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Normalisation by Evaluation

Preliminary Remarks

Normalisation by Evaluation is a technique in programming languages that is complicated through the presence of variables and higher-order functions, features that we have not yet introduced. [1]

But some of the main ideas can be already explained in a very simple situation without variables and function types. This is the purpose of this lecture.

In mathematics, this idea is sometimes known as van der Waerden's trick as explained in Bergman's course on universal algebra. [2]


  • Introduce some basic ideas about the technique known in programming languages as normalisation by evaluation.
  • Show how normal forms can be used in completeness proofs. This is a general technique that is widely applicable.
  • Prove an observation from our first lecture that associativity is enough to prove all equations about expressions in the language given by
  • Extend this observation to the language
  • Link 'semantic' and 'syntactic' normal forms.
  • Discuss some subtleties about overloading notation.


We go back to our lectures on syntax and semantics Part 1 and Part 2.

One topic of these lectures was in what sense it is justified to say that the meaning of the (purely formal) language

​​​​    exp ::= 1 | exp + exp | exp * exp

is captured by the (equally formal) equations


On the one hand, it is important to emphasise that the language and the equations can be run on a machine without any human interference or intelligence.

On the other hand, the language and the equations make sense to us because they agree with our understanding of the natural numbers.

How do we convince ourselves that the equations capture exactly the familiar

1,+, of the natural numbers?

How do we know that we have enough equations? Can we drop some equations?

The answer will use ideas we learned about when we discussed abstract reduction systems (ARSs).

We defined a normal form in ARS

(A,) as an element
that cannot be reduced, that is, there is no
such that
. This is a purely syntactic notion, at least if the ARS can be described in a finite way.

In this lecture, we will see a semantic way of giving a notion of normal form. And we will also see how to match these two notions up.

Remark on Overloading

As we explained above, it is important to separate syntax from semantics. Expressions have operations 1,+,* and numbers have operations

1,+,. This situation is very common in programming where we also want to denote different operations by the same symbol. This is called overloading. Here we overloaded 1 and + and did not overload multiplication for which we use * and
, respectively. Is this a bad or a good idea? Here are some points to consider:

  • Making a distinction between * and

    helps making clear whether we talk about syntax or semantics.

  • Using different symbols for 1,+ would make the lecture more difficult to read

  • Even using the different symbols * and

    and, similarly,
    , has disadvantages as the equations holds for both syntax and semantics (indeed, that is the crux of this lecture, as we will see). So do we have to write the equations twice now, once with * and
    and once with
    , or should we better avoid this?

In my experience, there is no one good answer. In programming one tends to not overload and in maths one tends to use overloading a lot, but there are no general rules and one needs to decide on an ad hoc basis, taking into account asthetic considerations, not only objective criteria such as correctness, efficiency, etc

Normalisation by Evaluation

Recall that the meaning of our language

L of exp's is given by the semantics (meaning function)


The new idea is to, conversely, define a function


For example,

nf(4)=((1+1)+1)+1), etc. [3]

Exercise: Show that

  • [[]]
    restricted to left-bracketed expressions such as
    is an inverse of
  • [[nf(n)]]=n

We can now define the semantic normal form of an expression

e as

Question: Which equations between exp's are needed to guarantee that


for all expressions


For maximum effect pause the lecture and try to find out yourself.

We reason by induction on the three rules that make the definition of

​​​​    exp ::= 1 | exp + exp | exp * exp


e is 1 then
. No equations needed. [4]


e is
, we want to reason

Exercise: Justify all steps. Which equations are needed?
(Bonus question: Which rules of equational logic are used?)

Similarly, if

e is
, we reason

To conclude, we have proved by induction on the definition of

L that

for all


Exercise: Can you confirm that the argument above only used the following equations?


Theorem 1: The equations


allows us deduce by equational reasoning the equations


for all expressions

e in the language
given by

​​​​    exp ::= 1 | exp + exp | exp * exp

Remark: This theorem has both a logical interpretation and a computational interpretation, as we are going to see next.

