# DGov Score Framework Rating Instrument_Full
*For Framework Version 0.5*
###### tags: dgov, governance, blockchain, DAO, digital organizations, decentralized digital organizations, digitalization, organization design, organization effectiveness, organization management, organization dimensions, decentralization, participative, decision-making, collaborative, cooperatives, collectives, associations
## Table of Contents
## Current Step
Reformatting the questions.
Reducing questions to ~40-60
## Purpose
Instrument for rating DGov-related organizations utilizing the DGov Score Framework V0.5's intra-firm modules.
This instrument will produce a rating (i.e., a score) for DGov organizations based on the following intra-firm modules:
- Organization Effectiveness; and
- Universal Problems of Organizing.
The instrument will primarily be based on likert-scale, multiple-choice, and *n*-point questions.
***Might need to remove some of the OrgEffectivenss-related questions***
## Instructions
1. Only one answer per question unless stated otherwise.
2. Refer to the Definitions section if a term is unclear.
3. Only refer to the terms as defined in Definitions. Do not refer to any third party source for the definition of a term already defined in this instrument.
## Definitions
|Term| Definition|
|Department| business units dedicated to a specific client, specilaization, or line of business|
|Vertical Relationships:|
|Horizontal Relationships:
|Decision-making power:
|Joining Rate| the rate at which Newcomers join the Organization on a yearly basis (i.e., Newcomers per year)|
|Organization| the specific organization of interest you are referring to as you answer the questions in the Questionnaire.
|Member| an individual or organization that is a member (e.g., employee, corporate officer, etc.) of the Organization.
|Manager| is an individual or organization that is a member of the Organization, usually involved in system-level decision-making, and has one or more subordinates.
|Network Congestion| when the network becomes congested with too many transactions and the transaction fees and/or completion time of transactions is higher than usual|
|Newcomer| is an individual or organization that recently joined the Organization.
|Principle-agency Problem| First, ensuring that agents act in the best interest of the principle, which are the owners of the Organization, instead of the agent's own private interests. Second, reducing the information asymmetry between agent-managers and the principal-owners|
## Instrument
1. Organization IdealType
2. Collaborative Governance (voting, stratgey/policy determination, decision-making, resource mgmt, proposal systems?, leadership development, authority, dispute resolution, governing bodies such as bd of dir's, accountability, length of time core team has stayed) (also refer to ouishare)
3. Organization Capacity (on- and off-chain assets, # of working personnel, # of non-member contributions, # of non-member contributors, # of funding rounds, amount of money raised in funding rounds, # of investors, diversity of investors, speializations of working personnel, # of partnerships with public and prviate entities, types of partnerships, number of departments)
4. Membership (classes of stakeholders, organization ownership, resource ownership, enty and exit rates, comfortability of newcomers, ease of joinign and leaving, membership boundarries (in-group v. out-group), responsibilities and obligations of members)
5. Formalization (documents, roles, etc.)
6. Compliance and Transparency
7. Organization Identity (mission, principles and values, vision, objectives, culture (internal and external), social reputation, licenses outputs, and the like)
8. Blockchain-related questions
9. Production of goods and services (problem-solving process, knowledge-sharing, # of contributions/membership, diversity of contributions, # of active, inactive and planned goods, services, and/or products, ?use of independent contractors? )
10. Internal & External Relations (communication channels)
11. Universal Problems of Organizng specific questions (also somewaht addresses principle-agent problem)**
12. Web3, OrgTech, Tokenization, Blockchain-specific questions (can ask security-related questions here as well) (existence of smart contract audits, number of hacks if any, which Web3 tech providers are in use, use of any OrgTech, what has been tokenized, use of any crypto-primitives) (for blockchani-specific Q's, refer to questionnaire)
13. Goal Attainment
14. Member Growth (refer to questionnaire)
15. History (number of hard forks, number of rebrands, etc.)
For principles and values, need to describe basic blockchain/web3 principles and values, self-mgmt and comm'y principles and values, DGov principles and values, and co-op principles and values.
**Should make a questionbank for each category**
### Organization IdealType
*Preference for self-mgmt orgs and community-like orgs*
##### Self-Mgmt
1. Decision-making Power
- [ ] Hierarchial (Vertical: Hierarchial; Horizontal: Hierarchial)
- [ ] Selective Decentralization (Vertical: Hierarchial; Horizontal: Decentralized)
- [ ] Radical Decentralization (Vertical: Decentralized; Horizontal: Decentralized)
1. loerm ipsum
- [ ] asd
- [ ] asd
- [ ] asd
- [ ]
2. Manager Power over Subordinates
- [ ] Extensive
- [ ] Loosened, especially within teams
- [ ] Non-existent
3. Direction Setting
- [ ] Strict task boundaries and precise instructions eliminate the need for distributing broad information
- [ ] Teams typically have necessary information to make most task-related decisions. Other decisions made at higher levels where the managers have enough overall information for decision-making.
