# g0v.tw campaign finance digitization project
### captcha input -
*click the green button to refresh*

### The results -

### How it works?
#### 1. Volunteers upload scan-files to dropbox or google dirve, and record in one google sheet: http://bit.ly/ScanPoliticalContribution
#### 2. Make all files listing csv, which contain: original file name, page number, file url.
e.g. https://github.com/ronnywang/tw-campaign-finance/blob/master/list0610.csv
#### 3. Cutting "Tofu": use [this code](https://github.com/ronnywang/tw-campaign-finance/blob/master/scripts/search-all-lines2.php) to find every horizontal and vertical lines in the jpg and [all the intersection coordinate](https://github.com/ronnywang/tw-campaign-finance/blob/master/output0610/10.json)

##### [find all code above here]( https://github.com/ronnywang/tw-campaign-finance)
#### 4. Make an API to get every "Tofu"(cell) image via row/column number.
http://campaign-finance.g0v.ronny.tw/api/tables/{id} (get the details data of one page)
http://campaign-finance.g0v.ronny.tw/api/getcellimage/{id}/{row}/{column}.png (get the small "tofu" image)
##### e.g. http://campaign-finance-pic.ronny.tw/1/3-1.png
#### 5. Make a [captcha input](http://campaign-finance.g0v.ctiml.tw/cell) website to crowdsourcing
#### 6. Analyze the best answer of each "Tofu" - since the same "Tofu" would be asked to more then one user
### Live Demo / Ref
* [captcha input](http://campaign-finance.g0v.ctiml.tw/cell) - click the green button to refresh
* [demo for finding grid from image](http://ronny.tw/table/line-finder.html) - don't mind the chinese in alert, checkout the green and red bits on the canvas
* [grid editing interface](https://ronnywang.github.io/tw-campaign-finance/edit2-miss.html#12) - manually adjust how you want to extract cells into individual images
* [aggregated viewer](http://campaign-finance.g0v.lackneets.tw/view/%E5%90%B3%E8%82%B2%E6%98%87/%E9%9B%9C%E6%94%AF%E6%94%AF%E5%87%BA/72)
* [aggregated csv](https://github.com/ronnywang/GovCash/tree/master/accounts)
* [temporal/amount viz](https://fuyei.github.io/cf-viz/viz.htm?debug)
### Document & Code (Chinese)
- Doc: https://g0v.hackpad.com/ep/pad/static/cnmUlDwCooX
- Landingpage & API list: http://campaign-finance.g0v.ctiml.tw/
- github for image process https://github.com/ronnywang/tw-campaign-finance
- github for captcha input https://github.com/ctiml/campaign-finance.g0v.ctiml.tw