# GSM Websocket API ## Configuration You need to have the following in your config: ```json { "api": { "enabled": true, "blacklist": [], "ip": "", "port": 3680, "whitelist": [] } } ``` You can configure the users in the `users.json`. Make sure that the passwords in the config are `sha512` hashed. ## General Architecture There are currently three types of messages: + Events + Requests + Answer ### Event Message Format ```json { "type": "event", "subtype": "<...>", "data": <json_object> } ``` ### Request Message Format ```json { "type": "request", "subtype": "<...>", "id": <snowflake_number>, "data": <json_object> } ``` You can send any `id` which you will get back in the corresponding answer ### Answer Message Format ```json { "type": "answer", "subtype": "<...>", "id": <same_as_request_id>, "error": 0, "errormessage": "", "data": <json_object> } ``` The `"data"` object depends on the `"subtype"` (See Message Catalogue). ## General Protocol Overview ```mermaid sequenceDiagram participant Client participant Server Client ->> Server: Open Websocket Connection Client ->>+ Server: Request: apilogin Server ->>- Client: Answer: token Server -->> Client: Answer: Error loop Requests Client ->>+ Server: Requests Server ->>- Client: Answers Server -->> Client: Error end loop Events Server ->> Client: Event end ``` ### Connection Loss After a connection loss, the token is valid for another 15 minutes to relogin without using the users credentials. You will get a new token after a successful relogin. ## Error Codes | Error | Message | | -------- | -------- | | 1 | request format error (`id` hardcoded to `-1`. Connection will get closed) | | 2 | too much data for one frame | | 3 | not logged in | | 4 | unknown request subtype | | 5 | wrong message data format | | 6 | failed apilogin request | | 7 | no permission to process request | | 8 | (`getconfig`/`getlanguage`) error reading file | | 9 | (`writeconfig`/`writelanguage`) error writing file | | 10 | (`deleteconfig`/`deletelanguage`) error deleting file | ## Message Catalogue :::info Only the `data` object will be shown ::: ### `apilogin` #### Request Either `token` or `username` and `password` are null. ```json { "username": <string|null>, "password": <string|null>, "token": <string|null> } ``` #### Answer ```json { "token": <string> } ``` ### `getplayers` #### Request ```json null ``` #### Answer Array of all players (`Player::getPlayerInfos()`) ```json [ {"ip": "", "pid": 8 }, {"ip": "", "pid": 9 } ] ``` ### `getconfig` #### Request ```json { "file": "filename" } ``` #### Answer ```json "content of file" ``` ### `deleteconfig` #### Request ```json { "file": "filename" } ``` #### Answer ```json null ``` ### `writeconfig` #### Request ```json { "file": "filename", "content": "content of file" } ``` #### Answer ```json null ``` ### `getlanguage` #### Request ```json { "file": "filename" } ``` #### Answer ```json "content of file" ``` ### `deletelanguage` #### Request ```json { "file": "filename" } ``` #### Answer ```json null ``` ### `writelanguage` #### Request ```json { "file": "filename", "content": "content of file" } ``` #### Answer ```json null ``` ### `addtoken` #### Request ```json { "group": "name of group" } ``` #### Answer ```json "token" ``` ### `gettokens` #### Request ```json null ``` #### Answer ```json { "tokenstr": "groupname", "token2str": "groupname" } ``` ### `deletetoken` #### Request ```json { "token": "tokenstr" } ``` #### Answer ```json true ``` ### `executeingamecommand` #### Request ```json { "command": "readconfig" } ``` #### Answer :::info The `data` string contains the output the user would normally get via a PM ingame. So most of the time this will be an empty string. ::: ```json "Command PM output" ``` ### `getplugins` #### Request ```json null ``` #### Answer ```json { "plugin.name.space1": { "information": "<...>", "compatibility": [], "state": {} }, "plugin.name.space2": { "information": "<...>", "compatibility": [], "state": {} } } ``` ### `quitgsmanager` #### Request ```json null ``` #### Answer ```json true ``` ### `getbanlist` #### Request ```json null ``` #### Answer :::info Output of `BanHelper::getAllBans()` ::: ```json ["List of all bans"] ``` ### `permissiontest` #### Request ```json ["permission1", "permission2"] ``` #### Answer ```json { "permission1": true, "permission2": false } ``` ### `getcommandpermissions` #### Request ```json null ``` #### Answer ```json [ "permission1", "permission2", "some.other.per.mission" ] ``` ### `getplayerinfo` #### Request ```json { "databaseid": 5 } ``` #### Answer ```json { "user": "<database_row>", "stats": "<database_row>", "rest": "of player info from db" } ``` ### `subscribeevent` :::info For List of events check https://www.gsmanager.de/lexicon/entry/34-list-of-events/ <small>(07.03.2018: Status incomplete)</small> ::: #### Request ```json { "name": "playerJoined" } ``` #### Response ```json null ``` ### `unsubscribeevent` #### Request ```json { "name": "playerJoined" } ``` #### Response ```json null ``` ### `listpresetfiles` #### Request ```json null ``` #### Response ```json ["file1", "file2"] ```