- [ ] Transparency of all key information and active distribution of information to ensure each employee's capability to make decisions that benefit the wholeness.
4. Task Allocation
- [ ] Top-down process where managers allocate tasks and responsibilities to their subordinates
- [ ] Within-team allocation done autonomously; Top-down process for allocation of agents to tasks and major resources
- [ ] Emerges from the interaction between employees who have considerable authority to decide which roles to fulfill.
5. Task Division
- [ ] Top-management identifies the necessary tasks, which are then divided into sub-tasks and sub-sub-tasks by layers of management in a top-down process.
- [ ] Top-down process. But within-team task division is done more autonomously, with managers retaining the right to intervene and authorize larger decisions
- [ ] Bottom-up and top-down with top management as well as individual employees having the responsibility and authority to create new tasks.
6. Eliminating Freeriding
- [ ] Supervisors responsible for monitoring the actions and/or outputs of their subordinates.
- [ ] Supervisors responsible for monitoring the actions and/or outputs of their subordinates.Within teams employees might be primarily accountable for each other.
- [ ] Employees primarily accountable for and monitored by each other with explicit conflict resolution mechanisms to resolve conflicts
7. Coordination of Interdependent Tasks
- [ ] Standardized procedures and top-down task allocation and monitoring ensure the necessary coordination
- [ ] Within-team coordination typically done through constant communication. Within-function coordination accomplished hierarchically, with interfunctional teams helping the functions to coordinate
- [ ] Within-team and within-function coordination accomplished through constant communication, coordination roles and IT systems.
##### Community-like organizations
1. Task Division
- [ ] Scope of transacted goods typically set by buyer, division of tasks to provide goods by supplier
- [ ] Managerial decision(authority), centralized
- [ ] Distributed identification and division of tasks by general members
2. Task Allocation: Assignment
- [ ] Bidding/price, decentralized in dyads (can be facilitated by centralized platforms)
- [ ] Managerial decision(authority), centralized
- [ ] Self-assignment, decentralized (can be facilitated by centralized platforms)
3. Task Allocation: Resources
- [ ] Price Mechanism
- [ ] Managerial decision (authority)
- [ ] Actor-based mobilization of shared resources in commons
4. Task Allocation: Quality/task approval by:
- [ ] Customer
- [ ] Manager
- [ ] Peer
5. Reward distribution: incentives
- [ ] Compensation for outputs via price mechanism
- [ ] Typically compensation for inputs (e.g., time)
- [ ] Benefits from use of complementary, non-rival goods; other intrinsic and extrinsic rewards
6. Information Provision: Information Flow
- [ ] Via networks, information intermediaries (private and public)
- [ ] Directed, primarily vertical
- [ ] Transparent, via networks and commons
7. Information Provision: Information Aggregation
- [ ] Price mechanism, market intermediaries and information aggregators
- [ ] Hierarchical channels
- [ ] Commons, collective problem, and solution representations
### Collaborative Governance
Collaborative Governance (voting, stratgey/policy determination, decision-making, resource mgmt, proposal systems?, leadership development, authority, dispute resolution, governing bodies such as bd of dir's, accountability, length of time core team has stayed) (also refer to ouishare)
##### Voting Power
For Banzhaf Voting Power of DAOstack DAOs,
please refer to http://deepdao.world/#/app/dashboard.
For more information on the Banzhaf Voting Power Index,
please refer to the links below:
1. http://www.math.hawaii.edu/~les/m100/lecture4.pdf
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdWgGzetdWI
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCZQ_ZEM7XQ
Refer to [this site to calculate the Banzhaf Power Index]( https://homepages.warwick.ac.uk/~ecaae/ipgenf.html)
