# Sentinel SOCKS5 Node Setup We assume you have docker installed already. In case you don't, follow instructions on [this page](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-docker-on-ubuntu-16-04) ``` cd ~ ``` ``` mkdir -p $HOME/.sentinel ``` ``` sudo docker run -it --privileged --mount type=bind,source=$HOME/.sentinel,target=/root/.sentinel -p 3000:3000 -p 1194:1194/udp sentinelofficial/sentinel-socks5-node ``` ###### Note 1: In case you previously ran any version of Sentinel client, read the wallet from keystore file in .sentinel folder and use that same address for node setup ###### Note 2: once initialization sequence is complete, press ***ctrl + p + q*** to detach from the docker container and run it in the background. Sentinel Desktop Client - Installation Guide === Download the installer from the Sentinel official [GitHub Repo](https://github.com/sentinel-official/sentinel/releases) or [Website](https://sentinel.co) for respective platform and follow the below instructions. *We're enabling developer console in this version for better error and log reporting. Please use it when submitting issues in the chat group or on our github repo* ```Please enable testnet from topbar for using the Sentinel dVPN``` #### When swix transaction is completed, please click on SENTINEL Logo present on the start of swixer web page in Swixer Tab, to start new swix transaction. ## Linux ### v0.0.4 and above ###### We're launching SOCKS5 Proxy in TESTNET in this version. --- If you are using ubuntu version less than or equal to 16.04, then please run following command: ``` sudo add-apt-repository ppa:max-c-lv/shadowsocks-libev -y sudo apt-get update ``` Install the deb file with the Ubuntu Software Center or by running the command ``` sudo dpkg -i Sentinel***.deb ``` In case of any issues/errors regarding dependencies then run below command and after running the above command. ``` sudo apt install -f ``` A prompt will open everytime you try to run app. This prompt is to have super user (sudo) privileges for application. Please enter your system password and continue. To check socks list or to connect any socks node, then please enable testnet toggle and select SOCKS v5 from the dropdown menu, which are on top right corner. After you can check SOCKS5 nodes in vpn-list tab. Click on any node to connect to it and once the connection is established, follow the below steps Navigate To: Settings > Network > Network Proxy and change proxy mode to **manual** and in the field of ***SOCKS5 Host*** enter `` and port number ```1080``` After disconnecting from a SOCKS5 node, you should change these settings back to ```none``` or ```automatic``` to gain access to internet. ### v0.0.32 --- If you are on Ubuntu, install the deb file with the Ubuntu Software Center or by running the command ``` sudo dpkg -i Sentinel***.deb ``` In case of any issues/errors regarding dependencies then run below command and after running the above command. ``` sudo apt install -f ``` A prompt will open everytime you try to run app. This prompt is to have super user (sudo) privileges for application. Please enter your system password and continue. ## Mac ###### In app with version greater than and equal to 0.0.4, we are currently facing performace issues. Performance of the app decreases by a significant factor while disconnecting from a SOCKS5 node, we're trying to fix this issue ASAP. --- - Run the .dmg file and drag the Sentinel app to ***Applications*** folder. - Go to Applications Folder and right click on sentinel app and Click on ***Show Package Contents*** option. - Then go to ```Contents > MacOs``` and run sentinel by double clicking the package. - Additionally You can create a shortcut of the app by right clicking the sentinel package and click ```make alias```, then copy the alias to your desktop for ease of use. - While connecting to VPN, in case of the error - 'Package ***brew*** is not installed' error. Then please install homebrew in your system and then try connecting to the vpn. - Please follow instructions from this [howtogeek tutorial](https://www.howtogeek.com/211541/homebrew-for-os-x-easily-installs-desktop-apps-and-terminal-utilities/) to install Homebrew ## Windows ###### windows client has a little caveat, once a successful connection or disconnection has been made with a SOCKS5 node, we're forced to open internet explorer as ***google chrome browser*** reads network settings from in-built browsers. --- ##### Note: If you installed sentinel windows client v0.0.4 previously, please run this command as administrator in cmd/powershell before installing this updated version. ``` net stop sentinelSocks ``` ### v0.0.4 and above ##### Powershell and Chocolatey are mendatory for SOCKS5 proxy to work. To install chocolatey on windows( 7| 8| 10), run the following command in cmd as administrator: ``` @"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin" ``` **Windows 10 comes with Powershell pre-installed, but windows 8 and windows 7 users should install it manually** ##### After installing Chocolatey on your computer, run this command as administrator to install powershell (only windows 7 | windows 8 users): ``` choco install powershell ``` - In this version you can launch the app without ```Run As Administrator```, anyhow a prompt will be shown to give admin access. - Run the Sentinel***.exe file, You'll See The Sentinel Logo with a loading indicator and after a little wait, the app should open. - And from second time, you can run the app from folder: ```C:/ > Users > {Your Username} > AppData > Local > Sentinel > Sentinel.exe``` - Additionally, you can create a shortcut of the app and save it on your desktop for ease of use. For that right click on the sentinel.exe file and click ```Create Shortcut```. After that you can copy that shortcut to your desktop and open the app from desktop everytime. - If you're facing any issues while installing the app, like ***OpenVPN Is Not Installed*** or ***Something Went Wrong***, please uninstall your already installed OpenVPN from control panel and then re-install OpenVPN from the following path on your local machine and re-run the Sentinel App. ```C:// > Users > {Your Username} > AppData > Local > Sentinel > app-{version} > resources > extras > openvpn-install-2.3.18-*.exe``` ### For Mozilla Firefox users there's a caveat [ MacOS | Windows | Ubuntu ]: firefox users should change proxy settings in their browser. For that, open firefox and navigate to ``` menu > preferences > network proxy ``` and enter the above details in the respective fields.