V1.0 - Govinda + Coyotespike

Opportunity (Change, winners, promised land)

2021 was year of the DAO

And 2022 promises to be just as transformative. More people are joining at a faster rate than ever before, drawn by the best way human beings have ever been able to work together.

But there is a problem.

But to newcomers, DAOs are a mysterious unknown land

Newcomers find themselves lost in the darkness without in map, unable to get their bearings or find where they need to go.

This is the single greatest obstacle for someone looking to help build with DAOs, and so the most important problem in Web3. Crucially, the most successful DAOs will be those who onboard people effectively and give them pathways.

We within the DAO tend to think the problem is technical - which working groups, channels to join, skills fit, who to talk to? However, at a deeper level, onboarding is a universal human problem: how do I join this group, how do I become welcome, how do I find my tribe within the DAO?

A new adventurer in Raid Guild needs a guide to help them navigate. That guide is Tavern Keeper.

Tavern Keeper is here to show them the way.

Tavern Keeper immerses new Discord users in a fantasy role playing adventure, leading them through onboarding quests, tracking their onboarding progress, and giving them a sense of identity based on their skills.

He does this by:

  • Allowing new members to progress through a conversation flow using emoji reactions, select quests personal to their needs

  • Enabling users to choose roles in Discord, which mints custom NFT DAO user profiles unique with stats and attributes. Members vouch for their skills and levelling them up, building an onchain reputation

  • Minting POAPs as new users progress along the conversation.

  • Helping users connect to the right person in the right place

When someone arrives on a server, Tavern Keeper greets them with beer tankard in hand and gives them a piece of parchment - it's a map!

The new member can now see how many steps this onboarding journey will take, and can estimate how long each will take. Just as importantly, the new member can see the end of the journey and can be certain of an eventual reward: membership in a squad building new things.

As they progress through the quests, they see themselves traversing a world map and finding their place in the DAO.

As the traveler returns after each step on the journey, the friendly Tavern Keeper rewards them with an NFT and POAP, theirs to keep!

The NFT avatar and POAPs serve as concrete proof that the new member has arrived and now belongs in this new Web3 world. These POAPs can help gate access to certain onboarding materials and gives tavern keepers (community managers) an idea of where users are on the journey.

In the future, Tavern Keeper will let the new member personalize the journey and map, based on their DAO experience and their chosen roles. An expert-level new Cleric will have a very different journey from a beginner-level new Wizard, for instance.

With magic powers of hospitality and personal connections, Tavern Keeper gives your DAO the most intuitive onboarding ever.

Within the first 10 minutes of someone joining a DAO, Tavern Keeper helps immerse them in a warm and supportive culture that connects them with others and empowers them to bring their dreams into the world.

Your new member isn't in a Discord server anymore. They're part of a new world in the Web3 metaverse.

And Tavern Keeper isn't alone

RaidGuild will have a cast of NPCs, who will work together to steer the new member around this new world.

For instance, the Tavern Keeper might advise our new member who wants to form a party: "Ah, you'll want to go talk to the Quartermaster about that there, then!"

In addition to Tavern Keeper, RaidGuild has these characters:

Quartermaster - input skills, find other members with skills

Sentry - security, server validation

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