Native Nova SHA256 bench

Context: See for previous Nova benchmarks, with more of a focus on recursion.

Hardware: Macbook Pro M1 Max (2021), 64GB memory.

Native Nova SHA256 benchmark with varying preimage.


Size Constraints Time
64B 55k 53ms
128B 82k 59ms
256B 135k 77ms
512B 242k 106ms
1KB 456k 182ms
2KB 883k 320ms
4KB 1.7m 521ms
8KB 3.4m 1s
16KB 6.8m 1.9s
32KB 13.7m 4.1s
64KB 27.4m 7.7s


  • Using native Nova and Bellperson SHA256, not via Nova Scotia
  • Size is preimage for sha256, not proof size
  • Constraints is per step (primary circuit), secondarty circuit is constant ~10k constraints
  • A single fold, no recursion

Comparing with Celer Network Benchmarks:

Comparing with Nova Scotia SHA256:

  • See
  • Multiple SHA256 hashes (p=100), also single fold (k=1)
  • Written in Circom
  • 2.9m constraints
  • 635ms for prove step (base case)
  • If done recursively (e.g. 10 or 100 folds) then each recursive proof step is ~2s, x5 base case
    • appears to expand, from 1.3s to 3.1s - leak?

Comparing Halo2 SHA256 benchmarks:

  • In varying preimage size case 8KB takes ~100s
  • 8KB SHA256 takes ~3m constraints in R1CS
  • For recursive hashing case ~3m constraints gives you 100 hashes in one fold
  • With 100 hashes using lookup tables Halo2 takes ~1.6s
  • I.e. a ~100x difference, which explains disparity

Tldr (tentative):

  • Can reproduce Nova native benchmarks x100 faster than Plonky/Halo2 and on par with Starky
  • For same number of constraints and no recursion prove step same prover speed for Nova Scotia and Nova
  • Recursion overhead ~x5 more than base case in each step
  • Lookup tables seems to have made Halo2 KZG x100 diff
  • Using Circom toolchain takes long time to get many constraints (>3m) into circuit
  • Doing 100 hashes in a circuit vs varying preimage size different problems

Things to follow up / answer:

  1. Why and when would we not stick as much as possible into a single fold?
  2. Reproduce preimage hash bench with Nova Scotia and e.g. rapidsnark toolchain
  3. What would a better recursive benchmark look like that can't easily be solved with e.g. lookups?
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