All in one scam whois data is protected since is godaddy is very shady domain operator and is known to offer any without question need to pay if you want to see info []( site has very little traffic ![]( created in 2012 ![]( []( old saved page shows a web design site 1 there is a Aaress Infomedia © 2016 tag ![]( Only one i could find is a shopping portal in Bangalore setup in 2011 they are stated as being based in Hong Kong. 2 The alexa data is too little for any ranking yet the site has been up since July and say have received a lot of funding towards their goal of $500 millon. ![]( 3 they provide information on % funding yet provide no real figures and have a goal of 500 million tokens valued at $1 each also the way they have sliders each makes no sense. why would they have separate funding goals for each currency that could be used to invest. ![]( 4 Claim in their "Ideology" are committed to bring "trusted world class investment options" i dont see any of their team who has worked with a world class investment firm and "advance profit making" this is a promise of future profits regardless of funding. 5 State in their whitepaper the last page no.9 as technical details yet isnt in the pdf. ![technical details.JPG]( ![future plan no technical.JPG]( This is what ive found out so far and due to the extent it is promoted offsite by some reputable enough sources this could take some off-site inter-webbing work also. ![Screenshot-2017-9-19 Aaress Infomedia Idea, design Innovation.png]( []( I've only noticed something on the initial site, notice the emphasis on **value** lead by **real** these are scam buzzwords. ![]( office they claim to be in is actual a termits store dated Aug 31st ![]( []( Confirmed 100% Scam =
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