AI from Community Meeting, March 1:
amye to work on revised maintainers draft with vbellur to get out for next maintainer's meeting. We'll approve it 'formally' there, see how it works for 3.11.
Current maintainers get to choose between ownership/peer of components they're listed as owners.
Have people focus on maximum of two components as an owner. If they have more, they should be strongly suggested to invite new people as peers to be trained as future owners.
It's okay to drop a component if they are not able to find time/energy. Owners are requested to minimize disruption to the project by helping with transitions and announcing their intentions.
For all the components which fall out of active maintaience, any one from community can volunteer to become owner. This can be approved by council, depending on their overall contribution to the project.
Project Lead and Community Lead are responsible for maintaining the health of the community. This includes balancing work for component owners or choosing which components aren't included in the cycle in a way that minimizes disruption to the project.
– For active component which is already having a maintainer(s)
As long as an active component in the project is well represented, we would not be changing the existing maintainers.
– For components which are not actively maintained.
Any one can 'volunteer' to become maintainer for components which are not actively maintained. Upon getting the request, based on the contribution to the component in next 6 weeks, the maintainer status would be granted for the component. Note that, immediate inactivity (inactivity within next 6 weeks) on component by the new maintainer would lead to revoking the title.
There are multiple reasons why a component would have no-maintainers at a given time.
Voluntary retirement:
Current maintainer would send a notification (due to personal reasons, like job change, can't spend enough time due to changes in family status etc etc), that he is not going to actively maintain the component.
If the maintainer is in-active for more than 6 months, the tech board (or call it tech council) would call out for action of removing the maintainer status for someone.
Giving up position for someone more eligible
This can happen when the current maintainer thinks there is another peer, who is putting in lot of effort and deserves the maintainer status for the good of the component. This would be optional, and technical council can 'recommend' the action here, but would not force.
Kernel Graphics Community: