EigenLayer Rewards Calculation


The EigenLayer rewards calculation is a set of SQL queries that calculates the distribution from rewards made by AVSs to stakers and operators via the RewardsCoordinator. The data is ingested on Postgres tables and transformed to calculate final rewards.

The queries run in a daily job that use snapshots of core contract state to calculate rewards made from any active rewards submissions.

Calculation Process

The calculation proceeds in 3 stages and is run daily

  1. Data Extraction: Extracts data from event logs. There are referred to as the bronze tables. As part of this process, we reconcile all event data, including RPC data, with an additional data provider to ensure consistency.
  2. Data Transformation: Transforms data from the bronze tables into daily snapshots of on-chain state.
  3. Reward Calculation: Cross-references snapshots with active rewards submissions to calculate rewards to stakers and operators.

The pipeline then aggregates rewards all rewards up to lastRewardTimestamp + calculationIntervalSeconds and submits a root that merkleizes the the cumulative sum of each earner to the RewardsCoordinator.

Job Sequencing

The Reward Calculation is an airflow pipeline that runs daily at 16:00 UTC. Queries to on-chain events and event calculations are all rounded down to 0:00 UTC. That is, if the pipeline is run on 4-27 at 16:00 UTC, the cutoff_date parameter is set to 4-26 at 0:00 UTC.

We handle reorgs by running the daily pipeline several hours after the 0:00 UTC, giving our reorg handler enough time to heal state.

Key Considerations

Each of the three sections below details key considerations to be mindful of when reading the queries and understanding the calculation. A summary of these considerations are:

  • Snapshots are taken of core contract state every 24 hours: SNAPSHOT_CADENCE in RewardsCoordinator
  • Snapshots from on-chain state are rounded up to the nearest day at 0:00 UTC. The one exception is operator<>avs deregistrations, which are rounded down to the nearest day at 0:00 UTC
  • Since snapshots are rounded up, we only care about the latest state update from a single day
  • The reward distribution to all earners must be <= the amount paid for a rewards submission


  • earner: The entity, a staker or operator, receiving a reward
  • calculationIntervalSeconds: The multiple that the duration of rewards submissions must be
  • SNAPSHOT_CADENCE: The cadence at which snapshots of EigenLayer core contract state are taken
  • typo rewardSnaphot -> rewardSnapshot: The reward to earners on a snapshot
  • cutoff-date: The date at which transformations are run. Always set to the previous days at 0:00 UTC
  • run: An iteration of the daily rewards pipeline job
  • stakeWeight: How an AVS values its earners stake, given by multipliers for each strategy of the reward
  • gold_table: The table that contains the rewardSnapshots. Its columns are earner, amount, token, snapshot, reward_hash

Data Extraction

Key Considerations

Shares are transformed into Decimal(78,0), a data type that can hold up to uint256. The tokens that are whitelisted for deposit (all LSTs & Eigen) & Native ETH should not have this an issue with truncation.

Cutoff Date

We set the cutoff date at the beginning of each run with the following logic:

def get_cutoff_date(): # get current time in utc ts = datetime.now(timezone.utc) # round down to 00:00 UTC of the current day ts = ts.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) # subtract 1 day ts = ts - timedelta(days=1) return ts

Airflow Variables

At the daily run of the pipeline, we get the variables passed in if the run is a backfill. On a backfill run, we enforce that the start & end date are valid, namely that the end date is not after the cutoff and that the start date is not after the end date.

Backfills are run in worst case scenarios if there are events that are missed in the pipeline run. We run reconciliation with multiple data vendors to ensure this should not have to be done. In addition, we run a sanity check query at the end of the pipeline generation which ensures that:

  1. The cumulative rewards for earners never decreases
  2. The tokens per day of an AVS is always >= sum(earener payouts) for a given snapshot and reward hash
  3. The number of rows of (earner, reward_hash, and snapshot) never decreases
def get_gold_calculation_dates(**kwargs): # Cutoff Date cutoff_date = get_cutoff_date() cutoff_date_str = cutoff_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Backfill Date dag_run = kwargs.get('dag_run') if dag_run is not None: start_date_str = dag_run.conf.get('start_date', '1970-01-01 00:00:00') end_date_str = dag_run.conf.get('end_date', cutoff_date_str) is_backfill = str.lower(dag_run.conf.get('is_backfill', 'false')) else: raise ValueError('Dag run is None') # Sanitize the start and end dates start_datetime = datetime.strptime(start_date_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') end_datetime = datetime.strptime(end_date_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') cutoff_datetime = datetime.strptime(cutoff_date_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if start_datetime >= end_datetime: raise ValueError('Start date must be before end date') if end_datetime > cutoff_datetime: raise ValueError('End date must be less than or equal to cutoff date') # Push to XCom kwargs['ti'].xcom_push(key='cutoff_date', value=end_date_str) kwargs['ti'].xcom_push(key='rewards_start', value=start_date_str) kwargs['ti'].xcom_push(key='is_backfill', value=is_backfill)


This set of queries extracts event data from EigenLayer Core contracts. The event logs are automatically decoded from the contract ABIs here. Running forge build will build the contracts and ABIs are stored in the /out folder.

In the below queries, block_date is the date of the block whereas block_time is the full date + time of the block.

Staker State


SELECT lower(coalesce(t.output_data ->> 'depositor', t.output_data ->> 'staker')) as staker, lower(t.output_data ->> 'strategy') as strategy, (t.output_data ->> 'shares')::numeric(78,0) as shares, t.transaction_hash, t.log_index, b.block_time, to_char(b.block_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS block_date, t.block_number FROM transaction_logs as t LEFT JOIN blocks as b ON (t.block_sequence_id = b.id) WHERE t.address = '{{ var('strategy_manager_address') }}' AND t.event_name = 'Deposit' AND date_trunc('day', b.block_time) < TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}'


Note: Shares can be negative

SELECT lower(t.arguments #>> '{0,Value}') AS staker, (t.output_data ->> 'sharesDelta')::numeric(78,0) as shares, t.transaction_hash, t.log_index, b.block_time, to_char(b.block_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS block_date, t.block_number FROM transaction_logs t LEFT JOIN blocks b ON t.block_sequence_id = b.id WHERE t.address = '{{ var('eigen_pod_manager_address') }}' AND t.event_name = 'PodSharesUpdated' AND date_trunc('day', b.block_time) < TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}'

M1 Withdrawals

Withdrawals in M1 were routed through the StrategyManager. Note that we remove the single withdrawal completed as shares in M1 as there was no deposit event for this code path.

SELECT lower(coalesce(t.output_data ->> 'depositor', t.output_data ->> 'staker')) as staker, lower(t.output_data ->> 'strategy') as strategy, (t.output_data ->> 'shares')::numeric(78,0) as shares, t.transaction_hash, t.log_index, b.block_time, to_char(b.block_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS block_date, t.block_number FROM transaction_logs t LEFT JOIN blocks b ON t.block_sequence_id = b.id WHERE t.address = '{{ var('strategy_manager_address') }}' AND t.event_name = 'ShareWithdrawalQueued' AND date_trunc('day', b.block_time) < TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}' -- Remove this transaction hash as it is the only withdrawal on m1 that was completed as shares. There is no corresponding deposit event. The withdrawal was completed to the same staker address. AND t.transaction_hash != '0x62eb0d0865b2636c74ed146e2d161e39e42b09bac7f86b8905fc7a830935dc1e'

M2 Withdrawals

Unlike M1 withdrawal events, M2 withdrawal events return a tuple with a list of strategies and shares. Thus, we unwind the tuple into indivudal rows to create (staker, strategy\(_0\), share\(_0\)), (staker, strategy\(_1\), share\(_1\)). We discard all M2 withdrawals that were migrated from M1 so we do not double count a withdrawal.

