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Postdoc opportunity in the DIB Lab

The DIB Lab at UC Davis is seeking a full-time postdoc for a 1 year period, with potential for up to four years.

This postdoc will be focused on writing and communication around the NIH Data Commons Pilot Phase effort (see the #CommonsPilot blog post). The work would include (but not be limited to):

  • developing engagement strategies for open science infrastructure;
  • working with the Data Commons Pilot Phase Consortium members to help engage the larger community with their efforts;
  • writing externally facing blog posts, Tweets, papers, and meeting reports;
  • communicating and engaging with other Commons-style efforts;
  • working with the DIB Lab to develop a training and outreach program for the DCPPC;

but we really mean "not limited to" - there is substantial flexibility in the position.

There will be scope for research in science communication, social networking, community building, and evaluation.

Strong requirements

PhD in hand at time of appointment.

Good written and spoken English.

Code of Conduct compatible.

Other suggested expertise or interest

Open source / open science interest and experience welcome.

Carpentry Instructor training considered a plus.

Some background in biology or data science recommended.

Blogging and social media experience suggested.


Salary: NIH base postdoc salary (currently approximately $44,000 for a starting postdoc) + $10k.

Please note that UC Davis covers health, dental, and vision with the exception of a small monthly fee and copay.

Remote work is OK with some additional travel requirements. Part-time work is also an option.


We are looking to fill this position starting April 2nd, 2018, or as soon thereafter as possible. Please send a cover letter briefly describing your experience, interests, and training to Titus Brown, We will begin reviewing applications on Mon, Mar 19.

(Please don't send applications after Friday, Mar 30th unless this Web site says there's still an opening!)

Frequently Asked Questions

None yet, but we will update as needed!