Token Fighter Character Move List

1. Suggested Setup for Multiplayer (Control Settings)
2. Arthur
3. CZ EX
4. CZ
5. Hayden
6. SBF
7. Andre
8. Robert
9. Wars
10. Void
11. Garen Ex
12. Draco
13. Yasuo
14. Robin
15. Magic
16. Chopper
17. Jarvan
18. Shen
19. Lee
20. Garen
21. White
22. Mars
23. Gwei
24. Work
25. Monk
26. Ada
27. Base
28. Null
29. Stake
30. Frontr
31. Click
32. Memeboi
33. Banteg
34. Ether
35. Mai
36. Lord Zieg

Suggested Setup for Multiplayer (Control Settings)

Move Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4
Walk Up ⬆️ Numpad 8 W Arrow Up I
Walk Down ⬇️ Numpad 3 S Arrow Down ,(Comma)
Walk Left ⬅️ Numpad 4 A Arrow Left J
Walk Right ➡️ Numpad 6 D Arrow Right L
Attack (A) Numpad 5 Shift Enter(Return) K
Jump (J) Numpad 0 Tab ] Space Bar
Defend (D) Numpad + Ctrl(Cmd) Shift .(Period)
Use the one that best fits your playing style. For the owners of the foreign keyboards, some keys may be assigned too far from each other. If this happens, try using a different controller or assigning the action to a key around the controller in question.

Following is the miscellaneous actions ingame:
F1 - Pause, Un-Pause
F2 - Pause, Advance one frame (while pausing)
F3 - Lock F6, F7, F8, and F9 (cannot unlock during gameplay, quit the game to do that)
F4 - Quit the game immediately and go back to character selection/menu
F5 - Turn off Frame Limiter and speeds the game up (faster the game originally was, more effective this is)
F6 - Unlimited MP (VS Mode Only)
F7 - Recover all HP and MP (VS Mode Only)
F8 - Drop Items from the Sky (VS Mode only)
F9 - Destroy all items, including the ones held (VS Mode Only)
Esc - Quit LF2


Name Input MP Cost
Uppercut D+⬆️+A(+A) 0
100x Punch Run+A 0
Bull Blast D+➡️+A(A+A+A) 2+
Shadow Walk D+J+A(+J) 5
Tropical Bang D+⬆️+J 20
Coconut Bomb D+➡️+J 25


Name Input MP Cost
Tiger Punch Run+A 6
Tiger Jump Punch Run+J+A 8
Binance Dance D+⬇️+A 0
Binance Palm D+➡️+A(+A+A+A) 20


Name Input MP Cost
Tiger Punch Run+A 10
Tiger Jump Punch Run+J+A 15
Tiger Kick D+➡️+J 10
Whirlwind Throw D+⬆️+J(+J+J) 15
Binance Palm D+➡️+A 30
Transform(under 33% HP) D+J+A 0


Name Input MP Cost
Uniswap Palm D+➡️+A 30
Multiple Shot D+J+A(+A+A) 30
Unicorn Shot D+➡️+J 40
Sonata of Uniswap D+⬆️+J 70


Name Input MP Cost
Pump Attack D+➡️+J 0
Multiple FTX Star D+➡️+A(+A+A) 20
Transform Grab enemy,D+J+A 30
Invisibility Cloak D+⬆️ 70
Shadow Clone D+⬇️ 70


Name Input MP Cost
Yearn Attack D+⬆️+J+A 5
Yearn Blast D+➡️+A(+A+A) 8
Strafe(plus free Yearn Attack) D+⬇️+A(+C+A) 15
Yearn Punch D+⬆️+A 45


Name Input MP Cost
Flip Kick D+⬆️+A 0
Turning Kick D+⬇️+A 10
Teleport(to friend) D+⬇️+J 10
Teleport(to enemy) D+⬆️+J 10
Energy Blase D+➡️+A 25
Compound Dash D+➡️+J 40


Name Input MP Cost
Wars Cannon D+➡️+J 5+
Overwhelming Disaster D+⬆️+A(+A+A) 20
Artic Volcano D+⬆️+J 50


Name Input MP Cost
Uppercut D+⬆️+A(+A) 0
Soul Punch Run+A 0
Skull Blast D+➡️+A(A+A+A) 2+
Mirror Walk D+J+A(+J) 5
Big Bang D+⬆️+J 20
Soul Bomb D+➡️+J 25

