from Twitter.


HelpDAO creates software for local squads to get funding and allocate help towards those who need it the most in the current COVID-19 pandemic.

We have lots opportunities to contribute in our #💻hacking channel as well as in our various GitHub repos.


Collab19 is a collaboration to fight CoVID19. Anyone and anyone is welcome to participate by buying tokens and/or contributing ideas in the Collab19 community chat 💬. Awesome ideas related to using DAOs to help people coordinate might become bounties.


A data science hackathon to help with CoVID19. Ocean Protocol is one of the main teams organizing the event, so if you're into data science and blockchains, hit up @burrrata and/or drop into the #⛑️-collab19 channel on the Dragon Quest Discord.

E-Estonia DAO


Tokenized MDMA-assisted psychotherapy by utilising maritime law

MDMA has been awarded the "breakthrough" therapy: https://maps.org/news/media/6786-press-release-fda-grants-breakthrough-therapy-designation-for-mdma-assisted-psychotherapy-for-ptsd,-agrees-on-special-protocol-assessment-for-phase-3-trials

Too bad it is not available in many places, not everyone has access to clinical trials: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?cond=&term=mdma&cntry=&state=&city=&dist=

MAPS MDMA manual: https://maps.org/research-archive/mdma/MDMA-Assisted-Psychotherapy-Treatment-Manual-Version7-19Aug15-FINAL.pdf

I was reaching out to therapists who have received training, but they bound by the licence and cannot offer underground treatment.

Using maritime law (ships, boats) to make such therapy a viable option. Just like these guys: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_on_Waves

In 2016, Women on Waves collaborated with pro-abortion group to use drones and speed boats to deliver abortion pills to women in Northern Ireland.

Google "Liberland Bitcoin Freedom" and their boat on FB:


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