--- robots: noindex, nofollow lang: ja dir: ltr breaks: false --- # クラス図を描こう [graphviz] の DOT 言語を使うようだ。 ``` digraph obj{ node[shape=record]; rankdir="BT"; friends [label = "{<f0> Friends|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; serval [label = "{<f0> Serval|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; raccoon [label = "{<f0> Raccoon|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; fennec [label = "{<f0> Fennec|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; serval->friends raccoon->friends fennec->friends } ``` ```graphviz digraph obj{ node[shape=record]; rankdir="BT"; friends [label = "{<f0> Friends|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; serval [label = "{<f0> Serval|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; raccoon [label = "{<f0> Raccoon|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; fennec [label = "{<f0> Fennec|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; serval->friends raccoon->friends fennec->friends } ``` ## ブックマーク - [Drawing Graphs using Dot and Graphviz](http://www.tonyballantyne.com/graphs.html) - [Graphvizとdot言語でグラフを描く方法のまとめ - Qiita](http://qiita.com/rubytomato@github/items/51779135bc4b77c8c20d) - [クラス図(Class Diagram) - UML入門 - IT専科](http://www.itsenka.com/contents/development/uml/class.html) ###### tags: `uml` `class` `graph` `hackmd` `markdown` [graphviz]: http://www.graphviz.org/ "Graphviz | Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software"
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