WITH migrations AS ( SELECT ( SELECT lower(string_agg(lpad(to_hex(elem::int), 2, '0'), '')) FROM jsonb_array_elements_text(t.output_data->'oldWithdrawalRoot') AS elem ) AS m1_withdrawal_root, ( SELECT lower(string_agg(lpad(to_hex(elem::int), 2, '0'), '')) FROM jsonb_array_elements_text(t.output_data->'newWithdrawalRoot') AS elem ) AS m2_withdrawal_root FROM transaction_logs t WHERE t.address = '{{ var('delegation_manager_address') }}' AND t.event_name = 'WithdrawalMigrated' ), full_m2_withdrawals AS ( SELECT lower(t.output_data #>> '{withdrawal}') as withdrawals, ( SELECT lower(string_agg(lpad(to_hex(elem::int), 2, '0'), '')) FROM jsonb_array_elements_text(t.output_data ->'withdrawalRoot') AS elem ) AS withdrawal_root, lower(t.output_data #>> '{withdrawal, staker}') AS staker, lower(t_strategy.strategy) AS strategy, (t_share.share)::numeric(78,0) AS shares, t_strategy.strategy_index, t_share.share_index, t.transaction_hash, t.log_index, b.block_time::timestamp(6), to_char(b.block_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS block_date, t.block_number FROM transaction_logs t LEFT JOIN blocks b ON t.block_sequence_id = b.id, jsonb_array_elements_text(t.output_data #> '{withdrawal, strategies}') WITH ORDINALITY AS t_strategy(strategy, strategy_index), jsonb_array_elements_text(t.output_data #> '{withdrawal, shares}') WITH ORDINALITY AS t_share(share, share_index) WHERE t.address = '{{ var('delegation_manager_address') }}' AND t.event_name = 'WithdrawalQueued' AND date_trunc('day', b.block_time) < TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}' AND t_strategy.strategy_index = t_share.share_index ) -- Parse out the m2 withdrawals that were migrated from m1 SELECT full_m2_withdrawals.* FROM full_m2_withdrawals LEFT JOIN migrations ON full_m2_withdrawals.withdrawal_root = migrations.m2_withdrawal_root WHERE migrations.m2_withdrawal_root IS NULL

Operator State

Operator state is made of stake delegated to them by stakers.

Operator Shares Increased

SELECT lower(t.arguments #>> '{0,Value}') as operator, lower(t.output_data ->> 'strategy') as strategy, (t.output_data ->> 'shares')::numeric(78,0) as shares, t.transaction_hash, t.log_index, b.block_time, to_char(b.block_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS block_date, t.block_number FROM transaction_logs t LEFT JOIN blocks b ON t.block_sequence_id = b.id WHERE t.address = '{{ var('delegation_manager_address') }}' AND t.event_name = 'OperatorSharesIncreased' AND date_trunc('day', b.block_time) < TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}'

Operator Shares Decreased

SELECT lower(t.arguments #>> '{0,Value}') as operator, lower(t.output_data ->> 'strategy') as strategy, (t.output_data ->> 'shares')::numeric(78,0) as shares, t.transaction_hash, t.log_index, b.block_time, to_char(b.block_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS block_date, t.block_number FROM transaction_logs t LEFT JOIN blocks b ON t.block_sequence_id = b.id WHERE t.address = '{{ var('delegation_manager_address') }}' AND t.event_name = 'OperatorSharesDecreased' AND date_trunc('day', b.block_time) < TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}'

Staker Delegations

Staker Delegated

SELECT lower(t.arguments #>> '{0,Value}') AS staker, lower(t.arguments #>> '{1,Value}') AS operator, t.transaction_hash, t.log_index, b.block_time, to_char(b.block_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS block_date, t.block_number FROM transaction_logs t LEFT JOIN blocks b ON t.block_sequence_id = b.id WHERE t.address = '{{ var('delegation_manager_address') }}' AND t.event_name = 'StakerDelegated' AND date_trunc('day', b.block_time) < TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}'

Staker Undelegated

SELECT lower(t.arguments #>> '{0,Value}') AS staker, lower(t.arguments #>> '{1,Value}') AS operator, t.transaction_hash, t.log_index, b.block_time, to_char(b.block_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS block_date, t.block_number FROM transaction_logs t LEFT JOIN blocks b ON t.block_sequence_id = b.id WHERE t.address = '{{ var('delegation_manager_address') }}' AND t.event_name = 'StakerUndelegated' AND date_trunc('day', b.block_time) < TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}'

Rewards Submissions

There are two types of rewards submissions in the protocol:

  1. AVS Rewards Submission: Permissionless function called by any AVS
  2. Reward for All: Permissioned reward to all stakers of the protocol

Note: The amount in the RewardsCoordinator has a max value of \(1e38-1\), which allows us to truncate it to a DECIMAL(38,0).

AVS Rewards Submissions

For each rewards submission, we extract each (strategy,multiplier) in a separate row for easier accounting

SELECT lower(tl.arguments #>> '{0,Value}') AS avs, lower(tl.arguments #>> '{2,Value}') AS reward_hash, coalesce(lower(tl.output_data #>> '{rewardsSubmission}'), lower(tl.output_data #>> '{rangePayment}')) as rewards_submission, coalesce(lower(tl.output_data #>> '{rewardsSubmission, token}'), lower(tl.output_data #>> '{rangePayment, token}')) as token, coalesce(tl.output_data #>> '{rewardsSubmission,amount}', tl.output_data #>> '{rangePayment,amount}')::numeric(78,0) as amount, to_timestamp(coalesce(tl.output_data #>> '{rewardsSubmission,startTimestamp}', tl.output_data #>> '{rangePayment,startTimestamp}')::bigint)::timestamp(6) as start_timestamp, coalesce(tl.output_data #>> '{rewardsSubmission,duration}', tl.output_data #>> '{rangePayment,duration}')::bigint as duration, to_timestamp( coalesce(tl.output_data #>> '{rewardsSubmission,startTimestamp}', tl.output_data #>> '{rangePayment,startTimestamp}')::bigint + coalesce(tl.output_data #>> '{rewardsSubmission,duration}', tl.output_data #>> '{rangePayment,duration}')::bigint )::timestamp(6) as end_timestamp, lower(t.entry ->> 'strategy') as strategy, (t.entry ->> 'multiplier')::numeric(78,0) as multiplier, t.strategy_index as strategy_index, tl.transaction_hash, tl.log_index, b.block_time::timestamp(6), to_char(b.block_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS block_date, tl.block_number FROM transaction_logs tl LEFT JOIN blocks b ON (tl.block_sequence_id = b.id) CROSS JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements( coalesce(tl.output_data #> '{rewardsSubmission,strategiesAndMultipliers}',tl.output_data #> '{rangePayment,strategiesAndMultipliers}') ) WITH ORDINALITY AS t(entry, strategy_index) WHERE address = '{{ var('rewards_coordinator_address') }}' AND event_name = 'AVSRewardsSubmissionCreated' AND date_trunc('day', b.block_time) < TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}'

Rewards for All Submissions

SELECT lower(tl.arguments #>> '{0,Value}') AS avs, -- Keeping as AVS for compatibility with unioning on range_payments. lower(tl.arguments #>> '{2,Value}') AS reward_hash, coalesce(lower(tl.output_data #>> '{rewardsSubmission}'), lower(tl.output_data #>> '{rangePayment}')) as rewards_submission, coalesce(lower(tl.output_data #>> '{rewardsSubmission, token}'), lower(tl.output_data #>> '{rangePayment, token}')) as token, coalesce(tl.output_data #>> '{rewardsSubmission,amount}', tl.output_data #>> '{rangePayment,amount}')::numeric(78,0) as amount, to_timestamp(coalesce(tl.output_data #>> '{rewardsSubmission,startTimestamp}', tl.output_data #>> '{rangePayment,startTimestamp}')::bigint)::timestamp(6) as start_timestamp, coalesce(tl.output_data #>> '{rewardsSubmission,duration}', tl.output_data #>> '{rangePayment,duration}')::bigint as duration, to_timestamp( coalesce(tl.output_data #>> '{rewardsSubmission,startTimestamp}', tl.output_data #>> '{rangePayment,startTimestamp}')::bigint + coalesce(tl.output_data #>> '{rewardsSubmission,duration}', tl.output_data #>> '{rangePayment,duration}')::bigint )::timestamp(6) as end_timestamp, lower(t.entry ->> 'strategy') as strategy, (t.entry ->> 'multiplier')::numeric(78,0) as multiplier, t.strategy_index as strategy_index, tl.transaction_hash, tl.log_index, b.block_time::timestamp(6), to_char(b.block_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS block_date, tl.block_number FROM transaction_logs tl LEFT JOIN blocks b ON tl.block_sequence_id = b.id CROSS JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements( coalesce(tl.output_data #> '{rewardsSubmission,strategiesAndMultipliers}',tl.output_data #> '{rangePayment,strategiesAndMultipliers}') ) WITH ORDINALITY AS t(entry, strategy_index) WHERE address = '{{ var('rewards_coordinator_address') }}' AND event_name = 'RewardsSubmissionForAllCreated' AND date_trunc('day', b.block_time) < TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}'

Operator<>AVS State

Every deregistration and registration from an Operator to an AVS is recorded in the AVSDirectory

