# 台中自由文化授權條款 1.0 版 (draft 2017.01.25) ## 前言 為便利民眾共享及應用市府數位文化資源,強化數位文化資源透過網路被查詢、交換、傳播與散布,以達到結合民間創意,提升本地文化發展,推展跨域共工,接軌國際潮流等目的,特訂定本條款。 本條款為寬鬆式公眾授權條款,被授權人得以自由地近用、使用、修改,或分享相關數位文化資源,然必須表彰原出處之顯名聲明,其餘授權規則,與台中開放文化同版本號授權條款相同。 1. 定義 1.1. 「授權人」 指具有處份地位,將數位文化著作之全部或一部,透過本條款釋出予公眾之自然人及法人。 1.2. 「被授權人」 指依本條款規定取得數位文化著作之全部或一部,並對其進行後續利用之自然人及法人。 1.3. 「數位文化著作」 本條款所指稱之「數位文化著作」,意指授權人依本條款,以公開、可修改,且無不必要技術限制之格式提供之數位文化素材中,其得受著作權利保護之客體。依其後續被利用狀況分為三個型態,而受不同程度之義務性要求: 1.3.1. 「原生文化著作」:指被授權人後續以原格式或變動格式進行儲放,但不涉及著作內涵變更之重製著作。 1.3.2. 「衍生文化著作」:指被授權人後續以翻譯、編曲、改寫、拍攝影片或其他方法就「原生文化著作」或已存之「衍生文化著作」另為創作,而產出與「原生文化著作」或已存之「衍生文化著作」無法分割利用之衍生著作。 1.3.3. 「編輯文化著作」:指被授權人後續以選擇或編排,就「原生文化著作」或「衍生文化著作」進行整理,而產出內含「原生文化著作」或「衍生文化著作」,但日後應需求亦得以合理移除「原生文化著作」或「衍生文化著作」部份,進行分割利用之編輯著作。 2. 授與權利 2.1. 授權人依本條款提供之「數位文化著作」,被授權人取得著作權及相似權利上,對其進行非專屬、不限制目的、時間、地域、不可撤回、免授權金、不得再轉授權利用之地位,利用方式包括重製、散布、公開傳輸、公開播送、公開口述、公開上映、公開演出、編輯、改作。 2.2. 被授權人依本條款規定利用「數位文化著作」,無須另行取得授權人之書面或其他方式授權。 2.3. 本條款之授權範圍,及於著作權與和著作權緊密相關的相似權利,包含但不限於,表演、廣播、錄音及資料庫保護權,和該等權利如何歸類或分類無關。然不包括專利權,商標權,以及原住民族智慧創作專用權。 3. 課予義務 3.1. 被授權人利用依本條款提供之「數位文化著作」,視為同意遵守本條款之各項規定。 3.2. 被授權人利用依本條款提供之「數位文化著作」,後續產出「原生文化著作」、「衍生文化著作」,以及「編輯文化著作」,皆須以符合附件所示「顯名聲明」提供之資訊,明確標示授權人提供之相關聲明;未盡顯名標示義務者,視為自始未取得「數位文化著作」之授權。 3.3. 「衍生文化著作」及「編輯文化著作」經已對「數位文化著作」內涵進行改作或選編者,被授權人須就其改作或選編時間,及經改作或選編之狀態,於顯名聲明標示時額外註記。 3.4. 若「數位文化著作」於提供時,已於詮釋資料中嵌入授權人註記之顯名聲明,或相關足以確認著作、著作名稱、著作人及利用期間或條件之相關電子資訊,則被授權人應善意保存相關資訊於後續「原生文化著作」、「衍生文化著作」,及「編輯文化著作」內,並就其利用型態進行相對應的調整與修改,除非後續利用狀況已無法合理保留是類詮釋資料資訊,例如已將相關著作列印紙本文件時,即屬除外狀況。 3.5. 「原生文化著作」、「衍生文化著作」,及「編輯文化著作」,後續得依以下聲明之相容條款被使用,或依包含台中自由文化授權條款各項義務性規定及條件之授權方式,被進行利用。 4. 版本更新 本條款如有修正,依舊條款提供之「數位文化著作」,於新條款公告時,被授權人得選擇採用新條款利用。但授權人於提供「數位文化著作」時,已訂明其使用之特定版本條款者,不在此限。 5. 授權相容 本條款與「台中開放文化授權條款 1.0 版」及「創用CC授權 姓名標示 4.0 國際版本」相容,被授權人依本條款取得「數位文化著作」,如後續以「台中開放文化授權條款 1.0 版」或「創用CC授權 姓名標示 4.0 國際版本」規定之方式利用,視為符合本條款之規定。 6. 合理使用 本條款並無就著作權法上,被授權人可適用之合理使用、合理處置及其他相類之法律地位,而有特約之解釋與限縮。 7. 免責聲明 7.1. 除非由授權人個別保證,否則在可行範圍內,授權人是以現狀及現有之基礎提供本「數位文化著作」,且未聲明或提供關於本「數位文化著作」之任何保證,無論明示、默示、是否為法律所規定或其他保證。這包含但不限於任何有關本「數位文化著作」權利之擔保、可商業性、是否符合某特定之目的、未侵害他人權利、不具有潛在或其他之缺陷、正確性、或不論能否被發現之錯誤。 7.2. 在可行範圍內,任何因本授權條款或本「數位文化著作」的使用所生之直接的、特殊的、間接的、附隨的、連帶的、懲罰性的、警告性的或其他的損失、支出、費用或損害,授權人對被授權人不負任何法理上或其他的責任(包含但不限於過失責任),縱授權人已經被告知發生此類損失、支出、費用或損害的可能性時,亦同。 7.3. 前述所提供的免責聲明及責任限制規定,在可行範圍內,應該以最接近於確實免除全部責任的方式來解釋。 附件:顯名聲明之記述及引用要點 *本數位文化著作採用台中自由文化授權條款(Taichung Free Culture License)進行公眾釋出。 *授權條款的詳細內容請見:http://dc.taichung.gov.tw/license/TCFCL/ *顯名聲明部分請依以下引用方式標示授權資訊: -本著作內含台中自由文化授權條款(Taichung Free Culture License)授權著作,為原數位文化著作之原生文化著作/衍生文化著作/編輯文化著作。 -原數位文化著作之著作權聲明資訊:授權人 [年份] [數位文化著作名稱或其識別資訊] -台中自由文化授權條款:http://dc.taichung.gov.tw/license/TCFCL/ ---- # Taichung Free Culture License 1.0, TCFCL-1.0 (draft 2017.01.25) ## Preamble The Taichung Free Culture License (the License) is intended to facilitate sharing and application among the public for digital cultural resources owned or managed by Taichung City Government, and to improve the efficiency of being searched, exchanged, disseminated and redistributed for these digital cultural resources. Therefore the creativity between public-private sectors can be bridged, local cultural development can be encouraged, cross-domain collaboration can be promoted, and the international open culture trends can be linked, these are the main rationale for the License. The License has been established as a permissive general public license, the Licensee is allowed to freely access, use, modify, and share the licensed digital cultural resources for any purpose provided the attribution condition is met. In addition to that, other conditions and obligations of the License are the same to the Taichung Open Culture License in the same version number. 1. Definitions 1.1. “Licensor” refers to individual or legal entity that owns the Digital Cultural Work in whole or in part, or has the lawful disposition authority of that, and makes it provided under the License. 