langs: zh-tw
GA: UA-98468513-3
【Cofacts 真的假的】Open Datasets
In order to facilitate academic research and analysis in fact-checking field under closed messaging platform, Cofacts releases all instant messages and replies in its database to the public domain, under [CC0 license](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). **Everyone can freely distribute and leverage the dataset**.
**🔗 Links to the Dataset 🔗**
## Format
All CSV files are utf-8 encoded.
### Fields across different entities
* `userIdsha` (string) Hashed user identifier.
* `appId` (string) Possible values:
* `LEGACY_APP`: Articles collected before 2017-03.
* `RUMORS_LINE_BOT`: Articles collected with the current LINE bot client after 2017-03.
The two fields together identifies an unique user across different CSV files. For instance, if one row (reply) in `replies.csv` and another row (feedback) in `article_reply_feedbacks.csv` have identical `userIdsha` and `appId`, the reply and the feedback are submitted by the same user.
## Fields
### `articles.csv`
The instant messages LINE bot users submitted into the database.
| Field | Data type | Description |
| ----------------------- | -------- | ---- |
| `id` | String | |
| `references` | Enum string | Where the message is from. Currently the only possible value is `LINE`. |
| `userIdsha` | String | Author of the article.|
| `appId` | String | |
| `tags` | Text | Preserved for [category labels](https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-api/issues/32), currently empty. |
| `normalArticleReplyCount` | Integer | The number of replies are associated to this article, excluding the deleted reply associations. |
| `text` | Text | The instant message text |
| `hyperlinks` | Text | Preserved. Now empty. |
| `createdAt` | ISO time string | When the article is submitted to the database. |
| `updatedAt` | ISO time string | Preserved, currently identical to `createdAt` |
| `lastRequestedAt` | ISO time string | The submission time of the last `reply_request` is sent on the article, before the article is replied. |
### `article_replies.csv`
Articles and replies are in has-and-belongs-to-many relationship. That is, an article can have multiple replies, and a reply can be connected to multiple similar articles.
`article_replies` is the "join table" between `articles` and `replies`, bringing `articleId` and `replyId` together, along with other useful properties related to this connection between an article and a reply.
One pair of `articleId`, `replyId` will map to exactly one `article_reply`.
| Field | Data type | Description |
| --------------------- | -------- | - |
| `articleId` | String | Relates to `id` field of `articles` |
| `replyId` | String | Relates to `id` field of `replies` |
| `userId` | String | The user connecting the reply with the article |
| `negativeFeedbackCount` | Integer | Number of `article_reply_feedbacks` that has score `-1` |
| `positiveFeedbackCount` | Integer | Number of `article_reply_feedbacks` that has score `1` |
| `replyType` | Enum string | Duplicated from `replies`'s type. |
| `appId` | String | |
| `status` | Enum string | `NORMAL`: The reply and article are connected. `DELETED`: The reply does not connect to the article anymore. |
| `createdAt` | ISO time string | The time when the reply is connected to the article |
| `updatedAt` | ISO time string | The latest date when the reply's status is updated |
### `replies.csv`
Editor's reply to the article.
| Field | Data type | Description |
| --------- | -------- | - |
| `id` | String | |
| `type` | Enum string | Type of the reply chosen by the editor. `RUMOR`: The article contains rumor. `NON_RUMOR`: The article contains fact. `OPINIONATED`: The article contains personal opinions. `NOT_ARTICLE`: The article should not be processed by Cofacts. |
| `reference` | Text | For `RUMOR` and `NON_RUMOR` replies: The reference to support the chosen `type` and `text`. For `OPINIONATED` replies: References containing different perspectives from the `article`. For `NOT_ARTICLE`: empty string. |
| `userId` | String | The editor that authored this reply. |
| `appId` | String | |
| `text` | Text | Reply text writtern by the editor |
| `createdAt` | ISO Time string | When the reply is written |
### `reply_requests.csv`
Before an article is replied, users may submit `reply_requests` to indicate that they want this article to be answered.
When an article is first submitted to the article, an reply request is also created. Any further queries to the same article submits new `reply_requests`.
An user can only submit one reply request to an article.
| Field | Data type | Description |
| --------- | -------- | - |
| `articleId` | String | The target of the request |
| `createdAt` | ISO Time string | When the reply request is issued |
### `article_reply_feedbacks.csv`
Editors and LINE bot users can express if a reply is useful by submitting `article_reply_feedbacks` toward a `article_reply` with score `1` or `-1`.
The feedback is actually submitted toward an `article_reply`, the connection between an article and a reply. This is because a reply can be connected to multiple articles. A reply that makes sense in one article does not necessarily mean that it is useful in answering another article. Therefore, the feedback count for a reply connecting to different articles are counted separately.
| Field | Data type | Description |
| --------- | -------- | - |
| `articleId` | String | Relates to `articleId` of the target `article_reply` |
| `replyId` | String | Relates to `replyId` of the target `article_reply` |
| `score` | Integer | `1`: Useful. `-1`: Not useful. |
| `createdAt` | ISO Time string | When the feedback is submitted |
## License
<p xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:vcard="http://www.w3.org/2001/vcard-rdf/3.0#">
<a rel="license"
<img src="http://i.creativecommons.org/p/zero/1.0/88x31.png" style="border-style: none;" alt="CC0" />
<br />
To the extent possible under law,
<a rel="dct:publisher"
<span property="dct:title">g0v Cofacts Project</span></a>
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
<span property="dct:title">Cofacts Dataset</span>.
This work is published from:
<span property="vcard:Country" datatype="dct:ISO3166"
content="TW" about="https://cofacts.g0v.tw">
* * *
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