Operator Registrations

SELECT lower(t.arguments #>> '{0,Value}') as operator, lower(t.arguments #>> '{1,Value}') as avs, (t.output_data -> 'status')::int as status, t.transaction_hash, t.log_index, b.block_time, to_char(b.block_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS block_date, t.block_number FROM transaction_logs t LEFT JOIN blocks b ON t.block_sequence_id = b.id WHERE t.address = '{{ var('avs_directory_address') }}' AND t.event_name = 'OperatorAVSRegistrationStatusUpdated' AND date_trunc('day', b.block_time) < TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}'

Operator Restaked Strategies

The AVS Directory does not emit an event for the strategies that an operator restakes or un-restakes on an AVS. To retrieve this information we run a cron job every 3600 blocks (ie. blockNum % 3600 = 0), starting when the AVSDirectory was deployed, that:

  1. Retrieves all operators restaked on the AVS
  2. Calls getOperatorRestakedStrategies(address operator) returns (address[]) on each AVS's serviceManager contract

It is a requirement that AVSs are compliant with this interface, as referenced in our docs

Assuming that an operator is registered to an AVS at timestamp \(t\), an example output of this cron job is:

Operator AVS Strategy Block Time
Operator1 AVS-A stETH t
Operator1 AVS-A rETH t
Operator2 AVS-A rETH t
Operator3 AVS-B cbETH t

Data Transformation

Once we extract all logs and relevant storage of EigenLayer core contracts and AVSs, we transform this to create daily snapshots of state in two parts

  1. Aggregation of extraction data into on-chain contract state
  2. Combine state into ranges and unwind into daily snapshots

Key Considerations

In part 2, once state has been aggregated, we unwind the ranges of state into daily snapshots.

Snapshots of state are rounded up to the nearest day, except for operator<>avs deregistrations, which are rounded down. Let's assume we have the following range with events A & B being updates for a staker's shares.

                     ^       ^
                  A=100    B=200

The output of the snapshot transformation should denote that on Day1 the Staker has 200 shares. More generally, we take the latest update in [Day\(_{i-1}\), Day\(_i\)] range and set that to the state on Day\(_i\). We refer to the reward on a given day as a reward snapshot.

Operator<>AVS Registration/Deregistration

In the case of an operator registration and deregistration:

                     ^                       ^
                  Register                Deregister

The end state is that the operator has registered & deregistered on day 1, resulting in no reward being made to the operator. We add this mechanism as a protection for operators gaining extra days of rewards if we were to round up deregistrations. The side effect is the following:

          ^                                                       ^
        Register                                             Deregister

The operator in this case will be deregistered on Day3, resulting in the operator not receving any reward on the [Day3,Day4] range for which it was securing the AVS. Rounding down deregistrations is why the cutoff_date must be the previous day at 0:00 UTC.

Part 1: Aggregation

Staker Shares

The LST shares for a staker, \(s\), and strategy, \(y\), is given by:

Shares\(_{s,y}\) = Deposits\(_{s,y}\) \(-\) M1Withdrawals\(_{s,y}\) \(-\) M2Withdrawals\(_{s,y}\)

The Native ETH shares for a staker is the sum of all PodSharesUpdated events for a given staker. Note that Shares can be negative in this event.

NativeETHShares\(_s\) = \(\sum_{i=0}^{n}\) PodSharesUpdated\(_i\)- M1Withdrawals\(_i\) - M2Withdrawals\(_i\)

Combining these two gives us the shares for a staker for every strategy for every update.

The key part of this query is:

SUM(shares) OVER (PARTITION BY staker, strategy ORDER BY block_time, log_index) AS shares,

Which gets the running sum for every (staker, strategy) pair at every update.

SELECT staker, strategy, -- Sum each share amount over the window to get total shares for each (staker, strategy) at every timestamp update */ SUM(shares) OVER (PARTITION BY staker, strategy ORDER BY block_time, log_index) AS shares, transaction_hash, log_index, strategy_index, block_time, block_date, block_number FROM ( SELECT staker, strategy, shares, 0 as strategy_index, transaction_hash, log_index, block_time, block_date, block_number FROM {{ ref('staker_deposits') }} UNION ALL -- Subtract m1 & m2 withdrawals SELECT staker, strategy, shares * -1, 0 as strategy_index, transaction_hash, log_index, block_time, block_date, block_number FROM {{ ref('m1_staker_withdrawals') }} UNION ALL SELECT staker, strategy, shares * -1, strategy_index, transaction_hash, log_index, block_time, block_date, block_number FROM {{ ref('m2_staker_withdrawals') }} UNION all -- Shares in eigenpod are positive or negative, so no need to multiply by -1 SELECT staker, '0xbeac0eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebeac0' as strategy, shares, 0 as strategy_index, transaction_hash, log_index, block_time, block_date, block_number FROM {{ ref('eigenpod_shares') }} ) combined_staker_shares

Note: Rewards For All will not pay out stakers who have not proven their beacon chain balances to the execution layer.

Operator Shares

The shares for an operator, \(o\), for a strategy, \(y\), is given by:
\(Shares_{o,y} = ShareIncrease_{o,y} - ShareDecrease_{o,y}\)

SELECT operator, strategy, -- Sum each share amount over the window to get total shares for each (operator, strategy) at every timestamp update */ SUM(shares) OVER (PARTITION BY operator, strategy ORDER BY block_time, log_index) AS shares, transaction_hash, log_index, block_time, block_date, block_number FROM ( SELECT operator, strategy, shares, transaction_hash, log_index, block_time, block_date, block_number FROM {{ ref('operator_share_increases') }} UNION ALL SELECT operator, strategy, shares * -1 AS shares, transaction_hash, log_index, block_time, block_date, block_number FROM {{ ref('operator_share_decreases') }} ) combined_shares

Staker Delegation Status

Here, we aggregate each delegation and undelegation into a single view. When a staker is undelegated, we mark its operator as 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

SELECT staker, CASE when src = 'undelegations' THEN '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' ELSE operator END AS operator, transaction_hash, log_index, block_time, block_date, block_number FROM ( SELECT *, 'undelegations' AS src FROM {{ ref('staker_undelegations') }} UNION ALL SELECT *, 'delegations' AS src FROM {{ ref('staker_delegations') }} ) as delegations_combined

Combined Rewards Submissions

Combines AVS Rewards Submissions and Rewards for All Submissions into one view, with an added reward_for_all parameter.

SELECT *, false as reward_for_all from {{ ref('avs_reward_submissions') }} UNION ALL SELECT *, true as reward_for_all from {{ ref('reward_submission_for_all') }}

Operator AVS Statuses

Formats the status tuple in the AVSDirectory as a true or false.

SELECT operator, avs, CASE WHEN status = 1 then true ELSE false END AS registered, transaction_hash, log_index, block_date, block_time, block_number FROM {{ ref('operator_avs_registrations') }}

Part 2: Windows & Snapshots

Once we have transformed the on-chain state, we then aggregate the state into window of time for which the state was active. Lastly, the windows of state are unwound into daily snapshots.

The key design decision, which we explained in the considerations above, is that state is always rounded up to the nearest day 0:00 UTC, except for operator<>avs deregistrations.


Staker Share Windows

  1. Ranked_staker_records: Ranks each record for a given staker, strategy and day. The lower the rank, the later the record is in the window
WITH ranked_staker_records as ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY staker, strategy, cast(block_time AS DATE) ORDER BY block_time DESC, log_index DESC) AS rn FROM {{ ref('staker_shares') }} ),
  1. Snapshotted_records: Select the latest record for each day. Round up the record to create a snapshot_time the latest record for each day & round up to the snapshot day
snapshotted_records as ( SELECT staker, strategy, shares, block_time, date_trunc('day', block_time) + INTERVAL '1' day AS snapshot_time from ranked_staker_records where rn = 1 ),
  1. Staker_share_windows: Get the range for each staker, strategy, shares
staker_share_windows as ( SELECT staker, strategy, shares, snapshot_time as start_time, CASE -- If the range does not have the end, use the current timestamp truncated to 0 UTC WHEN LEAD(snapshot_time) OVER (PARTITION BY staker, strategy ORDER BY snapshot_time) is null THEN date_trunc('day', TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}') ELSE LEAD(snapshot_time) OVER (PARTITION BY staker, strategy ORDER BY snapshot_time) END AS end_time FROM snapshotted_records ) SELECT * from staker_share_windows

We make use of the LEAD operator, in the staker_share_windows CTE. This operator finds the next record for a given (staker, strategy) combination. The logic is:

  • if there is no next record (ie. null), then set the end_time of the window to be the cutoff_date
  • if there is a record, set the end_time of the current record's window to be the next record's start_time

Note: The above logic can have (staker, strategy) combinations where the end_record of one record equal the start_time of the next record. This is handled when we unwind the windows into snapshots.

