# Logging into a remote computer
*Specifics targeted towards students of BIOS 30318 - Intro to Biocomputing, Instructed by Dr. Stuart Jones @ Notre Dame for the Fall 2018 semester*
*This tutorial was written by Chissa Rivaldi and last updated on 11-12-2018*
## Basics
1. Open your terminal (or Bash on Windows, or cygwin, etc.)
2. Use the command `ssh` to log on to a remote computer. For us this looks like this:
ssh -X <netid>@remote10*.helios.nd.edu
#There are 8 computers, named remote 101-remote108. None of them are large enough to handle all of us logging on at once. You will receive instructions in class regarding which one you should use.
*Note: You should all have access because we have previously arranged this - if you want to work on the CRC, the address is different and there is training required. More information at the CRC's website: [https://crc.nd.edu/](https://crc.nd.edu/)*
3. Enter your password - just like with git, you won't see your cursor move. Read the text that pops up if you are successful - it often contains important information about the system you're using - when maintenence is, etc.: ![](https://i.imgur.com/0V3f9Tr.png)
4. Start computing! Try some of the same things we've done previously in the command line. The default shell for this computer is `csh`, as opposed to bash, as we've been using. You can simply type bash and you'll be coding in bash again.
5. Things NOT to do on a remote computuer
- Use sudo - this is not your computer and the people who run this computer will send you an irritable email if you try to use sudo to force anything to install or delete, etc. You almost never need to use sudo in a bioinformatics workflow.
- Upload a lot of data to this computer. This is collectively called your 'AFS' space. It's a shared computer that other students in CSE and EE use pretty often so we want to conserve resources as much as possible.
6. Getting files on and off a remote space:
- `scp` - Instructions -> https://kb.iu.edu/d/agye
- `sftp` - Instructions -> https://hackmd.io/s/rybzCZasX#
- bonus instructions for filezilla included in above link
- github - clone/merge things into/from a remote repo. Not super efficient but works for most purposes.
- cyberduck - User-friendly GUI. Slower than the other two, but useful when you're getting started: https://download.cnet.com/windows/cyberduck/3260-20_4-6244900-1.html