1. Range (Highest Weight minus Lowest Weight) of Absolute Banzhaf Power Index
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1 - 3
- [ ] 4 - 6
- [ ] 7 - 9
- [ ] 10 - 12
- [ ] 13 - 15
- [ ] 17 - 19
- [ ] 20 - 22
- [ ] 23 - 25
- [ ] 25+
2. Is voting equal or unequal?
- [ ] Equal
- [ ] Unequal
##### Dispute Resolution
3. Does an internal dispute resolution procedure exist?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
4. If so, does the dispute reoslution procedure provide adequate process to the parties invovled?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
10. Number of Membership Token holders (If different from the number of Members in the Organization)
- [ ] Less than 10
- [ ] 10 - 50
- [ ] 50 - 100
- [ ] 100 - 200
- [ ] 200 - 500
- [ ] 500 - 750
- [ ] 750 - 1,000
- [ ] 1,000 - 2,000
- [ ] Greater than 2,000
11. Number of Members in the Organization
- [ ] Less than 10
- [ ] 10 - 50
- [ ] 50 - 100
- [ ] 100 - 200
- [ ] 200 - 500
- [ ] 500 - 750
- [ ] 750 - 1,000
- [ ] 1,000 - 2,000
- [ ] Greater than 2,000
12. How many distinct classes of internal stakeholders exist?
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
13. If there are distinct classes of internal stakeholders, please describe their rights, obligations, and expected rewards in the Organization.
14. How many distinct classes of external stakeholders exist?
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
15. If there are distinct classes of external stakeholders, please describe their rights, obligations, and expected rewards in the Organization.
16. What is the voter participation rate as a percentage of the total number of members?
- [ ] Less than 20%
- [ ] 20 - 30%
- [ ] 30 - 40%
- [ ] 40 - 50%
- [ ] 50 - 60%
- [ ] 60 - 70%
- [ ] 70 - 80%
- [ ] 80 - 90%
- [ ] Greater than 90%
19. Does the Organization utilize any of the following requirements for individual membership? (Check all that apply)
- [ ] Adherence to the Organization's Principles and Values
- [ ] Adherence to the Organization's Mission
- [ ] Adherence to a movement's principles and values
- [ ] Adherence to a movement's mission
- [ ] Age
- [ ] Nationality
- [ ] Skillset/Specialization
- [ ] Trial/Probationary Period
- [ ] X number of contributions
- [ ] Membership Agreement
- [ ] Certain types of contributions
- [ ] Capital amount (>= $100.00)
- [ ] Membership fee
20. Does the Organization utilize any of the following requirements for organization membership? (Check all that apply)
- [ ] Adherence to the Organization's Principles and Values
- [ ] Adherence to the Organization's Mission
- [ ] Adherence to a movement's principles and values
- [ ] Adherence to a movement's mission
- [ ] Operational jurisdiction
- [ ] Formation jurisdiction
- [ ] Skillset/Specialization
- [ ] Trial/Probationary Period
- [ ] X number of contributions
- [ ] Membership Agreement
- [ ] Certain types of contributions
- [ ] Capital amount (>= $100.00)
- [ ] Revenue amount
- [ ] X number of members and/or employees
- [ ] Membership fee
- [ ] Organizational type (for-profit, non-profit, etc.)
##### Compliance and Transparency
21. Does the Organization have a subgraph on the Graph protocol?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
23. Does the Organization have any of the following formalized governance documents? (Check all that apply)
- [ ] Constitution
- [ ] Manifesto
- [ ] Operating Rules
- [ ] Incoporating documents (e.g., Articles of Incorporation)
- [ ] Organizational Handbook
- [ ] Protocol
- [ ] Policies
- [ ] Code of Conduct
- [ ] Proposal System
24. Are non-managers of the Organization complying with formalized (i.e., documented) rules, procedures and protocols of the Organization?
- [ ] 1 (Low Compliance)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (High Compliance)
23. Are Managers of the Organization complying with documented rules of the Organization?
- [ ] 1 (Low Compliance)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (High Compliance)
24. How transparent is the Organization to internal stakeholders?
- [ ] 1 (Low Transparency)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (High Transparency)
25. How transparent is the Organization to external stakeholders?
- [ ] 1 (Low Transparency)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (High Transparency)
26. Is the Organization acting in compliance with its Principles and Values?
- [ ] 1 (Low Compliance)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (High Compliance)