1.2. “Licensee” refers to individual and legal entity that receives and uses Digital Culture Work in whole or in part under the License. 1.3. “Digital Cultural Work” means the copyrighted part of the digital cultural resources that provides by the Licensor under the License in an open and modifiable form such that there are no unnecessary technological obstacles to the performance of the licensed rights. According to the utilization scenario, it can be categorized as Original Cultural Work, Derived Cultural Work, and Compiled Cultural Work as defined hereafter, and be imposed variant obligations for the subsequent application. 1.3.1. “Original Cultural Work” means a work stored by the Licensee in unmodified format or modified format without any change to its originality and can be deemed as the reproduction of the original Digital Cultural Work provided by the Licensor. 1.3.2. “Derived Cultural Work” means a derived work, that is created based upon an “Original Cultural Work” or a preexisting “Derived Cultural Work” by translation, musical arrangement, revision, filming, or other means, and can not be utilized separately without commingling the “ Original Cultural Work” or preexisting “Derived Cultural Work” in part or in whole. 1.3.3. “Compiled Cultural Work” means a compilation work, that is formed by the creative selection or arrangement of materials that include “ Original Cultural Work” or “Derived Cultural Work”, and other part of the compilation can reasonably be utilized separately if the “ Original Cultural Work” or “Derived Cultural Work” is to be excluded in the subsequent use. 2. Grant of License 2.1. The Licensor grants Licensee a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-sublicensable copyright and similar rights license to reproduce, distribute, publicly transmit, publicly broadcast, publicly recite, publicly present, publicly perform, compile, adapt to the “Digital Cultural Work” provided for any purpose. 2.2. Any additional written offer or other formality for copyright license from the Licensor is not required, if Licensee makes use of “Digital Cultural Work” in compliance with the License. 2.3. The License applies to copyright and similar rights closely related to copyright including, without limitation, performance, broadcast, sound recording, and Sui Generis Database Rights, without regard to how the rights are labeled or categorized. Yet it does not grant any rights in the patents, trademarks, and exclusive rights to use intellectual creations of indigenous peoples. 3. Conditions and Obligations 3.1. By utilizing the “Digital Cultural Work” provided under the License, licensee indicates his/her acceptance of this License includes all its terms and conditions. 3.2. When Licensee makes use of the “Digital Cultural Work” under the License, he/she must make an explicit notice of statement as attribution requested in the Exhibit below by the Licensor according to the utilization scenario differs from “Original Cultural Work”, “Derived Cultural Work”, and “Compiled Cultural Work”. If Licensee fails to comply with the attribution requirement, the rights granted under this License shall be deemed to have been void ab initio. 3.3. When a “Derived Cultural Work” or a “Compiled Cultural Work” has been created or formed, the licensee that makes the derivative or compilation must cause the subsequent work to carry prominent notices in the attribution Exhibit stating that the changes about authorship and producing date compared to the “Original Cultural Work”. 