# 2017q3 Homework1 (ternary)
contributed by <`kevin550029`>
## Introduction to Balanced Ternary
### 簡介
Balanced Ternary
* 以3為基數,使用 `-1(T)`、`0`、`1` 基本數位的進位
亦可表示為 `-`、`0`、`+`
| | 3^2^ | 3^1^ | 3^0^ |
| :-: | :--: | :---: | :----: |
| 5 = | + | - | - |
| | 9 | +(-3) | +(-1) |
* Ternary encoding of base-3 digits
在 Balanced Ternary 當中表示整數的方法同樣可以想成一個式子
$a_{0}\times 3^{0} +a_{1}\times 3^{1} + a_{2}\times 3^{2} + ... + a_{i}\times 3^{i} +...+ a_{n}\times 3^{n}$,
* $n$ 為用於給 Balanced Ternary 表示正數的位元數
* $a_{i}$ 為 Balanced Ternary 中第i個位元中的係數
在討論要怎把十進位直接轉成Balanced Ternary表示時,
String output="";
while (n>0) {
rem = n%3;
n = n/3;
if (rem == 2) {
rem = -1;
output = (rem==0?'0':(rem==1)?'+':'-') + output;
> 解讀為當某位元餘數為2時 output 會輸出 `-`
> 並將其左邊的位元加1,再繼續進行轉換
* Counting Proceeds: 0, +, + -, + 0, + +, + - -, + - 0, + - +, + 0 - (from 0 to 8)
| Decimal | balance base-3 |
| :--------: | :--------: |
| 0 | 0 0 0 |
| 1 | 0 0 + |
| 2 | 0 + - |
| 3 | 0 + 0 |
| 4 | 0 + + |
| 5 | + - - |
* 藉由-1的引入,不須額外位元能直接表示負數
| Decimal | balance base-3 |
| :-----: | :--------: |
| -1 | 0 0 - |
| -2 | 0 + - |
| -3 | 0 + 0 |
| -4 | 0 + + |
| -5 | + - - |
### 運算
* ternary multiplexer
* black box with five pins
* **selector** pin receives a ternary signal (either -1, 0 or 1)
* output pin, switch, three input pins inN, inO or inP
![ternary multiplexer](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ssloy/tutorials/master/ternary/doc/multiplexer.png)
* unary functions
* 給予input pin不同的值,可以達成各種功能的unary functions
> A unary function is a function that takes one argument
> From *wikiedipa*
> 可以用來實做A+1的功能
> 可以用來實做A-1的功能
* half-adder
* To compute a function of two arguments we need to use **three or four** multiplexers
## Balanced Ternary 要解決的問題
## GitHub 中的應用案例
## Reference
[Balanced ternary numeral system](https://oeis.org/wiki/Balanced_ternary_numeral_system)
[zhanyangch 共筆](https://hackmd.io/s/SyEBnPzsW#)
[Wikipedia-Balanced ternary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balanced_ternary)