Logical Interpretation: Completeness

In this section, we show that Theorem 1 has a logical interpretation. In fact, we can reformulate Theorem 1 as a so-called completeness result.

Theorem 2 below states that the equations


are sound and complete for the language given by

​​​​    exp ::= 1 | exp + exp | exp * exp

and the interpretation in the natural numbers given by


In symbolic notation we write this as

Theorem 2:


Proof: Soundness means that for all expressions

X,Y,Z, the following equations

hold for natural numbers. But these are just properties of numbers we are familiar with.

Completeness is the converse, namely


This follows from


where the "

" are due to Theorem 1 and "
" is due to the assumption.

This finishes the proof.

To summarise, for all expressions

e1,e2,e3 in the language above there are derivations of the equations

from the equations

One way in which our language

L is simple is that it does not contain variables. We will see how to add variables later. For now, the next question is an opportunity to think about this point.

Question: Can the equations

be derived from the equations

or can they not?

Computational Interpretation: Rewriting to Normal Form

So far in this lecture all computation happened on the right-hand side of


On the left-hand side, we only have a formal language and a set of equations that guarantee, according to Theorem 2,


But we already discussed in one of the first lectures the idea of turning equations into computation rules by reading them from left to right. We pick this idea up now again.

Exercise: You showed in a previous exercise that the proof of Theorem 1 only uses the equations


Show that the proof of the theorem uses these equations only from left to right.

Exercise: Show that the previous exercise can be extended to a proof of the following theorem.

Theorem 3 below says that the rewrite rules


define an ARS

(L,) such that the equivalence relations induced by
are the same.

In symbolic notation we write this as

Theorem 3:

e1e2  [[e1]]=[[e2]]

Activity: Think about the similarity of Theorem 2 and 3.

Remark: The second theorem shows that the semantic normal forms of the first theorem are also syntactic normal forms (ie normal forms of



  • What is needed to turn the ARS
    into an algorithm evaluating arbitary expressions
  • How does the algorithm given by
    compare to the one given by


While the example we considered is simple, the method is very general.

A typical situation is as follows.

We start with a semantic domain

D, for example, numbers and the task is to represent it in a computational way.

First, one develops a syntax that allows to denote all objects of

D by a term in a formal language
. This denotation gives us a function


If we have done our work well,

[[]] is defined by induction on the structure of
, which in turn must be discovered from structure already contained in
. [5] Typically,
will be surjective (all elements of
can be represented by some term), but not injective (some elements are denoted by more than one term).

This means that we do not yet fully capture

D. What is lacking is to understand when two terms denote the element of

To solve this problem, we identify special terms, sometimes called "canonical terms" or "semantic normal forms", that we are going to use as "canonical representatives" of elements of

D. In other words, we identify a function


which preserves the semantics in the sense that

[[nf(d)]]=d for all

The interesting, and sometimes difficult, step is now to identify a nice set of equations on terms that allows us to prove (using the rules of equational logic)


for all


Since the equations form an equivalence relation on

L, we obtain a bijection, or isomorphism,


which, from left to right is

[[]] and from right to left is

This isomorphism establishes that up to the naming of elements the domain

D is the same the language of terms modulo the equations

In particular, all computations that can be done in the structure

D can be done by rewriting terms using the equations

  1. A lot of graduate-level information on application of NBE and related topics is available at the webpage of the Summerschol on Metaprogramming. Already the page of abstracts is an interesting read, but there are also very good teaching materials. If you want to go deeper into this the paper, available from Wadler's homepage on how to apply these ideas to implement domains specific languages could be a good starting point. Elsewhere, Dybier presents an introduction and Abel gives an advanced treatment that also contains some historical and other remarks of general interest. ↩︎

  2. I found his discussion starting after the proof on page 37 particularly insightful. ↩︎

  3. The symbol "1" is overloaded as we use it both for a term of type exp and for the number

    1N; similarly for "+". ↩︎

  4. The rule of logic used here is (refl). ↩︎

  5. We will learn later that this means that

    [[]] is a homomorphism. ↩︎