27. Is the Organization acting in compliance with Web3.0's Principles and Values?
- [ ] 1 (Low Compliance)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (High Compliance)
28. Does the Organization have an Organization-dedicated treasury/fund/account?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
29. Are the Organization's contracts with third parties accessible to external stakeholders?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
30. Are the Organization's contracts with third parties accessible by the general public?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
31. Does the Organization utilize a multi-signature (multisig) wallet for the Organization-dedicated treasury (i.e., account, fund)(for On-chain AUM)?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
32. Has the Organization formalized any rules or protocols to deter the emergence of an unaccountable, oligarchic governance structure within the Organization?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
##### Collaborative Governance
33. What are the decision-making protocols utilized in the Organization? (Check all that apply)
- [ ] Autocratic
- [ ] Avoidant
- [ ] Consensus
- [ ] Consent
- [ ] Consultative
- [ ] Delegation
- [ ] Democratic
- [ ] Stochastic
- [ ] Futarchy
- [ ] Other
34. If you chose *other* in Question 33, please describe the decision-making protocol.
35. How many leaders are in the Organization?
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
36. Does the Organization make any meaningful efforts to develop its Member's leadership skills?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
37. What is the propety rights regime of the Organization?
- [ ] private-owned (solely individual)
- [ ] private-owned (solely organization)
- [ ] Common property (joint ownership)
- [ ] Open Access (no ownership)
38. How does the Organization manage resources?
- [ ] Actor-owned
- [ ] Shared in commons
- [ ] Open Access
39. Can Members make independent or team-level decisions on the purchase of resources?
- [ ] 1 (Owner-dependent)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (Actor-independent)
40. How decentralized is authority in the Organization?
- [ ] 1 (Very Centralized)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (Very Decentralized)
41. Does the Organization empower its Members to engage in the Organization's activities?
- [ ] 1 (Very Rarely)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (Very Often)
42. Are members allowed to make and submit proposals concerning the Organization's governance?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
43. How is it determined when a proposal officially becomes enforceable in the Organization? (require different weights for each answer)
- [ ] By a vote of the Members (majority, supermajority, etc.)
- [ ] By approval of one or more (>=1) Managers
- [ ] By approval of one or more (>=1) Leaders
- [ ] By approval of one or more (>=1) governing bodies
- [ ] By approval of one or more (>=1) team members
44. How do Members participate in the Organization's governance?
- [ ] Making and submitting proposals
- [ ] Voting on matters before the Members
- [ ] Filling and executing governance roles
- [ ] Critiquing, filtering or discussing proposals, and other courses of action
- [ ] Setting strategy for the Organization
- [ ] Holding meetings on governance matters
- [ ] Encouraging other Members to participate in governance
- [ ] Developing governance rules and procedures
- [ ] Other
45. If you chose *other* in Question 44, please describe how Member's parrtiicpate in governance.
46. Do Members of the Organization share similar values and goals to the Organization?
- [ ] 1 (Low Similarity)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (High Similarity)
47. How are resources owned in the Organization?
- [ ] Organization Private-property (Organization owns the property)
- [ ] Community Common-property (Shared resources in commons)
- [ ] Actor Private-property (Actors own the property)
- [ ] Community-Organization Hybrid
- [ ] Community-Actor Hybrid
- [ ] Actor-Organization Hybrid
- [ ] Other
48. If you chose *other* in Question 47, please describe resource ownership in the Organization.
49. What is the Organization's management structure? (might remove)
- [ ] No Managers
- [ ] Managers oversee all subrodinate actions and manager approval is required for all subordinate actions that are need to complete a task.
- [ ] Managers oversee all subordinate action but suborfinates do not need manager approval for certain actions to complete a task.
50. How do Members of the Organization participate in the problem-solving process? (Check all that apply)
- [ ] Problem Definition
- [ ] Generation of Alternatives
- [ ] Selection and integration of solutions
How is knowledge shared among Members of the Organization?
Probably best to remove the above Q because it gets address in IdealTypes
51. How is the strategic direction of the Organization determined?
- [ ] By Managers
- [ ] By Leaders
- [ ] By Members
- [ ] By Governing Bodies (Undemocratic)
- [ ] By Governing Bodies (Democratic)
- [ ] Hybrid
52. How are Members of the Organization held accountable in the Organization?
- [ ] Manager-subordinate accountability
- [ ] Peer-to-peer accountability
- [ ] Team Hybrid (peer accountability within teams, manager accountability outside of teams)
53. What are the communication channels the Organization uses to communicate with internal stakeholders? (Check all that apply)
- [ ] Email
- [ ] Newsletter
- [ ] Social Media (e.g., Twitter)
- [ ] Github
- [ ] Forums (e.g., Discord)
- [ ] Messaging Application (e.g., Telegram)
- [ ] Official Website
54. Do the formalized documents of the Organization explicitly require, or empower principles and values in accordance with self-management?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
55. How does the Organization motivate Members to act in furtherance of the Organization's goals? (Check all that apply)
###### Monetary
- [ ] Payment for services
- [ ] Wages
- [ ] Equity
- [ ] Staking Tokens for a specific period of time while engaging in activites with the Organization, which may be forefieted for bad behavior
- [ ] Increased value fo investment
###### Nonmonetary
- [ ] Working on innovative projects
- [ ] Working on menaingful projects
- [ ] Improve Member's reputation
- [ ] Supporting the Organization's mission
- [ ] Supporting the Organization's Principels and Values
- [ ] Supporting the Web3.0 mission
- [ ] Supporting the Web3.0 principles and values
- [ ] Working with interesting colleagues
- [ ] Sharing in the outputs of production
56. How does the Organization prevent Members from engaging in harmful acts against the Organization (e.g., stealing, corruption)?