3.4. If the “Digital Cultural Work” has been embedded with a metadata including attribution of the Licensor or other electronic information presented to identify the work, the name of the work, the author, and the period or conditions of exploitation of the work as part of its distribution, all the related informations shall be kept intact and updated correspondingly to the changes in the subsequent use in good faith, according to the difference among “Original Cultural Work”, “Derived Cultural Work”, and “Compiled Cultural Work” scenarios. However, if the metadata can not be reasonably kept in practice, the obligation hereby declared on the Licensee could be relieved, such as when the related work is printed in hard copy might construe as an example of exception. 3.5. The “Original Cultural Work”, “Derived Cultural Work”, and “Compiled Cultural Work” can be utilized under the compatible licenses stated below, or under a different license with additional terms and conditions, provided the license complies with all the conditions and obligations stated in this License. 4. License Version When a new version of the License has been updated and declared, if not the Licensor has already appointed a specific version of the License for the “Digital Cultural Work” it provided, the Licensee may make use of the “Digital Cultural Work” under the terms of the version of the License under which he/she originally received, or under the terms of any subsequent version published thereafter. 5. Compatible Licenses The License is compatible with the “Taichung Open Culture License 1.0” and the “Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International”. This means that when the “Digital Cultural Work” is provided by the Licensor under the License, the Licensee automatically satisfies the terms of this License when he/she makes use of the “Digital Cultural Work” in compliance with one of the compatible licenses stated above. 6. Fair Use This License is not intended to limit any rights the Licensee might have under applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other equivalents. 7. Disclaimer 7.1. Unless otherwise separately undertaken by the Licensor, to the extent possible, the Licensor offers the "Digital Cultural Work" as-is and as-available, and makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the "Digital Cultural Work", whether express, implied, statutory, or other. This includes, without limitation, warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the presence or absence of errors, whether or not known or discoverable. 7.2. To the extent possible, in no event will the Licensor be liable to the Licensee on any legal theory (including, without limitation, negligence) or otherwise for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, exemplary, or other losses, costs, expenses, or damages arising out of this License or use of the "Digital Cultural Work", even if the Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such losses, costs, expenses, or damages. 7.3. The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability provided above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and waiver of all liability. Exhibit - Attribution * This "Digital Cultural Work" is provided under Taichung Free Culture License to the public. * You can obtain the full text of the License at: http://dc.taichung.gov.tw/license/TCFCL/ * The attribution shall be properly retained and cited in the subsequent use is: -The work includes materials in whole or in part provided under Taichung Free Culture License in Original Cultural Work/Derived Cultural Work/Compiled Cultural Work scenario. -Copyright Notice for the original work under TCFCL: [Licensor] [year] [Title of the work and identifiable version number] -Taichung Free Culture License: http://dc.taichung.gov.tw/license/TCFCL/ ---- # 台中開放文化授權條款 1.0 版 (draft 2017.01.25) ## 前言 為便利民眾共享及應用市府數位文化資源,強化數位文化資源透過網路被查詢、交換、傳播與散布,以達到結合民間創意,提升本地文化發展,推展跨域共工,接軌國際潮流等目的,特訂定本條款。 