# 20180914_5G Workshop Commands - Program SIM card - Install essential packages ``` sudo apt-get install pcscd pcsc-tools libccid python-dev swig python-setuptools python-pip libpcsclite-dev sudo pip install pycrypto ``` - Download PySIM ``` git clone git://git.osmocom.org/pysim.git ``` - Change to pyscard folder and install ``` cd <pyscard-path> sudo /usr/bin/python setup.py build_ext install ``` - Verify your reader is ready ``` sudo pcsc_scan ``` - Check whether your reader can read the SIM card ``` cd <pysim-path> ./pySim-read.py –p 0 ``` - Prepare for SIM card information ![](https://i.imgur.com/gMvTLHV.png) * - In this example: ![](https://i.imgur.com/2moycHA.png) - Program your SIM card information ``` ./pySim-prog.py -p 0 -x 208 -y 93 -t sysmoUSIM-SJS1 -i 208930000000003 --op=8e27b6af0e692e750f32667a3b14605d -k 8baf473f2f8fd09487cccbd7097c6862 -s 8988211000000088313 -a 23605945 ```
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