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Matching Networks for One Shot Learning
# Code
- [code (TF)](https://github.com/AntreasAntoniou/MatchingNetworks)
- [code (PyTorch)](https://github.com/BoyuanJiang/matching-networks-pytorch)
- [code (TF) - 2](https://github.com/markdtw/matching-networks)
- [code (Keras)](https://github.com/cnichkawde/MatchingNetwork)
# Abstract
- In this work, we employ ideas from **metric learning** based on deep neural features and from recent advances that augment neural networks with **external memories**.
- Our framework learns a network that maps a small labelled support set and an unlabelled example to its label, **obviating the need for fine-tuning to adapt to new class types**.
# 1 Introduction
- The novelty of our work is two-fold: at the **modeling level**, and at the **training procedure**.
- modeling level: We propose **Matching Nets (MN)**, a neural network which uses recent advances in **attention and memory** that enable **rapid learning**.
- training procedure: our training procedure is based on a simple machine learning principle: **test and train conditions must match**. Thus to train our network to do rapid learning, we train it by **showing only a few examples per class**, switching the task from minibatch to minibatch, much **like how it will be tested** when presented with a few examples of a new task.
1. 一些 non-parametric model (例如 KNN) 可以快速學習新 sample。本文要結合 parametric model (DL),和 non-parametric model。DL 的 sample 用完即丟,KNN 的 sample 會保留。
2. novelty: 提出 matching network & 新的 training procedure
# 2 Model
我們用來解決 one-shot learning 的 **non-parametric approach** 是基於以下兩點:
1. our model architecture follows recent advances in neural networks **augmented with memory**. Given a (small) support set $S$, our model defines **a function $c_S$ (or classifier) for each $S$**, i.e. **a mapping $S \rightarrow c_S(\cdot)$.**
- **強調對於每個 support set,都可以 map 到一個不同的 classifier,即 $S\rightarrow c_S(\cdot)$ 的 mapping**
2. we employ a training strategy which is tailored for one-shot learning from the support set $S$.
## 2.1 model architecture
- Our contribution is to **cast** the problem of one-shot learning within the **set-to-set framework** [26].
- [26] Order matters: Sequence to sequence for sets. 2015
- The key point is that when trained, ***Matching Networks are able to produce sensible test labels for unobserved classes without any changes to the network.(????看不懂)***
- More precisely, we wish to **map from a (small) support set $S$ to a classifier $c_S$**. We **define the mapping $S\rightarrow c_S(\hat x)$ to be $P(\hat y| \hat x, S)$**.
- Our model in its simplest form computes $\hat y$ as follows:
- $\hat y = \sum_\limits{i=1}^k a(\hat x, x_i)y_i \tag 1$
- eq. 1 essentially describes the output for a new class as a **linear combination of the labels in the support set**.
- ***(??? 這段有看沒有懂)*** Where the attention mechanism a is a kernel on $X \times X$, then (1) is akin to a kernel density estimator(KDE). Where the attention mechanism is zero for the b furthest xi from ^x according to some distance metric and an appropriate constant otherwise, then (1) is equivalent to ‘$k - b$’-nearest neighbours (although this requires an extension to the attention mechanism that we describe in Section 2.1.2). Thus (1) subsumes both **KDE and kNN** methods.
- Another view of (eq. 1) is where **$a$ acts as an attention mechanism and the $y_i$ act as memories** bound to the corresponding $x_i$. In this case we can understand this as a particular kind of associative memory where, given an input, we “point” to the corresponding example in the support set, retrieving its label
- However, unlike other attentional memory mechanisms [2], (1) is non-parametric in nature: **as the support set size grows, so does the memory used**. Hence the functional form defined by the classifier $c_S(\hat x)$ is very flexible and can adapt easily to any new support set.