本條款為相同方式分享式公眾授權條款,被授權人得以自由地近用、使用、修改,或分享相關數位文化資源,然必須表彰原出處之顯名聲明,並讓衍生著作延用同樣的授權條款以維持素材後續之開放性,其餘授權規則,與台中自由文化同版本號授權條款相同。 1. 定義 1.1. 「授權人」 指具有處份地位,將數位文化著作之全部或一部,透過本條款釋出予公眾之自然人及法人。 1.2. 「被授權人」 指依本條款規定取得數位文化著作之全部或一部,並對其進行後續利用之自然人及法人。 1.3. 「數位文化著作」 本條款所指稱之「數位文化著作」,意指授權人依本條款,以公開、可修改,且無不必要技術限制之格式提供之數位文化素材中,其得受著作權利保護之客體。依其後續被利用狀況分為三個型態,而受不同程度之義務性要求: 1.3.1. 「原生文化著作」:指被授權人後續以原格式或變動格式進行儲放,但不涉及著作內涵變更之重製著作。 1.3.2. 「衍生文化著作」:指被授權人後續以翻譯、編曲、改寫、拍攝影片或其他方法就「原生文化著作」或已存之「衍生文化著作」另為創作,而產出與「原生文化著作」或已存之「衍生文化著作」無法分割利用之衍生著作。 1.3.3. 「編輯文化著作」:指被授權人後續以選擇或編排,就「原生文化著作」或「衍生文化著作」進行整理,而產出內含「原生文化著作」或「衍生文化著作」,但日後應需求亦得以合理移除「原生文化著作」或「衍生文化著作」部份,進行分割利用之編輯著作。 2. 授與權利 2.1. 授權人依本條款提供之「數位文化著作」,被授權人取得著作權及相似權利上,對其進行非專屬、不限制目的、時間、地域、不可撤回、免授權金、不得再轉授權利用之地位,利用方式包括重製、散布、公開傳輸、公開播送、公開口述、公開上映、公開演出、編輯、改作。 2.2. 被授權人依本條款規定利用「數位文化著作」,無須另行取得授權人之書面或其他方式授權。 2.3. 本條款之授權範圍,及於著作權與和著作權緊密相關的相似權利,包含但不限於,表演、廣播、錄音及資料庫保護權,和該等權利如何歸類或分類無關。然不包括專利權,商標權,以及原住民族智慧創作專用權。 3. 課予義務 3.1. 被授權人利用依本條款提供之「數位文化著作」,視為同意遵守本條款之各項規定。 3.2. 被授權人利用依本條款提供之「數位文化著作」,後續產出「原生文化著作」、「衍生文化著作」,以及「編輯文化著作」,皆須以符合附件所示「顯名聲明」提供之資訊,明確標示授權人提供之相關聲明;未盡顯名標示義務者,視為自始未取得「數位文化著作」之授權。 3.3. 「衍生文化著作」及「編輯文化著作」經已對「數位文化著作」內涵進行改作或選編者,被授權人須就其改作或選編時間,及經改作或選編之狀態,於顯名聲明標示時額外註記。 3.4. 若「數位文化著作」於提供時,已於詮釋資料中嵌入授權人註記之顯名聲明,或相關足以確認著作、著作名稱、著作人及利用期間或條件之相關電子資訊,則被授權人應善意保存相關資訊於後續「原生文化著作」、「衍生文化著作」,及「編輯文化著作」內,並就其利用型態進行相對應的調整與修改,除非後續利用狀況已無法合理保留是類詮釋資料資訊,例如已將相關著作列印紙本文件時,即屬除外狀況。 3.5. 「原生文化著作」、「衍生文化著作」,及「編輯文化著作」內含之「原生文化著作」與「衍生文化著作」,後續僅能依以下聲明之相容條款,或原台中開放文化授權條款被進行利用。 3.6. 被授權人不得採有效科技措施,來限制後續使用者依本授權條款行使相關授權權利之地位。 4. 版本更新 本條款如有修正,依舊條款提供之「數位文化著作」,於新條款公告時,被授權人得選擇採用新條款利用。 5. 授權相容 本條款與「創用CC授權 姓名標示 - 相同方式分享 4.0 國際版本」相容,被授權人依本條款取得「數位文化著作」,如後續以「創用CC授權 姓名標示 - 相同方式分享 4.0 國際版本」規定之方式利用,視為符合本條款之規定。 6. 合理使用 本條款並無就著作權法上,被授權人可適用之合理使用、合理處置及其他相類之法律地位,而有特約之解釋與限縮。 7. 免責聲明 7.1. 除非由授權人個別保證,否則在可行範圍內,授權人是以現狀及現有之基礎提供本「數位文化著作」,且未聲明或提供關於本「數位文化著作」之任何保證,無論明示、默示、是否為法律所規定或其他保證。這包含但不限於任何有關本「數位文化著作」權利之擔保、可商業性、是否符合某特定之目的、未侵害他人權利、不具有潛在或其他之缺陷、正確性、或不論能否被發現之錯誤。 7.2. 在可行範圍內,任何因本授權條款或本「數位文化著作」的使用所生之直接的、特殊的、間接的、附隨的、連帶的、懲罰性的、警告性的或其他的損失、支出、費用或損害,授權人對被授權人不負任何法理上或其他的責任(包含但不限於過失責任),縱授權人已經被告知發生此類損失、支出、費用或損害的可能性時,亦同。 7.3. 前述所提供的免責聲明及責任限制規定,在可行範圍內,應該以最接近於確實免除全部責任的方式來解釋。 附件:顯名聲明之記述及引用要點 *本數位文化著作採用台中開放文化授權條款(Taichung Open Culture License)進行公眾釋出。 *授權條款的詳細內容請見:http://dc.taichung.gov.tw/license/TCOCL/ *顯名聲明部分請依以下引用方式標示授權資訊: -本著作內含台中開放文化授權條款(Taichung Free Culture License)授權著作,為原數位文化著作之原生文化著作/衍生文化著作/編輯文化著作。 -原數位文化著作之著作權聲明資訊:授權人 [年份] [數位文化著作名稱或其識別資訊] -台中開放文化授權條款:http://dc.taichung.gov.tw/license/TCOCL/ ---- # Taichung Open Culture License 1.0, TCOCL-1.0 (draft 2017.01.25) ## Preamble The Taichung Open Culture License (the License) is intended to facilitate sharing and application among the public for digital cultural resources owned or managed by Taichung City Government, and to improve the efficiency of being searched, exchanged, disseminated and redistributed for these digital cultural resources. Therefore the creativity between public-private sectors can be bridged, local cultural development can be encouraged, cross-domain collaboration can be promoted, and the international open culture trends can be linked, these are the main rationale for the License. The License has been established as a share-alike general public license, the Licensee is allowed to freely access, use, modify, and share the licensed digital cultural resources for any purpose provided the attribution and copyleft conditions are met. In addition to that, other conditions and obligations of the License are the same to the Taichung Free Culture License in the same version number. 1. Definitions 1.1. “Licensor” refers to individual or legal entity that owns the Digital Cultural Work in whole or in part, or has the lawful disposition authority of that, and makes it provided under the License. 