Garen Ex

Name Input MP Cost
Thunder Punch Run+A 6
Thunder Punch Run+J+A 8
Phoenix Dance D+⬇️+A 0
Phoenix Palm D+➡️+A(+A+A+A) 20


Name Input MP Cost
Speed Punch D+➡️+J 10
Eye Laser D+➡️+A 25
Summon Bats D+⬆️+J 40


Name Input MP Cost
Leap Attack D+➡️+J 0
Multiple Ninja Star D+➡️+A(+A+A) 20
Transform Grab enemy,D+J+A 30
Hide D+⬆️ 70
Double D+⬇️ 70


Name Input MP Cost
Dragon Palm D+➡️+A 30
Multiple Shot D+J+A(+A+A) 30
Critical Shot D+➡️+J 40
Sonata of Death D+⬆️+J 70


Name Input MP Cost
Energy Blast D+➡️+A 15
Energy Disk D+⬆️+A 50
Energy Shield D+➡️+J 20
Heal(others) D+⬆️+J 70
Heal(self) D+⬇️+J 70


Name Input MP Cost
Flip Kick D+⬆️+A 0
Turning Kick D+⬇️+A 10
Teleport(to friend) D+⬇️+J 10
Teleport(to enemy) D+⬆️+J 10
Energy Blase D+➡️+A 25
Tiger Dash D+➡️+J 40


Name Input MP Cost
Energy Blast D+➡️+A(+A+A) 15
Strike D+⬇️+A(+A+A) 15
Leap Attacm D+⬆️+J+A 15
Text D+➡️+C 30


Name Input MP Cost
Leap Attack D+⬆️+J+A 5
Energy Blast D+➡️+A(+A+A) 8
Strafe(plus free Leap Attack) D+⬇️+A(+C+A) 15
Dragon Punch D+⬆️+A 45


Name Input MP Cost
Energy Blast D+➡️+A(+A+A) 10
Strafe D+⬇️+A 15
Whirlwind Kick D+➡️+J 15+
Chasing Blast D+⬆️+A 20


Name Input MP Cost
Thunder Punch Run+A 10
Thunder Jump Punch Run+J+A 15
Thunder Kick D+➡️+J 10
Whirlwind Throw D+⬆️+J(+J+J) 15
Phoenix Palm D+➡️+A 30
Transform(under 33% HP) D+J+A 0


Name Input MP Cost
Ice Blast D+➡️+A 20
Summon Sword D+⬇️+J 30
Icicle D+➡️+J 30
Whirlwind D+⬆️+J 60
Fuse Run to Mars when both characters have less than 33% HP 0


Name Input MP Cost
Fire Ball D+➡️+A(+A+A) 15
Blaze D+➡️+J 15+
Inferno D+⬇️+J 30+
Explosion D+⬆️+J 60(+8HP)
Fuse Run to White when both characters have less than 33% HP


No special moves


Name Input MP Cost
Crash Punch D+➡️+A(+A) 0
Body Attack D+➡️+J 0


Name Input MP Cost
Shaolin Palm D+➡️+A 20


Name Input MP Cost
Devil's Judgement D+⬆️+A 30
Angel's Blessing D+⬆️+J 40


Name Input MP Cost
Ice Blast D+➡️+J 15
Fire Ball D+➡️+A 15
Heal(others) D+⬆️+J 70
Heal(self) D+⬇️+J 70


Name Input MP Cost
Wolf Punch D+⬇️+A(+A) 15
Energy Blast D+➡️+A 15


No special moves


No special moves


Name Input MP Cost
Energy Blast D+➡️+A 10
Flash Kick D+⬆️+A 25


Name Input MP Cost
Leap Attack D+⬆️+J+A 5
Pineapple Blast D+➡️+A(+A+A) 8
Strafe(plus free Leap Attack) D+⬇️+A(+C+A) 15
Pineapple Punch D+⬆️+A 45


Name Input MP Cost
Yearn Blast D+➡️+A 15
Yearn Disk D+⬆️+A 50
Yearn Shield D+➡️+J 20
Heal(others) D+⬆️+J 70
Heal(self) D+⬇️+J 70


No special moves


Name Input MP Cost
Bitcoin Slash D+➡️+J 0
Bitcoin Ninja Star(s) D+➡️+A(+A+A) 20
Transform Grab enemy,D+J+A 30
Invisibility Cloak D+⬆️ 70
Shadow Clone D+⬇️ 70

Lord Zieg

Name Input MP Cost
Ether Punch D+⬇️+A(+A) 15
Ether Blast D+➡️+A 15
  • Category: Game move lists
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