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2016q3 Homework1 (phonebook)

contributed by <SarahCheng>


Reviewed by <snoopy831002>

  • 可以在github網站創立好repo之後再clone到本地端會比較方便喔
  • 改良之後的cache miss還是太高(74%?)

好的,謝謝你!再用hash table試試


  • 9/24 watch the video, register accounts
  • 9/25 install lubuntu

不需要在內文標注「日期」,HackMD 會追蹤,應該紀錄「主題導向」的實驗和參考資料 jserv

  • 9/26 problem:
    • wifi setting

    • 螢幕畫面截取

    • linux cmd instruction不熟

    • problem:

      • $make 沒有出現"[sudo] password for"

      • $make plot沒有runtime.png,只有script/


      • $ lscpu | grep cache沒有反應..

        $ lscpu | grep cache即可Tue, Sep 27, 2016 3:37 PM

      • 用astyle沒反應:因為少了空白
        astyle --style=kr --indent=spaces=4 --indent-switches --suffix=none空格*.[ch]

      需要解釋「沒反應」為何 jserv

    • reference:


  • CPU: Intel® Core i7-3520M cpu @ 2.90GHz
  • MEM: 125GB
  • Cache:
    • L1d cache: 32K
    • L1i cache: 32K
    • L2 cache: 256K
    • L3 cache: 4096K

使用 lscpusudo lshw 可看到硬體資訊

修改結構大小降低cache miss


typedef struct __PHONE_BOOK_DETAILS { char firstName[16]; char email[16]; char phone[10]; char cell[10]; char addr1[16]; char addr2[16]; char city[16]; char state[2]; char zip[5]; } Details; typedef struct __PHONE_BOOK_ENTRY { char lastName[MAX_LAST_NAME_SIZE]; struct __PHONE_BOOK_ENTRY *pNext; Details *details; } entry;

3.記得解開 the comment #define OPT 1

$echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

5.make plot 即得下列資訊

size of entry : 128 bytes
execution time of append() : 0.087335 sec
execution time of findName() : 0.005850 sec

 Performance counter stats for './phonebook_orig' (100 runs):

         1,426,148      cache-misses              #   82.108 % of all cache refs      ( +-  0.48% )  (74.11%)
         1,736,927      cache-references                                              ( +-  0.54% )  (74.39%)
       305,721,382      instructions              #    1.47  insns per cycle          ( +-  0.18% )  (77.20%)
       207,828,652      cycles                                                        ( +-  0.24% )  (76.70%)

       0.068671339 seconds time elapsed                                          ( +-  1.91% )

size of entry : 24 bytes
execution time of append() : 0.036632 sec
execution time of findName() : 0.002973 sec

 Performance counter stats for './phonebook_opt' (100 runs):

           232,097      cache-misses              #   74.079 % of all cache refs      ( +-  0.37% )  (74.46%)
           313,312      cache-references                                              ( +-  0.51% )  (74.79%)
       278,824,752      instructions              #    1.75  insns per cycle          ( +-  0.28% )  (76.75%)
       159,089,222      cycles                                                        ( +-  0.28% )  (77.42%)

       0.050675378 seconds time elapsed                                          ( +-  1.75% )

 Performance counter stats for './phonebook_orig' (100 runs):

         1,469,675      cache-misses              #   81.589 % of all cache refs      ( +-  0.61% )
         1,801,320      cache-references                                              ( +-  0.60% )
       310,382,365      instructions              #    1.45  insns per cycle          ( +-  0.01% )
       214,099,227      cycles                                                        ( +-  0.17% )

       0.070388042 seconds time elapsed                                          ( +-  2.18% )

           235,670      cache-misses              #   79.971 % of all cache refs      ( +-  0.22% )
           294,695      cache-references                                              ( +-  0.21% )
       288,137,012      instructions              #    1.78  insns per cycle          ( +-  0.00% )
       162,238,829      cycles                                                        ( +-  0.08% )


Use fgets characteristic to delay the replacing '\n' with '\0'.

利用 fgets的特性,man 完就會發現它會在讀到 newline 或是 EOF停下來並且在他們後面會多種一個 '\0',接著的 code 就是把 newline 變成 '\0',我們延後替換 newline,我操作只比較前面的長度,真的找到了再把 newline 換掉即可。

  • main.c
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) e = append(line, e);
  • phonebook_opt.c
/* because the assert test, we can’t modify the strcut*/ if (strncasecmp(lastname, pHead->lastName, len) == 0 && (pHead->lastName[len] == ’\n’ || pHead->lastName[len] == ’\0’)) { pHead->lastName[len] = ’\0’; return pHead;

原本的程式是將字典直接建好,這邊我們先建檢索,等到findName找到時我們再去補上他的資料,這樣也能減少 append()。

  • Q1:error: stray ‘342’ in program

    A:ascii characters missing,程式碼用複製貼上,導致'\n'的引號格式不符

  • Q2:Assertion failed,還不知道怎解決

size of entry : 24 bytes
phonebook_opt: main.c:89: main: Assertion `0 == strcmp(findName(input, e)->lastName, "zyxel")' failed.
./phonebook_opt: 已經終止

6.用astyle --style=kr --indent=spaces=4 --indent-switches --suffix=none *.[ch]
7.ln -sf ../../scripts/pre-commit.hook .git/hooks/pre-commit



error: conflicting types for ‘hashAppend’ int *hashAppend(char *lastName, hashTable *ht)






2.若出現fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git,因為還沒有.git目錄,要先git init

​fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch.
To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use

​   git push --set-upstream phonebook master
tags: sarah,phonebook