- attention
- **memory networks**
- 與 memory network 的聯結,個人理解為 support set 的圖片就像 document 中的句子,會被 LSTM 提取 information,而 query set 的圖片就像 question vector,用來對 support set 中的圖片做 attention。應該另外也有做 hopping,不是很確定。
- **pointer networks**
prediction $\hat y = f(D^{train}, x^{test})$
機率表示為 $P(\hat y|\hat x, S)$,$S = \{(x_i, y_i)\}_{i=1}^k$
Matching Net 將該模型表示為:$$\hat y = \sum_\limits{i=1}^k\alpha(\hat x, x_i)y_i$$
- 預測結果 $\hat y$ 被看成 **support set 樣本中 label 的 linear combination**
- 若將 $a(\hat x, x_i)$ 作為 kernel function,則該 model 可近似為 DL 做 embedding 層,KDE(??? kernel density estimator) 做分類
- 若將 $a(\hat x, x_i)$ 作為 0-1 function,則該 model 可近似為 DL 做 embedding 層,KNN做分類
### 2.1.1 Attention Kernel
- the simplest form is to use the **softmax over the cosine distance** $c$, i.e., $a(\hat x, x_i) = e^{c(f(\hat x), g(x_i))} / \sum_{j=1}^k e^{c(f(\hat x), g(x_j))}$
- $f$ embed $\hat x$; and $g$ embed $x_i$
- ***(看無???)*** the objective that we are trying to optimize is precisely aligned with multi-way, one-shot classification, and thus we expect it to perform better than its counterparts.
本文附予 $a(\hat x, x_i)$ 新的形式:看作 attention kernel,model 預測結果就是 support set 中 attention 最多的圖片的 label。常見 attention kernel 是 cosine similarity 加上 softmax:$$a(\hat x, x_i) = \dfrac{e^{c(f(\hat x), g(x_i))}}{\sum_{j=1}^k e^{c(f(\hat x), g(x_j))}}$$
- $f, g$ 是兩個 embedding function,可以是 NN
### 2.1.2 Full Context Embeddings
- Despite the **classification** strategy is fully **conditioned on the whole support set** through $P(\cdot |\hat x, S)$. Furthermore, **$S$ should be able to modify how we embed the test image** $\hat x$ through $f$. so
- $g$ becomes $g(x_i, S)$
- to embed data in support set
- $f(\hat x, S) = attLSTM(f'(\hat x), g(S), K)$
- to embed data in query set
- $f'(\hat x)$ are the features (e.g., derived from a CNN) which are input to the LSTM
- $g(S)$ is the set over which we attend, embedded with g
embedding vector $g(x^i) \leftarrow g(x^i, S)$,嵌入函數的輸出同時由對應的 $x^i$ 和整個support set有關。support set是每次隨機選取的,嵌入函數同時考慮 support set 和 $x^i$ 可以消除隨機選擇造成的差異性。類似機器翻譯中 word 和 context 的關係,$S$ 可以看做是 $x^i$ 的 context,所以本文在嵌入函數中用到了 LSTM。
support set 中的 $x^i$ 經過多層 convolution 後,再經過一層 bi-LSTM
### The Fully Conditional Embedding $f$
$\hat h_k, c_k = LSTM(f'(\hat x), [h_{k-1}, r_{k-1}], c_{k-1})\\
h_k = \hat h_k + f'(\hat x)\\
r_{k-1} = \sum_{i=1}^{|S|}a(h_{k-1}, g(x_i))g(x_i)\\
a(h_{k-1}, g(x_i)) = softmax(h_{k-1}^T g(x_i))$
- $g'(x_i)$ 是 CNN 抽出的 feature
因此再回顧一次 structure
- $g_\theta$:$g(x_i, S)$ 由整個 support set 決定 embedding function,然後 input $x_i$
- $g_\theta$ 右邊四個扁扁:embedding
- 圈圈叉叉:用 cosine similarity 計算相似度
- 右邊四個點:attention weight
- $f_\theta$:
- $f_\theta$ 上面的扁扁:embedding
- 右邊四個正方形:label
- 最後的正方形:答案,由 support set 的 label 利用 attention weight 做 linear combination,最後 argmax 得到答案
## 2.2 Training Strategy
- 一個 batch 包含多個 task
- 一個 task 包括一個 support set 跟一個 test example
- 一個 support set 包括多個 sample
- support set 中洽有一個 sample 和 test sample 同 class
to do N-way K-shot
每個 "episode" example
1. 從 training data 中 sample 一個 task T,選擇 N 個 class,每個 class 選 K 個 examples
2. To form one episode sample a label set L (e.g. {cats, dogs}) and then use L to sample the support set S and a batch B of examples to evaluate loss on.
- [中文筆記](https://blog.csdn.net/hustqb/article/details/83861134)
- [Andrej Karpathy 筆記](https://github.com/karpathy/paper-notes/blob/master/matching_networks.md)
###### tags: `fewshot learning`