- [ ] Fines
- [ ] Expulsion
- [ ] Foregoing benefits
- [ ] Demotion
- [ ] Equity/Token Forefiture
- [ ] Public Shaming
- [ ] Staking Tokens for a specific period of time while engaging in activites with the Organization, which may be forefieted for bad behavior
- [ ] Status removal
57. What are the guidance mechanisms the Organization utilizes for Members to know they are acting in furtherance of the Organization?
- [ ] Organization's Principles and Values
- [ ] Organization's Mission
- [ ] Organization's Vision
- [ ] Protocol
- [ ] Crypto-primitive
58. Does the Organization have any formal roles?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
59. Does the Organization utilize blockchain-based protocols for decentralized task management and task allocation?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
60. How diverse are the funding and material support sources of the Organization?
- [ ] 1 (Low Diversification)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (High Diversification)
61. What type of turnover rate does the leadership of the organization exhibit?
- [ ] 1 (Low Turnover Rate)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (High Turnover Rate)
62. How diverse are the contributions made by Members to the Organization?
- [ ] 1 (Very Uniform)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (Very Diverse)
63. How many Members are actively contributing to the Organization?
- [ ] 1 - 5
- [ ] 5 - 10
- [ ] 10 - 20
- [ ] 20 - 50
- [ ] 50 - 100
- [ ] 100 - 200
- [ ] 200 - 500
- [ ] 500 - 1000
- [ ] Greater than 1000
64. How independent are authority figures in the Organization from external authority structures (e.g., their employment relationship with their employer)
Probably save this Q for Qnnaire
- [ ] 1 (Very Constrained)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (Very Unconstrained)
65. How long has the core team of contributors been with the Organization?
- [ ] Less than 1 year
- [ ] 1 year
- [ ] 2 years
- [ ] 3 years
- [ ] 4 years
- [ ] 5 years
- [ ] More than 5 years
### Organization Identity
Organization Identity (mission, principles and values, vision, objectives, culture (internal and external), social reputation, licenses outputs, and the like)
Also needs to include *history*
##### Culture
66. Please describe the Organization's norm of reciprocity, if any.
- [ ] Commons Reciprocity
- [ ] No recriprocity
- [ ] Tit-for-Tat
67. How restrictive is the Organization's licensing of its outputs (e.g., software, hardware)?
- [ ] 1 (Very Restrictive Licensing)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (Very Permissive Licensing)
68. How many events has the Organization hosted or sponsored related to its mission/purpose in the past year?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
69. How many events has the Organization hosted or sponsored related to Web3.0 in the past year?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
70. How many events has the Organization hosted or sponsored related to its industry/domain in the past year?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
71. Do Members of the Organization accept the existence of alternative views?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
72. Does the Organization adhere to the Web3.0 principles and values?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
73. Does the Organization adhere to the Distributed Governance principles and values?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
74. Does the Organization adhere to the Co-operative principles and values?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
##### Social Trust and Reputation
81. Estimated number of partnerships the Organization has developed with Web 3.0-related organizations?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
82. Does the Organization have any partnerships with a public entity?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
83. How many partnerships does the Organization have with public entities?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
84. Has the Organization hosted any Web 3.0 related events (including hackathons) in the past calendar year? If so, how many?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
85. What is the reputation of the Organization in the Organization's industry/domain?
- [ ] 1 (Very Bad)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (Very Good)
86. How much political power does the Organization have in influencing standards, rules, regulations and their enforcement? (might be too tough to answer)