Operator Share Windows

WITH ranked_operator_records as ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY operator, strategy, cast(block_time AS DATE) ORDER BY block_time DESC, log_index DESC) AS rn FROM {{ ref('operator_shares') }} ), -- Get the latest record for each day & round up to the snapshot day snapshotted_records as ( SELECT operator, strategy, shares, block_time, date_trunc('day', block_time) + INTERVAL '1' day as snapshot_time from ranked_operator_records where rn = 1 ), -- Get the range for each operator, strategy pairing operator_share_windows as ( SELECT operator, strategy, shares, snapshot_time as start_time, CASE -- If the range does not have the end, use the current timestamp truncated to 0 UTC WHEN LEAD(snapshot_time) OVER (PARTITION BY operator, strategy ORDER BY snapshot_time) is null THEN date_trunc('day', TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}') ELSE LEAD(snapshot_time) OVER (PARTITION BY operator, strategy ORDER BY snapshot_time) END AS end_time FROM snapshotted_records ) SELECT * from operator_share_windows

This logic is the exact same as the Staker Share Windows.

Staker Delegation Windows

with ranked_delegations as ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY staker, cast(block_time AS DATE) ORDER BY block_time DESC, log_index DESC) AS rn FROM {{ ref('staker_delegation_status') }} ), -- Get the latest record for each day & round up to the snapshot day snapshotted_records as ( SELECT staker, operator, block_time, date_trunc('day', block_time) + INTERVAL '1' day AS snapshot_time from ranked_delegations where rn = 1 ), -- Get the range for each staker staker_delegation_windows as ( SELECT staker, operator, snapshot_time as start_time, CASE -- If the range does not have the end, use the cutoff date truncated to 0 UTC WHEN LEAD(snapshot_time) OVER (PARTITION BY staker ORDER BY snapshot_time) is null THEN date_trunc('day', TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}') ELSE LEAD(snapshot_time) OVER (PARTITION BY staker ORDER BY snapshot_time) END AS end_time FROM snapshotted_records ) SELECT * from staker_delegation_windows

This logic is the exact same as the Staker Share Windows.

Operator AVS Registration Windows

This calculation is different from the above 3 queries because registration windows cannot continue off each other. For example, if an operator had the following state:

Operator AVS Registered Date
Operator1 AVS1 True 4-24-2024
Operator1 AVS1 False 4-26-2024
Operator1 AVS1 True 4-29-2024
Operator1 AVS1 False 5-1-2024
Operator1 AVS1 True 5-1-2024
Operator1 AVS1 False 5-1-2024

We do not care about a (deregistration, registration) window from rows 2 and 3. We also need to discard the (registration,deregistration window) from rows 5 and 6.

  1. Mark a link between each registration
WITH marked_statuses AS ( SELECT operator, avs, registered, block_time, block_date, -- Mark the next action as next_block_time LEAD(block_time) OVER (PARTITION BY operator, avs ORDER BY block_time ASC, log_index ASC) AS next_block_time, -- The below lead/lag combinations are only used in the next CTE -- Get the next row's registered status and block_date LEAD(registered) OVER (PARTITION BY operator, avs ORDER BY block_time ASC, log_index ASC) AS next_registration_status, LEAD(block_date) OVER (PARTITION BY operator, avs ORDER BY block_time ASC, log_index ASC) AS next_block_date, -- Get the previous row's registered status and block_date LAG(registered) OVER (PARTITION BY operator, avs ORDER BY block_time ASC, log_index ASC) AS prev_registered, LAG(block_date) OVER (PARTITION BY operator, avs ORDER BY block_time ASC, log_index ASC) AS prev_block_date FROM {{ ref('operator_avs_status') }} ),
  1. Ignore a (registration, deregistration) pair that occurs on the same day. This is to ensure that the grouping is not counted once we round deregistration down and registration up.
removed_same_day_deregistrations AS ( SELECT * from marked_statuses WHERE NOT ( -- Remove the registration part (registered = TRUE AND COALESCE(next_registration_status = FALSE, false) AND -- default to false if null COALESCE(block_date = next_block_date, false)) OR -- Remove the deregistration part (registered = FALSE AND COALESCE(prev_registered = TRUE, false) and COALESCE(block_date = prev_block_date, false) ) ) ),
  1. Mark theend_time of the record as the next record. If it's not the case, mark the end_time as the cutoff_date
registration_periods AS ( SELECT operator, avs, block_time AS start_time, -- Mark the next_block_time as the end_time for the range -- Use coalesce because if the next_block_time for a registration is not closed, then we use cutoff_date COALESCE(next_block_time, TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}') AS end_time, registered FROM removed_same_day_deregistrations WHERE registered = TRUE ),
  1. Round up each start_time and round down each end_time
registration_windows_extra as ( SELECT operator, avs, date_trunc('day', start_time) + interval '1' day as start_time, -- End time is end time non inclusive becuase the operator is not registered on the AVS at the end time OR it is current timestamp rounded up date_trunc('day', end_time) as end_time FROM registration_periods ),
  1. Get rid of records with the same start_time and end_time:
operator_avs_registration_windows as ( SELECT * from registration_windows_extra WHERE start_time != end_time ) select * from operator_avs_registration_windows

Operator AVS Strategy Windows

This query aggregates entries from the operator restaked strategies cron job into windows.

  1. Order all records. Round up block_time to 0 UTC. Log_index is irrelevant since this data is generated from RPC calls.
with ranked_records AS ( SELECT lower(operator) as operator, lower(avs) as avs, lower(strategy) as strategy, block_time, date_trunc('day', CAST(block_time as timestamp(6))) + interval '1' day as start_time, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY operator, avs, strategy, date_trunc('day', CAST(block_time as timestamp(6))) + interval '1' day ORDER BY block_time DESC -- want latest records to be ranked highest ) AS rn -- Cannot use ref here because this table is not generated via DBT FROM public.operator_restaked_strategies -- testnet and holesky all exist together in the blocklake so the avs_directory_address allows us to filter WHERE avs_directory_address = lower('{{ var('avs_directory_address') }}') ),
  1. Get the latest records for each (operator, avs, strategy, day) combination
latest_records AS ( SELECT operator, avs, strategy, start_time, block_time FROM ranked_records WHERE rn = 1 ),
  1. Find the next entry for each (operator, avs, strategy) grouping.
grouped_records AS ( SELECT operator, avs, strategy, start_time, LEAD(start_time) OVER ( PARTITION BY operator, avs, strategy ORDER BY start_time ASC ) AS next_start_time FROM latest_records ),
  1. Parse out any holes (ie. any next_start_times that are not exactly one day after the current record's start_time). This is because the operator would have deregistered from the AVS.
parsed_ranges AS ( SELECT operator, avs, strategy, start_time, -- If the next_start_time is not on the consecutive day, close off the end_time CASE WHEN next_start_time IS NULL OR next_start_time > start_time + INTERVAL '1' DAY THEN start_time ELSE next_start_time END AS end_time FROM grouped_records ),
  1. Remove any records where start_time == end_time
active_windows as ( SELECT * FROM parsed_ranges WHERE start_time != end_time ),
  1. We now use the gaps and islands algorithm to find contiguous groups of (operator, avs, strategy) combinations. First, we mark the prev_end_time for each row. If there is a new window, then the gap is empty
gaps_and_islands AS ( SELECT operator, avs, strategy, start_time, end_time, LAG(end_time) OVER(PARTITION BY operator, avs, strategy ORDER BY start_time) as prev_end_time FROM active_windows ),
  1. Next we, detect islands. If the prev_end_time is the same as the start_time then the records are part of the same continguous grouping.
island_detection AS ( SELECT operator, avs, strategy, start_time, end_time, prev_end_time, CASE -- If the previous end time is equal to the start time, then mark as part of the island, else create a new island WHEN prev_end_time = start_time THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as new_island FROM gaps_and_islands ),
  1. Create groups based on each records new_island. Rows that have the same island_id sum are part of the same grouping
island_groups AS ( SELECT operator, avs, strategy, start_time, end_time, SUM(new_island) OVER ( PARTITION BY operator, avs, strategy ORDER BY start_time ) AS island_id FROM island_detection ),
  1. Coalesce groups together
operator_avs_strategy_windows AS ( SELECT operator, avs, strategy, MIN(start_time) AS start_time, MAX(end_time) AS end_time FROM island_groups GROUP BY operator, avs, strategy, island_id ORDER BY operator, avs, strategy, start_time ) select * from operator_avs_strategy_windows


Once we've created windows for each table of core contract state, we unwind these windows into daily snapshots. In each of the below queries, we round down the end_time by one day because a new record can begin on the same day OR it will be included in a separate pipeline run after the cutoff_date.

