This is a betterdiscord plugin which make your discord change background image (from a customized image list) everytime when it's starting.
in theme file contains trasparency
if not, your new background will be covered by theme's background
(you can mix both background images because I don't replace the background of theme, the background of this plugin is the bottommost layer, body tag, of discord)
or set it to following statement
(transparent, theme's background will not effect this plugin and be invisible)
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: 100%;
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
in this mode you can easily add new image, but can't assign different settings of diffenert images.
/*...image sources...,*/
"background-size":"100% 100%"
"background-position":"top center"
/*normal image*/
,/*special setting*/
"background-size":"100% 100%"
/*...other images...*/
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Syntax | Example | Reference | |
# Header | Header | 基本排版 | |
- Unordered List |
1. Ordered List |
- [ ] Todo List |
> Blockquote | Blockquote |
**Bold font** | Bold font | ||
*Italics font* | Italics font | ||
~~Strikethrough~~ | |||
19^th^ | 19th | ||
H~2~O | H2O | ||
++Inserted text++ | Inserted text | ||
==Marked text== | Marked text | ||
[link text](https:// "title") | Link | ||
 | Image | ||
`Code` | Code |
在筆記中貼入程式碼 | |
```javascript var i = 0; ``` |
:smile: | ![]() |
Emoji list | |
{%youtube youtube_id %} | Externals | ||
$L^aT_eX$ | LaTeX | ||
:::info This is a alert area. ::: |
This is a alert area. |
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