Probably need to more question above
87. What is the reputation of the Organization in the Web 3.0 community?
- [ ] 1 (Very Bad)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (Very Good)
88. Is the Organization a member of any political advocacy organization related to the mission or principles and values of the Organization or the Web 3.0 community?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
### Web3, Blockchain, OrgTech and Tokenization
72. What are the Web 3.0 technologies the Organization utilizes in its operations or governance? (Check all that apply)
- [ ] Blockchain
- [ ] InterPlantery File System
- [ ] DAT
- [ ] Zeronet
- [ ] Scuttlebutt
- [ ] Smart contracts
- [ ] Fungible Tokens
- [ ] Non-Fungible Tokens
- [ ] Decentralized Applications
73. Are any of the Organization's tokens traded on an exchange?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
74. Is the Organization using any of the following OrgTech Operating Systems?
- [ ] Aragon
- [ ] Colony
- [ ] DAOstack
- [ ] Edgeware
- [ ] GovBlocks
- [ ] DAOhaus
75. Does the Organization have any of the following tokens? (if a token embodies one or more descriptions, please check all applicable descriptions). *Note: The Membership Token is for signifying membership affiliation, not for signifying any governance rights in the Organization.*
- [ ] Governance Token
- [ ] Good or Service Token
- [ ] Marketplace Token
- [ ] Membership Token
- [ ] Ownership Token
76. Does the Organization employ any of the following crypto-primitives?
- [ ] Token Bonding Curve
- [ ] Token Curated Registry
- [ ] DeFi lego
77. Are the Organization's smart contracts upgradable?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
78. How is the Organization using blockchain to tackle the principle-agency problem ?
- [ ] Reduce monitoring cost (i.e., ensuring agent is acting inline with principle's interests)
79. Does the Organization utilize a multi-signature (multisig) smart contract for Organization-owned Accounts?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
80. If you answered Yes to Question 79, how many multisig smart contracts does the Organization have?
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
81. If you answered Yes to Question 79, how many (and which roles) agents have control over the multisig account?
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
82. Does the Organization have any resources to help deter 51% attacks on Layer 1?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
83. Does the Organization have any plans in place to deal with Network Congestion?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
84. Does the Organization use any third party Oracle (i.e., external data feed) providers? If so, please describe them.
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
85. How many third party Oracles does the Organization use?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
86. Does the Organization use any Organization-owned Oracles (i.e., external data feeds)? If so, please describe them.
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
87. How many Organization-owned Oracles does the Organization use?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
88. How does the Organization codify employment relationships through smart contracts?
- [ ] It does not codify employment relationships
- [ ] Staking (user deposits a stake, completes work, then gets stake back plus a reward; Otherwise, loses stake if work is not completed)
89. How does the Organization monitor agents for day-to-day operations to ensure they are working towards the Organization's goals?
- [ ] Daily Electronic Communications
- [ ] Weekly Electronic Communications
- [ ] Posting updates to a shared repository
90. How does the Organization determine what types of decisions should be encoded in smart contracts?
- [ ] Whether the information is public or private
- [ ] The process is feasibly automatable on the blockchain
91. How does the Organization determine when one or more Members should be able to override smart contract-executed decisions (i.e., post-execution)?
- [ ] The smart contract is substantially harming the Organization
- [ ] The smart contract is substantially causing Network Congestion
- [ ] The smart contract is not acting in accordance with previously determined course of action or decision
92. Does the Organization consider low probability events (i.e., black swans) in its decision-making and smart contract development?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
##### History
93. Has the Organization ever had to deal with a hard-fork before?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
94. How many rebrands has the Organization undergone?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
##### Goal Attainment
77. Is the Organization making progress towards its mission?
- [ ] 1 (Insignificant Progress)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (Significant Progress)
78. What evidence do you have for the Organization making or not making progress towards its mission?
Need to work on the one above
79. Is the Organization making progress towards goals other than its primary mission?
- [ ] 1 (Insignificant Progress)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (Significant Progress)
80. What evidence do you have for the Organization making or not making progress towards goals other than its primary mission?
##### Social Trust and Reputation
81. Estimated number of partnerships the Organization has developed with Web 3.0-related organizations?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
82. Does the Organization have any partnerships with a public entity?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
83. How many partnerships does the Organization have with public entities?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
84. Has the Organization hosted any Web 3.0 related events (including hackathons) in the past calendar year? If so, how many?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
85. What is the reputation of the Organization in the Organization's industry/domain? (a bit too open-ended)
86. How much political power does the Organization have in influencing standards, rules, regulations and their enforcement? (might be too tough to answer)
87. What is the reputation of the Organization in the Web 3.0 community?
- [ ] 1 (Very Bad)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (Very Good)
88. Is the Organization a member of any political advocacy organization related to the mission or principles and values of the Organization or the Web 3.0 community?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
##### Hybrid Governance
89. Does the Organization utilize a market(s) mechanism for governance or operational (e.g., providing a good or service) purposes?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
90. Does the Organization utilize a hierarchic mechanism for governance or operational purposes? If so, please describe them below.
