# Fomo3D Setup Page
## Overview
To play Fomo3D, you'll need to follow a few simple steps:
1. [Purchase Ethereum from an Exchange](#purchase-ethereum)
2. [Setup Metamask in Chrome](#setup-metamask-in-chrome)
3. [Purchase Keys on Fomo3D](#purchase-keys-with-ethereum)
And you can also jump to [setting up Fomo3D on mobile](#fomo3d-on-mobile) or [understanding this game](#understanding-this-game) for more details.
### Purchase Ethereum
First, you need to use an exchange to purchase Ethereum:
1. Go to [Gemini](https://gemini.com/) or [Coinbase](http://coinbase.com/), signup for an account. ([Coinbase vs Gemini?](https://coincentral.com/coinbase-vs-gemini/))
2. Setup a funding source such as your bank account. (Don't worry both of these exchanges are very well-known and secure)
3. Purchase Ethereum (ETH) by exchanging your local fiat (i.e USD) for Ethereum.
4. Purchasing ETH may take a few days for the first purchase, so now you may **need to wait**.
### Setup Metamask in Chrome
Once the **Ethereum has been successfully purchased** on the primary exchange, you'll need to install metamask to interact with the exchange:
1. In a new tab, make sure you are using the Chrome browser and then [install metamask](https://metamask.io) which enables you to use Ethereum web apps such as Fomo3D. Watch the [setup video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj9ztSdKSPU).
2. Create your metamask account and then **store your 12 seed words**.
3. Open up the metamask extension and click the "..." and select "Copy address to clipboard".
4. Go back to Coinbase or Gemini exchange and find the "Send" or "Transfer" function for your wallet.
5. Transfer the amount of Ethereum you want to spend to metamask by entering in your address as copied from metamask in step 3.
6. Wait for the Ethereum to land in your Metamask wallet ballance.
Once you see the Ethereum in your Metamask wallet, move onto the next section below!
### Purchase Keys with Ethereum
You visit the [Fomo3D page to play](https://exitscam.me/go) and purchase keys to get in on the round!
From here, go back to the [getting started guide](https://fomo3d.hostedwiki.co/) for more details on how to play.
## Fomo3D on Mobile
You can also setup Fomo3D from your mobile phone too! If you want to import your existing Metamask wallet into TrustWallet, then follow these steps:
1. Install [TrustWallet](https://trustwalletapp.com/) [on iOS](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/trust-ethereum-wallet/id1288339409) or [on Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wallet.crypto.trustapp)
2. Launch the TrustWallet app and select "Already Have a Wallet"
3. Select the "Mnemonic" tab (or use your "Private Key")
4. **Enter the 12 seed words** you've stored from Metamask (or your private key)
5. Visit [the Fomo3D site from within TrustWallet](https://exitscam.me/go)
6. Bookmark the site on TrustWallet for easier access!
**But can you trust TrustWallet?** Yes, check out their [release post here](https://medium.com/@trustwallet/what-is-trust-2dc8c4a246d8). Their [codebase is open source](https://github.com/TrustWallet) and audited by a community of security experts.
**Like the wiki and this guide?** Consider using [my P3D masternode](https://powh.io/?masternode=0x79b60a2585e6923939eacfd994706e13e368b49a)