1.2. “Licensee” refers to individual and legal entity that receives and uses Digital Culture Work in whole or in part under the License. 1.3. “Digital Cultural Work” means the copyrighted part of the digital cultural resources that provides by the Licensor under the License in an open and modifiable form such that there are no unnecessary technological obstacles to the performance of the licensed rights. According to the utilization scenario, it can be categorized as Original Cultural Work, Derived Cultural Work, and Compiled Cultural Work as defined hereafter, and be imposed variant obligations for the subsequent application. 1.3.1. “Original Cultural Work” means a work stored by the Licensee in unmodified format or modified format without any change to its originality and can be deemed as the reproduction of the original Digital Cultural Work provided by the Licensor. 1.3.2. “Derived Cultural Work” means a derived work, that is created based upon an “Original Cultural Work” or a preexisting “Derived Cultural Work” by translation, musical arrangement, revision, filming, or other means, and can not be utilized separately without commingling the “ Original Cultural Work” or preexisting “Derived Cultural Work” in part or in whole. 1.3.3. “Compiled Cultural Work” means a compilation work, that is formed by the creative selection or arrangement of materials that include “ Original Cultural Work” or “Derived Cultural Work”, and other part of the compilation can reasonably be utilized separately if the “ Original Cultural Work” or “Derived Cultural Work” is to be excluded in the subsequent use. 2. Grant of License 2.1. The Licensor grants Licensee a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-sublicensable copyright and similar rights license to reproduce, distribute, publicly transmit, publicly broadcast, publicly recite, publicly present, publicly perform, compile, adapt to the “Digital Cultural Work” provided for any purpose. 2.2. Any additional written offer or other formality for copyright license from the Licensor is not required, if Licensee makes use of “Digital Cultural Work” in compliance with the License. 2.3. The License applies to copyright and similar rights closely related to copyright including, without limitation, performance, broadcast, sound recording, and Sui Generis Database Rights, without regard to how the rights are labeled or categorized. Yet it does not grant any rights in the patents, trademarks, and exclusive rights to use intellectual creations of indigenous peoples. 3. Conditions and Obligations 3.1. By utilizing the “Digital Cultural Work” provided under the License, licensee indicates his/her acceptance of this License includes all its terms and conditions. 3.2. When Licensee makes use of the “Digital Cultural Work” under the License, he/she must make an explicit notice of statement as attribution requested in the Exhibit below by the Licensor according to the utilization scenario differs from “Original Cultural Work”, “Derived Cultural Work”, and “Compiled Cultural Work”. If Licensee fails to comply with the attribution requirement, the rights granted under this License shall be deemed to have been void ab initio. 3.3. When a “Derived Cultural Work” or a “Compiled Cultural Work” has been created or formed, the licensee that makes the derivative or compilation must cause the subsequent work to carry prominent notices in the attribution Exhibit stating that the changes about authorship and producing date compared to the “Original Cultural Work”. 