Staker Share Snapshot

WITH cleaned_records as ( SELECT * FROM {{ ref('staker_share_windows')}} WHERE start_time < end_time ) SELECT staker, strategy, shares, cast(day AS DATE) AS snapshot FROM cleaned_records CROSS JOIN generate_series(DATE(start_time), DATE(end_time) - interval '1' day, interval '1' day) AS day

We remove any records with erroneous start_time and end_time values. Then, we unwind the entire range.

Operator Share Snapshot

WITH cleaned_records as ( SELECT * FROM {{ ref('operator_share_windows')}} WHERE start_time < end_time ) SELECT operator, strategy, shares, cast(day AS DATE) AS snapshot FROM cleaned_records CROSS JOIN generate_series(DATE(start_time), DATE(end_time) - interval '1' day, interval '1' day) AS day

Staker Delegation Snapshots

WITH cleaned_records as ( SELECT * FROM {{ ref('staker_delegation_windows') }} WHERE start_time < end_time ) SELECT staker, operator, cast(day AS DATE) AS snapshot FROM cleaned_records CROSS JOIN generate_series(DATE(start_time), DATE(end_time) - interval '1' day, interval '1' day) AS day

Operator AVS Strategy Snapshots

WITH cleaned_records AS ( SELECT * FROM {{ ref('operator_avs_strategy_windows') }} WHERE start_time < end_time ) SELECT operator, avs, strategy, cast(day AS DATE) AS snapshot FROM cleaned_records CROSS JOIN generate_series(DATE(start_time), DATE(end_time) - interval '1' day, interval '1' day) AS day

Operator AVS Registration Snapshots

WITH cleaned_records AS ( SELECT * FROM {{ ref('operator_avs_registration_windows') }} WHERE start_time < end_time ) SELECT operator, avs, day AS snapshot FROM cleaned_records CROSS JOIN generate_series(DATE(start_time), DATE(end_time) - interval '1' day, interval '1' day) AS day

Reward Calculation

Key Considerations

Calculation Ranges

Rewards distributions are calculated from daily snapshots of state. For example, if we had a rewards submission for the following range:


The rewards pipeline would calculate a reward distribution from 7 snapshots of state: Day1, Day2, Day7. We include the last day (Day7) as a snapshot instead of the first day (Day0). You can think of each snapshot as representing the most recent state update from the last 24 hours. Said another way, \(Day_i\) represents the most recent state from [\(Day_{i-1}\) 00:00 UTC, \(Day_{i-1}\) 23:59 UTC].

State Entry/Exit

Since snapshots are rounded up to the nearest day, except for operator<>avs deregistrations, state updates that are within the same day will receive the exact same reward amount.

For example, assuming stakers A and B have equivalent amounts of stake and are opted into the same operator at the below times, their reward for the Day 2 rewardSnaphot will be equal:

      ^               ^
      A               B

This is a known side-effect of computing rewards from daily snapshots.

In addition, exiting from the system holds the same property. If Operators J and K exit from the same AVS within the same day, they will both not receive rewards from the AVS:

      ^               ^
      J               K

As explained above in the transformation section, a known side effect is that an operator can lose a day's worth of reward by deregistering from an AVS at the bounds of 2 snapshots For example:

      ^                                                 ^
     Entry                                             Exit

In the above scenario, the operator will count as registered on Day1 and deregistered on Day2, even though they've only validated the AVS for nearly 2 days.

Multiplier Calculation

Every rewards submission has two arrays of equivalent length: strategies and multiplier. The pipeline uses this value to calculate the stakeWeight of earners for snapshot rewards. For a given staker, \(s\), on snapshot, \(d\), the stakeWeight is given by:

\(stakeWeight_{s, d} = multiplier_i \cdot shares_{i,s,d}\)

The calculation is also done in an AVS's StakeRegistry contract. Reference solidity implementation.

Token Reward Amounts

A key invariant is that for a given rewards submission, \(r\), on the reward snapshot, \(d\), \(Tokens_{r,d} >= \sum_{i=0}^{n=paidEarners} Earner_{i,r,d}\)

In other words, the tokensPerDay of a rewards submission cannot be less than the sum of the reward distribution to all earners for the rewardSnaphot. We call this out as a key consideration from the truncation when converting shares and multipliers the double type, which holds up to 15 significant digits.

Reward Aggregation

TheRewardsCoordinator requires that CALCULATION_INTERVAL_SECONDS % SNAPSHOT_CADENCE == 0, which guarantees that every reward snapshot will lie within the bounds of a reward range.

At some cadence defined by the reward updater, the pipeline will aggregate all reward distribution snapshots up to some timestamp, \(t\). For the root to be "net-new", it must merkleize state that is after a rewardSnaphot that is greater than the lastRewardTimestamp.

Lack of reward rollover

If an AVS has made a reward for a snapshot where there are no strategies restaked, the reward will not be redistributed to future snapshots of the rewards submission. See reward snapshot operators a concrete example.

1. Get Active Rewards

Each of the below queries is a set of CTEs that are part of the active_rewards view.

To handle retroactive rewards we look for any reward that has started prior to the cutoff_date. To ensure that rewards are not recalculated, we clamp the range of snapshots for which the active reward is calculated for.

The following table will be used to aid in visualizing the transformations. Let's assume the cutoff_date for the pipeline is 4-29-2024 at 0:00 UTC. In addition, assume that the last reward snapshot was 4-24-2024. Note: Because of the bronze table queries & cutoff date, reward events take 2 days to show up in the gold calculation for the current snapshot.

AVS Reward Hash Start Timestamp Duration End Timestamp Amount Strategy Multiplier
AVS1 0xReward1 4-21-2024 21 days 5-12-2024 21e18 stETH 1e18
AVS1 0xReward1 4-21-2024 21 days 5-12-2024 21e18 rETH 2e18

For brevity, only the relevant rows of the table are displayed in each example.

Active Rewards

WITH active_rewards_modified as ( SELECT *, amount/(duration/86400) as tokens_per_day, cast('{{ var("cutoff_date") }}' AS TIMESTAMP(6)) as global_end_inclusive -- Inclusive means we DO USE this day as a snapshot FROM {{ ref('rewards_combined') }} WHERE end_timestamp >= TIMESTAMP '{{ var("rewards_start") }}' and start_timestamp <= TIMESTAMP '{{ var("cutoff_date") }}' ),
  • We divide the amount by the number of days in the rewards submission duration to get the tokens_per_day. This is the number of tokens distributed to all earners in a given rewardSnapshot
  • There can be multiple rewardsSnapshot in a given run because for each rewards submission, we can have multiple snapshots to calculate rewards for in a pipeline run
  • global_end_inclusive is the last snapshot for this pipeline run for which to calculate rewards. It is the same as the cutoff_date
  • The end_timestamp is greater than the start of UNIX time but will be properly handled in the next steps
Tokens Per Day Global End Inclusive
1e18 4-27-2024

Active Rewards Updated End Timestamps

active_rewards_updated_end_timestamps as ( SELECT avs, /** * Cut the start and end windows to handle * A. Retroactive rewards that came recently whose start date is less than start_timestamp * B. Don't make any rewards past end_timestamp for this run */ start_timestamp as reward_start_exclusive, LEAST(global_end_inclusive, end_timestamp) as reward_end_inclusive, tokens_per_day, token, multiplier, strategy, reward_hash, reward_for_all, global_end_inclusive FROM active_rewards_modified ),
  • The rewards submission's original start_timestamp is renamed to reward_start_exclusive. It is marked as exclusive because we either have already taken a snapshot at this time in a previous run OR it is the day 0 of a rewards submission and no snapshot will be taken (see calculation ranges)
  • reward_end_inclusive is the MIN(global_end_inclsuive, end_timestamp). This is clamping the end_timestamp to be no greater than cutoff_time for the given run
Reward Start Exclusive Reward End Inclusive
4-21-2024 4-27-2024

Active Rewards Updated Start Timestamps

-- For each reward hash, find the latest snapshot active_rewards_updated_start_timestamps as ( SELECT ap.avs, CASE WHEN '{{ var("is_backfill") }}' = 'true' THEN ap.reward_start_exclusive ELSE COALESCE(MAX(g.snapshot), ap.reward_start_exclusive) END as reward_start_exclusive, ap.reward_end_inclusive, ap.token, ap.tokens_per_day as tokens_per_day_decimal, -- Round down to 15 sigfigs for double precision, ensuring know errouneous round up or down ap.tokens_per_day * ((POW(10, 15) - 1)/(POW(10, 15))) as tokens_per_day, ap.multiplier, ap.strategy, ap.reward_hash, ap.reward_for_all, ap.global_end_inclusive FROM active_rewards_updated_end_timestamps ap LEFT JOIN {{ var('schema_name') }}.gold_table g ON g.reward_hash = ap.reward_hash GROUP BY ap.avs, ap.reward_end_inclusive, ap.token, ap.tokens_per_day, ap.multiplier, ap.strategy, ap.reward_hash, ap.global_end_inclusive, ap.reward_start_exclusive, ap.reward_for_all ),

Clamps the reward_start_exclusive based on the most recent snapshot for the reward_hash from the final gold table, which contains every snapshotReward. We do this so we do not recalculate rewards. If there is no snapshot in the gold table, then we just use the rewards submission's original reward_start_exclusive

This step also casts tokens_per_day as a double, which will be used in the rest of the reward calculation. This allows us to support values up to 1e38-1, at the cost of only having 15 decimals of precision.

