# Data Together Tech Standup 2017-09-28 :telephone_receiver: **Call Link:** https://zoom.us/j/149333104 :notebook: [previous meeting notes](https://hackmd.io/s/rJvdlnZj-) :family: **Attendees:** - @b5, @mattprice, @jeffliu, @dcwalk, @lightandluck ## Announcements - @lizbarry has done excellent work moving our vision docs forward! It’d be great if a bunch of us could take time to read/celebrate the wonderful work she’s done & chime in on this pr: https://github.com/datatogether/datatogether/pull/23 - #place-boston* has been making great inroads on our custom crawl setup, have a look: https://github.com/datatogether/archivertools, - @ikreymer joined our slack this week! as a primary author on pywb, warcio, and webrecorder, he brings lots of knowledge on how to do archives the right way. We’re looking to put a call together in the coming days that includes technical reps from Web Monitoring, Data Together, and EDGI Archiving to discuss collaborations & how we can help each other do more with archives. Details to come! - Finally, we’ve finished initial tests & are performing our first full pass of the EPA data.json Thursday, I’ll let you know how it goes! ## Agenda & Notes * Public Lab Sensor Data Checkin - how to upload csv files to an IPFS node - how to set up a stream to be stored in an IPFS node - how to share this data with a community * @dcwalk: Updating Technical Roadmap: https://github.com/datatogether/roadmap/pull/28 * Confirm about our sprint schedule * Thursday **5pm** 1 hour demos (Docs, Testing) * 1/week "pick a repo" * Cyberlaw Meeting recap * Cases where we accidentaly end up holding copyright data -- imagining best practices, making our purpose clear, policies * "EDGI as client" then thinking about partnership considerations * ToS * AWS and Funding Priorities: https://hackmd.io/EwFgRgxgJgDAZmAtMAbATiokBDbTsDMMAHIrAcNgKZVpUwQhA===?view - have specd out some requirements for AWS - would also be good to have some funding for a Rob-like dev to work full-time but briefly on a principla dev contract for DataTogether - morph improvements are on their way via these help requests: * https://help.morph.io/t/how-can-i-get-the-github-repositorys-url-from-inside-a-running-scraper/232/3 * https://help.morph.io/t/programmatically-starting-scraper-runs/414/2 ## Notable (Github) Issues: * https://github.com/datatogether/datatogether/pull/23 * Morph forum/support posts: * https://help.morph.io/t/how-can-i-get-the-github-repositorys-url-from-inside-a-running-scraper/232/3 * https://help.morph.io/t/programmatically-starting-scraper-runs/414/2 ### Updates