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
##### Organizational Capacity
- **Organization Capacity (on- and off-chain assets, # of working personnel, # of non-member contributions, # of non-member contributors, # of funding rounds, amount of money raised in funding rounds, # of investors, diversity of investors, speializations of working personnel, # of partnerships with public and prviate entities, types of partnerships, number of departments)**
91. How easy is it for non-members of the Organization (people who are not members of the Organization) to make contributions to the Organization?
- [ ] 1 (Very Easy)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (Very Hard)
92. What are the general skills and abilities of Members in the Organization? (Check all that apply)
- [ ] Information Technology
- [ ] Financial
- [ ] Cybersecurity
- [ ] Data Science
- [ ] Blockchain Programming
- [ ] Smart Contract Programming
- [ ] Marketing
- [ ] Community Building/Outreach
- [ ] Human Resources
- [ ] Administrative
- [ ] Token Engineering
- [ ] Strategy
- [ ] Mentorship
- [ ] Web Development
- [ ] Software Engineering
- [ ] Graphic Design
- [ ] Research and Development
94. What are the general skills and abilities the Organization desires from potential Members? (refer to job ads)
- [ ] Information Technology
- [ ] Financial
- [ ] Cybersecurity
- [ ] Data Science
- [ ] Blockchain Programming
- [ ] Smart Contract Programming
- [ ] Marketing
- [ ] Community Building/Outreach
- [ ] Human Resources
- [ ] Administrative
- [ ] Token Engineering
- [ ] Strategy
- [ ] Mentorship
96. Has the Organization recruited any high-level talent in the past year?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
97. Has the Organization received any grants or philanthropic donations in the past year? If so, please state the amount(s).
- [ ] Less than $500
- [ ] $500 - $1,000
- [ ] $1,000 - $5,000
- [ ] $5,000 - $10,000
- [ ] $10,000 - $20,000
- [ ] $20,000 - $50,000
- [ ] $50,000 - $100,000
- [ ] $100,000 - $500,000
- [ ] More than $500,000
98. How many funding rounds has the Organization held in the past 3 years?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
99. How much funding has the Organization raised from funding rounds in the past 3 years?
- [ ] Less than $500
- [ ] $500 - $1,000
- [ ] $1,000 - $5,000
- [ ] $5,000 - $10,000
- [ ] $10,000 - $20,000
- [ ] $20,000 - $50,000
- [ ] $50,000 - $100,000
- [ ] $100,000 - $500,000
- [ ] More than $500,000
100. Are the majority of investors in the Organization part of the Web 3.0 community?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
101. Are the majority of investment rounds in the Organization conducted on-chain?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
102. How many Departments does the Organization have?
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
##### Assets
5. Value of On-chain Assets Under Management (On-chain AUM)
- [ ] Less than ~$10,000.00
- [ ] ~$10,000.00 - $50,000.00
- [ ] ~$50,000.00 - $100,000.00
- [ ] ~$100,000.00 - $200,000.00
- [ ] ~$200,000.00 - $500,000.00
- [ ] ~$500,000.00 - $1,000,000.00
- [ ] ~$1,000,000.00 - $5,000,000.00
- [ ] ~$5,000,000.00 - $10,000,000.00
- [ ] Greater than ~ $10,000,000.00
6. Value of Off-chain Assets Under Management (Off-chain AUM)
- [ ] Less than ~$10,000.00
- [ ] ~$10,000.00 - $50,000.00
- [ ] ~$50,000.00 - $100,000.00
- [ ] ~$100,000.00 - $200,000.00
- [ ] ~$200,000.00 - $500,000.00
- [ ] ~$500,000.00 - $1,000,000.00
- [ ] ~$1,000,000.00 - $5,000,000.00
- [ ] ~$5,000,000.00 - $10,000,000.00
- [ ] Greater than ~ $10,000,000.00
7. Please describe the On-chain AUM held by the Organization.
8. Please describe the Off-chain AUM held by the Organization.
9. Please list the on-chain address(es) for the On-chain AUM
##### Production & Goods and Services
(problem-solving process, knowledge-sharing, # of contributions/membership, diversity of contributions, # of active, inactive and planned goods, services, and/or products, ?use of independent contractors? )