Lastly, if the run is a backfill, we make the start timestamp as the earliest unix timestamp possible1970-01-01 00:00:00.

Let's assume that the most recent snapshotReward for the reward_hash is 4-24-2024. The previous value for reward_start_exclusive was 4-21-2024.

Reward start exclusive Reward end inclusive
4-24-2024 4-28-2024

Active Reward Ranges

active_reward_ranges AS ( SELECT * from active_rewards_updated_start_timestamps /** Take out (reward_start_exclusive, reward_end_inclusive) windows where * 1. reward_start_exclusive >= reward_end_inclusive: The reward period is done or we will handle on a subsequent run */ WHERE reward_start_exclusive < reward_end_inclusive ),

Parse out invalid ranges. This can occur if the current run is a backfill and there was a snapshot from a previous run that was greater than the cutoff_time at which we are backfilling.

Unwinded Active Reward Ranges

exploded_active_range_rewards AS ( SELECT * FROM active_reward_ranges CROSS JOIN generate_series(DATE(reward_start_exclusive), DATE(reward_end_inclusive), INTERVAL '1' DAY) AS day ),

Create a row for each snapshot in the reward range

AVS Reward Hash Day Strategy Multiplier
AVS1 0xReward1 4-24-2024 stETH 1e18
AVS1 0xReward1 4-25-2024 stETH 1e18
AVS1 0xReward1 4-26-2024 stETH 1e18
AVS1 0xReward1 4-27-2024 stETH 1e18
AVS1 0xReward1 4-24-2024 rETH 2e18
AVS1 0xReward1 4-25-2024 rETH 2e18
AVS1 0xReward1 4-26-2024 rETH 2e18
AVS1 0xReward1 4-27-2024 rETH 2e18

Final Active Reward

active_rewards_final AS ( SELECT avs, cast(day as DATE) as snapshot, token, tokens_per_day, multiplier, strategy, reward_hash, reward_for_all FROM exploded_active_range_rewards -- Remove snapshots on the start day WHERE day != reward_start_exclusive ) select * from active_rewards_final

Remove rows whose snapshot are equal to the reward's reward_start_exclusive.

AVS Reward Hash Snapshot Strategy Multiplier Reward Start Exclusive
AVS1 0xReward1 4-24-2024 stETH 1e18 4-24-2024
AVS1 0xReward1 4-25-2024 stETH 1e18 4-24-2024
AVS1 0xReward1 4-26-2024 stETH 1e18 4-24-2024
AVS1 0xReward1 4-27-2024 stETH 1e18 4-24-2024
AVS1 0xReward1 4-24-2024 rETH 2e18 4-24-2024
AVS1 0xReward1 4-25-2024 rETH 2e18 4-24-2024
AVS1 0xReward1 4-26-2024 rETH 2e18 4-24-2024
AVS1 0xReward1 4-27-2024 rETH 2e18 4-24-2024

2. Staker Reward Amounts

After generating the active rewards, the pipeline then calculates the reward distribution to the staker operator set.

We cast the multiplier of a rewards submission and shares of a staker to a double in order to do computation on these values. The double type has 15 significant digits, and this imprecision is reflected in the CTEs that calculate the staker's stakeWeight, staker_proportion, total_staker_operator_reward, and staker_tokens. It must be the case that, for a given rewards submission, \(r\), \(\sum_{i=0}^{n=avsStakerOperatorSet} stakeroperatorSetReward_{i, r} <= tokensPerDay_r\).

We first calculate the reward distribution to the entire staker operator set and then pass it down to operators and stakers.

Reward Snapshot Operators

WITH reward_snapshot_operators as ( SELECT ap.reward_hash, ap.snapshot, ap.token, ap.tokens_per_day, ap.avs, ap.strategy, ap.multiplier, ap.reward_for_all, oar.operator FROM {{ ref('active_rewards') }} ap JOIN {{ ref('operator_avs_registration_snapshots') }} oar ON ap.avs = oar.avs and ap.snapshot = oar.snapshot WHERE ap.reward_for_all = false ),

From the active_rewards, get the operators that are registered for the AVS. We filter on reward_for_all = false since we are only looking at AVS rewards submissions.

Let's assume that operator registration snapshots for the AVS are. 4-27-2024 is the active snapshot, but the bronze table will not have events from this date (since the query is for all events < cutoffDate). No staker or operator will be paid out for 4-27-2024 on this run. This is where the two snapshot delay comes from.

For days where the are no operators opted into the AVS, the tokens_per_day of 1e18 will not be redistributed to future rewardSnapshots.

Operator AVS Snapshot
Operator1 AVS1 4-25-2024
Operator1 AVS1 4-26-2024
Operator2 AVS1 4-25-2024
Operator2 AVS1 4-26-2024

Operator Restaked Strategies

_operator_restaked_strategies AS ( SELECT rso.* FROM reward_snapshot_operators rso JOIN {{ ref('operator_avs_strategy_snapshots') }} oas ON rso.operator = oas.operator AND rso.avs = oas.avs AND rso.strategy = oas.strategy AND rso.snapshot = oas.snapshot ),

From the operators that are restaked on the AVS, get the strategies and shares and shares for each AVS they have restaked on.

Let's assume the strategies for each operator on the AVS are:

Operator AVS Strategy Snapshot
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024
Operator1 AVS1 rETH 4-26-2024
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024

Staker Delegated Operators

staker_delegated_operators AS ( SELECT ors.*, sds.staker FROM _operator_restaked_strategies ors JOIN {{ ref('staker_delegation_snapshots') }} sds ON ors.operator = sds.operator AND ors.snapshot = sds.snapshot ),

Get the stakers that were delegated to the operator for the snapshot.

Operator AVS Strategy Snapshot Staker
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker1
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker1
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker2
Operator1 AVS1 rETH 4-26-2024 Staker1
Operator1 AVS1 rETH 4-26-2024 Staker2
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker3
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker3

Staker Strategy Shares

staker_avs_strategy_shares AS ( SELECT sdo.*, sss.shares FROM staker_delegated_operators sdo JOIN {{ ref('staker_share_snapshots') }} sss ON sdo.staker = sss.staker AND sdo.snapshot = sss.snapshot AND sdo.strategy = sss.strategy -- Parse out negative shares and zero multiplier so there is no division by zero case WHERE sss.shares > 0 and sdo.multiplier != 0 ),

Let's assume that stakers have the following state:

Staker Strategy Shares Snapshot
Staker1 stETH 1e18 4-25-2024
Staker1 stETH 1e18 4-26-2024
Staker1 rETH 2e18 4-26-2024
Staker2 stETH 1e18 4-26-2024
Staker3 stETH 2e18 4-25-2024
Staker3 stETH 2e18 4-26-2024

The join would produce the following:

Operator AVS Strategy Snapshot Staker Shares
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker1 1e18
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker1 1e18
Operator1 AVS1 rETH 4-26-2024 Staker1 2e18
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker2 1e18
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker3 2e18
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker3 2e18

Staker2 has no rETH shares, which is why this view has 1 less row.

Staker Weights

staker_weights AS ( SELECT *, SUM(multiplier * shares) OVER (PARTITION BY staker, reward_hash, snapshot) AS staker_weight FROM staker_avs_strategy_shares ),

Calculates the stakeWeight of the staker. A discussion on this calculation is above.

