
If the VScode is unable to launch the ipykernel

  1. Execute any cell
  2. Ctrl+Shift+P to select the python interpreter

  3. Reload the plugin

The other approach

  1. Uninstalled two extensions "Python" and "Jupyter" in the extension panel on the left-hand side

  2. Restart the VScode

  3. Reinstall the two extensions again

If you can not find the pip or conda inside terminal

  1. In cmd, type conda init
  2. Set the environment variable according to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59502466/vs-code-python-interactive-window-cannot-find-conda-env

If you can't export the PDF file

  1. Open the cmd or terminal
  2. Make sure you use the administrator account or launch the above cmd with as administrator (See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-jupyter/issues/4347#issuecomment-778447907)
  3. Type pip install notebook
  4. You may also need to upgrade nbconvert using pip install --upgrade nbconvert
  5. Download and install latex and Pandoc
  6. After the installation, reopen the vs code and export to PDF again. Unchecked the “Always show this dialog” and install

Introduction to VScode and Jupyter notebook

Installation - Anaconda

Installation - Official Python

Working with VScode

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