3.4. If the “Digital Cultural Work” has been embedded with a metadata including attribution of the Licensor or other electronic information presented to identify the work, the name of the work, the author, and the period or conditions of exploitation of the work as part of its distribution, all the related informations shall be kept intact and updated correspondingly to the changes in the subsequent use in good faith, according to the difference among “Original Cultural Work”, “Derived Cultural Work”, and “Compiled Cultural Work” scenarios. However, if the metadata can not be reasonably kept in practice, the obligation hereby declared on the Licensee could be relieved, such as when the related work is printed in hard copy might construe as an example of exception. 3.5. The “Original Cultural Work”, “Derived Cultural Work”, and the part directly inherent to the “Original Cultural Work” and “Derived Cultural Work” in a “Compiled Cultural Work” can only be utilized under the compatible licenses stated below, or under the unmodified Taichung Open Culture License. 3.6. The Licensee may not apply any effective technological measures to restrict exercise of the licensed rights by any recipient for utilizing the “Digital Cultural Work” under the License. 4. License Version When a new version of the License has been updated and declared, the Licensee may make use of the “Digital Cultural Work” under the terms of the version of the License under which he/she originally received, or under the terms of any subsequent version published thereafter. 5. Compatible License The License is compatible with the the “Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0 International”. This means that when the “Digital Cultural Work” is provided by the Licensor under the License, the Licensee automatically satisfies the terms of this License when he/she makes use of the “Digital Cultural Work” in compliance with the “Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0 International” thereafter. 6. Fair Use This License is not intended to limit any rights the Licensee might have under applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other equivalents. 7. Disclaimer 7.1. Unless otherwise separately undertaken by the Licensor, to the extent possible, the Licensor offers the "Digital Cultural Work" as-is and as-available, and makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the "Digital Cultural Work", whether express, implied, statutory, or other. This includes, without limitation, warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the presence or absence of errors, whether or not known or discoverable. 7.2. To the extent possible, in no event will the Licensor be liable to the Licensee on any legal theory (including, without limitation, negligence) or otherwise for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, exemplary, or other losses, costs, expenses, or damages arising out of this License or use of the "Digital Cultural Work", even if the Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such losses, costs, expenses, or damages. 7.3. The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability provided above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and waiver of all liability. Exhibit - Attribution * This "Digital Cultural Work" is provided under Taichung Open Culture License to the public. * You can obtain the full text of the License at: http://dc.taichung.gov.tw/license/TCOCL/ * The attribution shall be properly retained and cited in the subsequent use is: -The work includes materials in whole or in part provided under Taichung Open Culture License in Original Cultural Work/Derived Cultural Work/Compiled Cultural Work scenario. -Copyright Notice for the original work under TCOCL: [Licensor] [year] [Title of the work and identifiable version number] -Taichung Open Culture License: http://dc.taichung.gov.tw/license/TCOCL/