Operator AVS Strategy Snapshot Staker Shares Multiplier Staker Weight
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker1 1e18 1e18 1e36
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker1 1e18 1e18 3e36
Operator1 AVS1 rETH 4-26-2024 Staker1 1e18 2e18 3e36
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker2 1e18 1e18 1e36
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker3 2e18 1e18 2e36
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker3 2e18 1e18 2e36

Distinct Stakers

distinct_stakers AS ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, -- We can use an arbitrary order here since the staker_weight is the same for each (staker, strategy, hash, snapshot) -- We use strategy ASC for better debuggability ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY reward_hash, snapshot, staker ORDER BY strategy ASC) as rn FROM staker_weights ) t WHERE rn = 1 ORDER BY reward_hash, snapshot, staker ),

In the previous calculation, the stake weight is on a per (reward_hash, staker, snapshot). We need to delete any rows with the same combination since the next step is to calculate the total staker weight per snapshot. The strategy column is irrelevant because the final reward is given by
\(tokensPerDay * stakerWeightProportion\). We add the order by clause in order to have the sum of staker weight in the next step be deterministic.

Remove rows with with same (staker, reward_hash, snapshot)

Operator AVS Strategy Snapshot Staker Shares Multiplier Staker Weight
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker1 1e18 1e18 1e36
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker1 1e18 1e18 3e36
Operator1 AVS1 rETH 4-26-2024 Staker1 1e18 2e18 3e36
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker2 1e18 1e18 1e36
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker3 2e18 1e18 2e36
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker3 2e18 1e18 2e36

Staker Weight Sum

staker_weight_sum AS ( SELECT *, SUM(staker_weight) OVER (PARTITION BY reward_hash, snapshot) as total_weight FROM distinct_stakers ),

Get the sum of all staker weights for a given (reward_hash, snapshot)

Operator AVS Strategy Snapshot Staker Shares Staker Weight Total Staker Weight
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker1 1e18 1e36 3e36
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker1 1e18 3e36 6e36
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker2 1e18 1e36 6e36
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker3 2e18 2e36 3e36
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker3 2e18 2e36 6e36

Staker Proportion

staker_proportion AS ( SELECT *, FLOOR((staker_weight / total_weight) * 1000000000000000) / 1000000000000000 AS staker_proportion FROM staker_weight_sum ),

Calculate the staker's proportion of tokens for the snapshotReward We round down the staker_proportion to ensure that the sum of staker_proportions is not greater than 1.

Operator AVS Strategy Snapshot Staker Shares Staker Weight Total Staker Weight Staker Proportion
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker1 1e18 1e36 3e36 0.333
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker1 1e18 3e36 6e36 0.5
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker2 1e18 1e36 6e36 0.166
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker3 2e18 2e36 3e36 0.666
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker3 2e18 2e36 6e36 0.333

Total Tokens

staker_operator_total_tokens AS ( SELECT *, (staker_proportion * tokens_per_day)::text::decimal(38,0) as total_staker_operator_payout FROM staker_proportion ),

Calculate the number of tokens that will be paid out to all stakers and operators. We cast the result from text to DECIMAL(38,0) to not lose any precision. Furthemore, the token value fits within this type for a given snapshot.

Operator AVS Strategy Snapshot Staker Shares Staker Weight Total Staker Weight Staker Proportion Tokens Per Day Total Staker Operator Reward
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker1 1e18 1e36 3e36 0.333 1e18 333333333333333000
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker1 1e18 3e36 6e36 0.5 1e18 5e17
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker2 1e18 1e36 6e36 0.166 1e18 166666666666666000
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker3 2e18 2e36 3e36 0.666 1e18 666666666666666000
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker3 2e18 2e36 6e36 0.333 1e18 333333333333333000

Token Breakdowns

token_breakdowns AS ( SELECT *, (total_staker_operator_payout * 0.10)::text::decimal(38,0) as operator_tokens, total_staker_operator_payout - ((total_staker_operator_payout * 0.10)::text::decimal(38,0)) as staker_tokens FROM staker_operator_total_tokens ) SELECT * from token_breakdowns ORDER BY reward_hash, snapshot, staker, operator

Calculate the number of tokens owed to the operator and to the staker. Operators get a fixed 10% commission. Casting from text to DECIMAL(38,0) will only truncate the decimal proportion of the number (ie. there will be no rounding). We add the order by clause in order to have the sum of staker weight in the next query be deterministic.

Operator AVS Strategy Snapshot Staker Shares Staker Weight Total Staker Weight Staker Proportion Tokens Per Day Total Staker Operator Reward Operator Tokens Staker Tokens
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker1 1e18 1e36 3e36 0.333 1e18 333333333333333000 33333333333333300 299999999999999700
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker1 1e18 3e36 6e36 0.5 1e18 5e17 5e16 4.5e17
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker2 1e18 1e36 6e36 0.166 1e18 166666666666666000 16666666666666600 149999999999999400
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker3 2e18 2e36 3e36 0.666 1e18 666666666666666000 66666666666666600 599999999999999400
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker3 2e18 2e36 6e36 0.333 1e18 333333333333333000 33333333333333300 299999999999999700

3. Operator Reward Amounts

We can calculate the operator reward distribution from the sum of its staker's reward distribution because the shares for an operator, \(o\), is given by:

\(Shares_{o} = \sum_{i=0}^{n=operatorStakers} Shares_i\)

Operator Token Sums

WITH operator_token_sums AS ( SELECT reward_hash, snapshot, token, tokens_per_day, avs, strategy, multiplier, reward_for_all, operator, SUM(operator_tokens) OVER (PARTITION BY operator, reward_hash, snapshot) AS operator_tokens FROM {{ ref('2_staker_reward_amounts') }} ),

Gets the sum for each operator for a given reward_hash and snapshot. The tokens per day was 1e18. If we take the operators reward distribution on 4-25-26, that is roughly 10% of 1e18. In addition, the rows 2 and 3 are equivalent.

Operator AVS Strategy Snapshot Staker Operator Tokens Staker Tokens Operator Tokens (Sum)
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker1 33333333333333300 299999999999999700 33333333333333300
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker1 5e16 4.5e17 66666666666666600
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker2 16666666666666600 149999999999999400 66666666666666600
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker3 66666666666666600 599999999999999400 66666666666666600
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker3 33333333333333300 299999999999999700 33333333333333300

Dedupe Operators

distinct_operators AS ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, -- We can use an arbitrary order here since the staker_weight is the same for each (operator, strategy, hash, snapshot) -- We use strategy ASC for better debuggability ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY reward_hash, snapshot, operator ORDER BY strategy ASC) as rn FROM operator_token_sums ) t WHERE rn = 1 ) SELECT * FROM distinct_operators

In the previous step, we aggregated operator rewards with the same snapshot and reward_hash. Now we remove these rows so the operator is only counted once per reward_hash and snapshot in the final reward distribution.

Operator AVS Strategy Snapshot Staker Operator Tokens Staker Tokens Operator Tokens (Sum)
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker1 33333333333333300 299999999999999700 33333333333333300
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker1 5e16 4.5e17 66666666666666600
Operator1 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker2 16666666666666600 149999999999999400 66666666666666600
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-25-2024 Staker3 66666666666666600 599999999999999400 66666666666666600
Operator2 AVS1 stETH 4-26-2024 Staker3 33333333333333300 299999999999999700 33333333333333300

4. Reward for all stakers

This query calculates rewards made by via the createRewardsForAllSubmission function on the RewardCoordinator. This reward goes directly to stakers.

Staker Snapshots

WITH reward_snapshot_stakers AS ( SELECT ap.reward_hash, ap.snapshot, ap.token, ap.tokens_per_day, ap.avs, ap.strategy, ap.multiplier, ap.reward_for_all, sss.staker, sss.shares FROM {{ ref('1_active_rewards') }} ap JOIN {{ ref('staker_share_snapshots') }} as sss ON ap.strategy = sss.strategy and ap.snapshot = sss.snapshot WHERE ap.reward_for_all = true -- Parse out negative shares and zero multiplier so there is no division by zero case AND sss.shares > 0 and ap.multiplier != 0 ),

Select all the rewards that set reward_for_all to true

Staker Weights -> Staker Tokens

The calculation is the same as step 2, except we do not need to check the operator a stakers is delegated to

-- Calculate the weight of a staker staker_weights AS ( SELECT *, SUM(multiplier * shares) OVER (PARTITION BY staker, reward_hash, snapshot) AS staker_weight FROM reward_snapshot_stakers ), -- Get distinct stakers since their weights are already calculated distinct_stakers AS ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, -- We can use an arbitrary order here since the staker_weight is the same for each (staker, strategy, hash, snapshot) -- We use strategy ASC for better debuggability ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY reward_hash, snapshot, staker ORDER BY strategy ASC) as rn FROM staker_weights ) t WHERE rn = 1 ORDER BY reward_hash, snapshot, staker ), -- Calculate sum of all staker weights staker_weight_sum AS ( SELECT *, SUM(staker_weight) OVER (PARTITION BY reward_hash, snapshot) as total_staker_weight FROM distinct_stakers ), -- Calculate staker token proportion staker_proportion AS ( SELECT *, FLOOR((staker_weight / total_staker_weight) * 1000000000000000) / 1000000000000000 AS staker_proportion FROM staker_weight_sum ), -- Calculate total tokens to staker staker_tokens AS ( SELECT *, (tokens_per_day * staker_proportion)::text::decimal(38,0) as staker_tokens FROM staker_proportion ) SELECT * from staker_tokens

5. Reward For All Earners - Stakers

This reward functionality rewards all operators (and their delegated stakers) who have opted into at least one AVS. The operator gets a fixed 10% commission.

