Tanlge 筆記
## Chapter 1
1.What are the difference from Tangle and Block Chain?
。possibility of making micro-payment
。unclear speration roles(issue,approve)
。there mining no in the sense "miner received monetary rewards"
2.Some rules of approving
。choose two other transcations to approve
。It checks if two transcations are not conflicting
。do not approve the conflicting transcations
。for the transaction to be valid, the node must solve a cryptographic puzzle
3.Why we use DAG?
## Chapter 2
Proper noun
。cumulative weight
## Chapter 3.0
。The total number of tips is stable
。The process of incoming transaction is Possion
。All devices have the same computer power
。To issue a transaction,a node just choose two tips at random and approve them.
2.Take score into 3.0.1 model
3.High load/Low load regimes.
4.Approved strategies
。issue empty transcation
## Chap 3.1
1.Low load case
2.High load case
## Chap 4.0
1.Attack scenarios
2.Consider big double spending case
3.Consider 2. case with capped weight
## Chap 4.1
1.Parasite chain attack
。A attacker secretly builds a chain referencing the main tangle to gain more score.
2.new tip selection algo
。intentionally move the snapshot more to the past
3.Why nodes follow the algo?
## Chap 4.2
1.Splitting attack
2.Some modification for 4.1 algo