Deadline : 11/9 23:59
Demo schedule: link
task_struct 結構如上
Reference 僅適用於 3.X 版,例如以下步驟:
$ vim include/linux/syscalls.h
// asmlinkage int helloworld(void);
asmlinkage int sys_helloworld(void); // 4.X/5.X 版須加上 sys_ 前綴
// 否則編譯會找不到 reference 而報錯
helloworld.c 定義
$ vim mycall/helloworld.c
asmlinkage int __x64_sys_helloworld(void) // 5.X 版 syscall 定義
以上改前綴的方式其實算是"偷吃步",詳情請見 macro SYSCALL_DEFINEn
請注意⚠每個版本編譯 kernel 方法不盡相同,請找適合自己版本的方法
從 init_task
開始遍歷 task_list 至指定 task,傳出指定資料至指定記憶體段。
* Example for linux kernel 4.15
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/init_task.h>
// you need to pass this data struct to userspace and print on terminal
struct data_segment
unsigned long start_code;
unsigned long end_code;
asmlinkage int pass_kernel_data(pid_t user_pid, void* __user user_address)
if(task->pid == user_pid)
//what is x1, x2, x3
my_data_segment.start_code = x1->x2->x3;
//what is y1, y2, y3
my_data_segment.end_code = y1->y2->y3;
// xxx is key function
xxx(user_address, &my_data_segment, sizeof(struct data_segment));
return 0;
#include <syscall.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
struct data_segment
unsigned long start_code;
unsigned long end_code;
int main()
struct data_segment my_data_segment;
int a = syscall(???, getpid(), (void*)&my_data_segment);
printf("Start: %lx\nEnd: %lx\n", my_data_segment.start_code, my_data_segment.end_code);
return 0;
以上程式碼根據 kernel 版本會有些許不同
有問題可以上聊天室發問或是 email 助教
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1. Ordered List |
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~~Strikethrough~~ | |||
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:::info This is a alert area. ::: |
This is a alert area. |
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