We do this by:

  1. Getting all operators who have opted into at least 1 AVS
  2. Get the operator's stakers
  3. Calcualte payout to stakers
  4. Calculate payout to operators (step 7)

AVS Opted Operators

WITH avs_opted_operators AS ( SELECT DISTINCT snapshot, operator FROM {{ ref('operator_avs_registration_snapshots') }} ),

Gets the unique operators who have registered for an AVS for a given snapshot. This uses the operator_avs_registration_snapshots preclalculation view. Note that deregistrations do not exist in this table.

Reward Snapshot Operators

-- Get the operators who will earn rewards for the reward submission at the given snapshot reward_snapshot_operators as ( SELECT ap.reward_hash, ap.snapshot, ap.token, ap.tokens_per_day_decimal, ap.avs, ap.strategy, ap.multiplier, ap.reward_type, ap.reward_submission_date, aoo.operator FROM {{ ref('1_active_rewards') }} ap JOIN avs_opted_operators aoo ON ap.snapshot = aoo.snapshot WHERE ap.reward_type = 'all_earners' ),

We add join the active rewards with operators who have registered to at least one AVS for the snapshot.

Staker Delegated Operators

-- Get the stakers that were delegated to the operator for the snapshot staker_delegated_operators AS ( SELECT rso.*, sds.staker FROM reward_snapshot_operators rso JOIN {{ ref('staker_delegation_snapshots') }} sds ON rso.operator = sds.operator AND rso.snapshot = sds.snapshot ),

Get the stakers that were delegated to the registered operator for the snapshot.

Staker Strategy Shares -> Token Breakdowns

The rest of the calculation proceeds as 2_staker_reward_amounts, without having hard forks.

-- Get the shares of each strategy the staker has delegated to the operator staker_strategy_shares AS ( SELECT sdo.*, sss.shares FROM staker_delegated_operators sdo JOIN {{ ref('staker_share_snapshots') }} sss ON sdo.staker = sss.staker AND sdo.snapshot = sss.snapshot AND sdo.strategy = sss.strategy -- Parse out negative shares and zero multiplier so there is no division by zero case WHERE sss.shares > 0 and sdo.multiplier != 0 ), -- Calculate the weight of a staker staker_weights AS ( SELECT *, SUM(multiplier * shares) OVER (PARTITION BY staker, reward_hash, snapshot) AS staker_weight FROM staker_strategy_shares ), -- Get distinct stakers since their weights are already calculated distinct_stakers AS ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, -- We can use an arbitrary order here since the staker_weight is the same for each (staker, strategy, hash, snapshot) -- We use strategy ASC for better debuggability ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY reward_hash, snapshot, staker ORDER BY strategy ASC) as rn FROM staker_weights ) t WHERE rn = 1 ORDER BY reward_hash, snapshot, staker ), -- Calculate sum of all staker weights for each reward and snapshot staker_weight_sum AS ( SELECT *, SUM(staker_weight) OVER (PARTITION BY reward_hash, snapshot) as total_weight FROM distinct_stakers ), -- Calculate staker proportion of tokens for each reward and snapshot staker_proportion AS ( SELECT *, FLOOR((staker_weight / total_weight) * 1000000000000000) / 1000000000000000 AS staker_proportion FROM staker_weight_sum ), -- Calculate total tokens to the (staker, operator) pair staker_operator_total_tokens AS ( SELECT *, FLOOR(staker_proportion * tokens_per_day_decimal) as total_staker_operator_payout FROM staker_proportion ), -- Calculate the token breakdown for each (staker, operator) pair token_breakdowns AS ( SELECT *, floor(total_staker_operator_payout * 0.10) as operator_tokens, total_staker_operator_payout - floor(total_staker_operator_payout * 0.10) as staker_tokens FROM staker_operator_total_tokens ) SELECT * from token_breakdowns ORDER BY reward_hash, snapshot, staker, operator

6. Reward for All Earners - Operators

Similar to step 3, we now have to parse out the reward for operators.

-- Sum up the operator tokens across stakers for each operator, reward hash, and snapshot WITH operator_token_sums AS ( SELECT reward_hash, snapshot, token, tokens_per_day_decimal, avs, strategy, multiplier, reward_type, operator, SUM(operator_tokens) OVER (PARTITION BY operator, reward_hash, snapshot) AS operator_tokens FROM {{ ref('5_rfae_stakers') }} ), -- Dedupe the operator tokens across strategies for each operator, reward hash, and snapshot distinct_operators AS ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, -- We can use an arbitrary order here since the staker_weight is the same for each (operator, strategy, hash, snapshot) -- We use strategy ASC for better debuggability ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY reward_hash, snapshot, operator ORDER BY strategy ASC) as rn FROM operator_token_sums ) t WHERE rn = 1 ) SELECT * FROM distinct_operators

7. Gold Table Staging

This query combines the rewards from steps 2,3,4,5, and 6 to generate a table with the following columns:

Earner Snapshot Reward Hash Token Amount

Get all rewards

Aggregates the rewards from steps 2,3, and 4. We use DISTINCT as a sanity check to discard rows with the same strategy and earner for a given reward_hash and snapshot.

WITH staker_rewards AS ( -- We can select DISTINCT here because the staker's tokens are the same for each strategy in the reward hash SELECT DISTINCT staker as earner, snapshot, reward_hash, token, staker_tokens as amount FROM {{ ref('2_staker_reward_amounts') }} ), operator_rewards AS ( SELECT DISTINCT -- We can select DISTINCT here because the operator's tokens are the same for each strategy in the reward hash operator as earner, snapshot, reward_hash, token, operator_tokens as amount FROM {{ ref('3_operator_reward_amounts') }} ), rewards_for_all AS ( SELECT DISTINCT staker as earner, snapshot, reward_hash, token, staker_tokens as amount FROM {{ ref('4_deprecated_rewards_for_all') }} ), rewards_for_all_earners_stakers AS ( SELECT DISTINCT staker as earner, snapshot, reward_hash, token, staker_tokens as amounts FROM {{ ref('5_rfae_stakers.sql')}} ), rewards_for_all_earners_operators AS ( SELECT DISTINCT operator as earner, snapshot, reward_hash, token, operator_tokens as amount FROM {{ ref('6_rfae_operators.sql')}} ) combined_rewards AS ( SELECT * FROM operator_rewards UNION ALL SELECT * FROM staker_rewards UNION ALL SELECT * FROM rewards_for_all UNION ALL SELECT * FROM rewards_for_all_earners_stakers UNION ALL SELECT * FROM rewards_for_all_earners_operators ),

Dedupe Earners

-- Dedupe earners, primarily operators who are also their own staker. deduped_earners AS ( SELECT earner, snapshot, reward_hash, token, SUM(amount) as amount FROM combined_rewards GROUP BY earner, snapshot, reward_hash, token ) SELECT * FROM deduped_earners

Sum up the balances for earners with multiple rows for a given reward_hash and snapshot. This step handles the case for operators who are also delegated to themselves.

8. Gold Table Merge

The previous queries were all views. This step selects rows from the step 7 and appends them to a table.

SELECT earner, snapshot, reward_hash, token, amount FROM {{ ref('gold_staging') }}

This table is merged via the merge incremental_strategy on the unique keys of ['reward_hash', 'earner', 'snapshot']. See dbt docs for more information.

Lastly, the Rewards Root Updater will query this table to get cumulative amounts merkelize the following earner, token, cumulative_amount columns.

SELECT earner, snapshot, reward_hash, token, amount FROM {{ ref('gold_staging') }}
Select a repo