103. What goods and/or services does the Organization produce?
- [ ] Financial Services
- [ ] Fintech
- [ ] Insurance
- [ ] Energy
- [ ] Administrative
- [ ] Healthcare
- [ ] Legal
- [ ] Cryptocurrency Wallets
- [ ] Cryptocurrency Mining
- [ ] Cryptocurrency Exchange
- [ ] Decentralized Applications
- [ ] Compliance
- [ ] Government Services
104. What types of contributions can Members make to the Organization?
- [ ] Software
- [ ] Events
- [ ] Advertising/Promotion
- [ ] Initiative Proposals
- [ ] Governance Proposals
- [ ] Good or Service Proposal
- [ ] Brand Proposal
105. Does the Organization often employ independent contractors to complete tasks?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
106. Do Members of the Organization participate in furnishing or producing the Organization's goods and services?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
107. Are the majority of the Organization's activities conducted on-chain?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
108. The number of active goods, services and/or projects the Organization is undertaking?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
109. The number of inactive goods, services and/or projects the Organization is no longer undertaking?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
110. The number of planned goods, services and/or projects the Organization expects to undertake?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8 or more
##### Member Growth
111. How does the Organization aid Members in achieving their professional and career goals? (Check all that apply)
- [ ] Opportuntiies to apply skills to projects
- [ ] Assist Members obtain education and training
- [ ] Helping Members find other career opportunities
- [ ] Aiding Members to attend career-related events
- [ ] Providing mentorship to Members
112. How does the Organization aid Members in achieving their personal goals?
- [ ] Opportuntiies to apply skills to projects
- [ ] Supporting the Web3.0 movement
- [ ] Providing mentorship to Members
113. What are the roles Members can fulfill in the Organization?
114. Is there an onboarding process for new Members of the Organization?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
115. What is the Newcomer Joining Rate for the Organization ?
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1 - 10
- [ ] 10 - 20
- [ ] 20 - 50
- [ ] 50 - 100
- [ ] 100 - 300
- [ ] 300 - 500
- [ ] 500 - 1000
- [ ] More than 1000
116. Is the Newcomer Joining Rate as high as expected for this kind of Organization?
- [ ] 1 (Not at all)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (Very much so)
117. Are there opportunities for Newcomers to socialize with other Newcomers (e.g., Newcomer Orientation)?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
118. Are there opportunities for Newcomers to socialize with pre-existing Members?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
119. How do Members of the organization gain greater responsibility and decision-making rights in the Organization?
- [ ] Consistent quality contributions
- [ ] Providing capital
- [ ] Running in an election
- [ ] Selected by a leader, manager, or governing body
120. How often does the Organization publish recruitment advertisements (e.g., job postings) to the public?
- [ ] 1 (Very Rarely)
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 (Very Often)
121. Does the Organization offer mentorship opportunities for Newcomers?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
##### Experimental Questions
###### Adaptability
How responsive is the Organization in capturing new market opportunities and lines of business?
Low Adaption
High Adaption
How responsive is the Organization to recognizing changes in the Organization's environment?
Low Responsiveness
High Responsiveness
Do Members of the Organization participate in furnishing or producing the Organization's goods and services, or the Organization's primary outputs?
## Scoring Guide
How to score your answers to the instrument.
### Yes/No/Unsure
For *Yes/No/Unsure* questions, the scoring is as follows:
- Yes = 2
- No = 1
- Unsure = 0
### Likert Scale
For (0-8) or (1-9) questions, these are based on a likert scale, with 0/1 being the lowest, and 8/9 being the highest.
The scoring is as follows for (1 - 9):
- 1 = 1
- 2 = 2
- 3 = 3
- 4 = 4
- 5 = 5
- 6 = 6
- 7 = 7
- 8 = 8
- 9 = 9
The scoring is as follows for (0 - 8):
- 0 = 1
- 1 = 2
- 2 = 3
- 3 = 4
- 4 = 5
- 5 = 6
- 6 = 7
- 7 = 8
- 8 = 9
### Multi-check/Checkbox Questions (Check all that apply)
For questions that request you (*"Check all that apply"*).
The scoring is as follows:
- 1 point for each option
- Maximum points for each question is 12 points.
### Rating Scale
The rating scale for Organizations is between
Organizations with a high rating (above the half-way mark) are closer to the idealized form of DGov, while organizations with a low rating (below the half-way mark) are farther away from the ideadlized form of DGov.
## could also limit to collab governance, compliance and transparency, organization identity, Web3, and member growth
- collab governance,
- compliance and transparency,
- organization identity,
- Web3, and
- member growth