EPF Final Dev Update

Purpose: Summarizing your activity during the program, reflect on your project and participation.


You deserve to know more than just my name.

I am Godspower Eze, I am from Anambra, Nigeria and currently based in Lagos, Nigeria. And, I have been programming professionally for 3 years.


Elixir Consensus Client

Link - Project Proposal

  • Added rust-elixir SSZ implementation for BeaconBlock and SignedBeaconBlock
  • Implemented BLS.aggregate() and BLS.aggregate_verify()
  • Implemented some epoch processing functions: process_eth1_data_reset and process_randao_mixes_reset
  • Implemented the shuffling algorithm
  • Implemented some block processing functions: process_withdrawals and process_sync_aggregate

Cryptography Techniques

Link: https://github.com/Godspower-Eze/crypto-techniques

  • Implemented ancients and 19th century crypto techniques like Ceasar Cipher, Simple Substitution Cipher, Polyalphabetic Cipher, One Time Pad and XOR + One Time Pad
  • Implemented Diffie Hallman Key Exchange and RSA
  • Implemented Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
  • Implemented Pedersen Commitments using Modular Exponentiation and Pedersen Commitments using Elliptic Curve Cryptography
  • Implemented Basic Polynomial Commitment using Modular Exponentiation and Basic Polynomial Commitment using Elliptic Curve Cryptography
  • Implemented Basic Trusted Setup using Modular Exponentiation and Basic Trusted Setup using Elliptic Curve Cryptography
  • And, more..

Verkle Trie in Nim

Links: Project Proposal, PR

  • Worked on test generator for IPA Single-point and Multipoint Schemes

Progress and Future Plans

Elixir Consensus Client

I will continue to contributing for the longest time and would love to see this client being used by the public.

Cryptography Techniques

This is a long-term project that would one-day be converted to a free-book on cryptography.

Verkle Trie in Nim

It's 30% done and I will continue working with them nimbus team with complete this.

General Feedback


This program helped me nurture a mindset of doing hard things.

It made me understand that working on hard things require special courage that can only be gotten by doing the hard things.


This program help be gain confidence to many things.

Final Words….

Grateful to God.

Special thanks to Mario Havel and Josh Davis. And, to the Ethereum Foundation.

I will continue DOING HARD THINGS and contributing to the ETHEREUM ECOSYSTEM.

I wish everyone all the best!

Thank you!

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