# COWOMO'18 Program & Venue
_The Collaborative Workshop on Model-based Design of Signal and Information Processing Systems_
_Rennes, 7-8 June 2018_
## INSA Campus Map
<img src="http://cowomo.insa-rennes.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/infos_v5.png" width=500px>
## Program Overview
_Preliminary Program: Presenters, affiliations and countries are displayed_
_Presentation format is about 20min + questions, please request organizers for different formats (tutorial, demo, etc.)_
| Time | Program |
| ------ | ----------- |
| **June 7th** | **GdR SOC2 Day** |
| | **<div><font color="blue">Plenary Sessions</font></div>** |
| 8 - 8.30 | **Welcoming Coffee.** |
| | _Florian Arrestier_, IETR, FR |
| | _Daniel Madronal_, UPM, SP |
| | _Johan Lilius_, Abo Akademi, FI |
| 10 - 11 | **Coffee Break & Networking.** |
| | _Raquel Lazcano_, UPM, SP |
| | _Deepayan Bhowmik_, Sheffield Hallam University, UK |
| 12 - 13.30 | **Invited Lunch.** |
| | _Bruno Bodin_, University of Edinburgh, UK |
| | _Eduardo Juarez & Ruben Salvador_, UPM, SP |
| | _Alain Girault_, INRIA, FR |
| | _Michael Masin_, IBM, IL |
| 15.30 - 16.30 | **Coffee Break & Networking.** |
| | _Hugo Daniel Meyer_, University of Amsterdam, NL |
| | _Jani Boutellier_, TUT, FI |
| | _Renaud De Landtsheer_, CETIC, BE |
| 20 ... | **Invited Gala Dinner.** |
| Time | Program |
| ------ | ----------- |
| **June 8th** | **H2020 CERBERO Day** |
| | **<div><font color="blue">Plenary Sessions</font></div>**
| 8 - 8.30 | **Welcoming Coffee.** |
| | _Yehya Nasser_, IETR, FR |
| | _Simei Yang_, IETR, FR |
| | _Steven Derrien_, IRISA, FR |
| 10 - 11 | **Coffee Break & Networking.** |
| | _Maxime Pelcat_, IETR, FR |
| | _François Verdier_, LEAT UCA, FR |
| 12 - 13.30 | **Invited Lunch.** |
| | _Hai Nam Tran_, INRIA, FR |
| | _Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya_, UMD/TUT/IETR, USA/FI/FR |
| | _Guillaume Delbergue_, IMS, FR |
| | _Sebastien Le Nours_, IETR, FR |
| 15.30 - 16.30 | **Coffee Break & Networking.** |
| | _Erwan Nogues & Stéphane Molton_, DGA, FR |
| | _Jean-Francois Nezan_, IETR, FR |
| 17.30 | **Closing session.** |
| | **<div><font color="blue">Tutorials</font></div>** |
| 13.30 - 15 | **H2020 CERBERO HW/SW Adaptive Toolchain Tutorial** |
| | _Claudio Rubattu & Leonardo Suriano_, IETR/UNISS & UPM, FR/IT/SP |
## Participants
_Registered Participants include_
| Participant | Institution |
| ------ | ----------- |
| Alain Girault | INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes |
| Alemeh Ghasemi | Lab-STICC |
| Alexandre Honorat | IETR, INSA Rennes |
| Alexandre Mercat | IETR, INSA Rennes |
| Amna Gharbi | Télécom ParisTech |
| Andrea Enrici | Nokia Bell Labs |
| Andy Pimentel | University of Amsterdam |
| Angeliki Kritikakou | IRISA |
| Antoine Morvan | IETR, INSA Rennes |
| Aronrithy Tak | Hiventive |
| Benjamin Barrois | Hiventive |
| Benjamin Dauphin | Télécom ParisTech |
| Bruno Bodin | University of Edinburgh |
| Christophe Moy | IETR, Université de Rennes 1 |
| Claudio Rubattu | IETR, UNISS |
| Daniel Madronal | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) |
| Daniel Ménard | IETR, INSA Rennes |
| Deepayan Bhowmik | Sheffield Hallam University |
| Eduardo Juarez | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM)
| Emmanuel Dervieux | IETR |
| Erwan Nogues | DGA |
| Erwan Raffin | Bull Atos |
| Fabienne Nouvel | IETR, INSA Rennes |
| Florian Arrestier | IETR, INSA Rennes |
| Florian Grützmacher | University of Rostock |
| François Berry | Institut Pascal |
| François Verdier | LEAT UCA/CNRS UMR 7248 |
| Guillaume Delbergue | Hiventive |
| Hai Nam Tran | INRIA Rennes |
| Hugo Daniel Meyer | University of Amsterdam |
| Jani Boutellier | Tampere University of Technology |
| Jean-Christophe Prévotet | IETR, INSA Rennes |
| Jean Francois Nezan | IETR, INSA Rennes |
| Johan Lilius | MAST - Institute for Maritime Software Technology, Abo Akademi |
| Julien Heulot | IETR - INSA Rennes |
| Kevin Martin | Lab-STICC |
| Leonardo Suriano | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid |
| Matteo Bertolino | Télécom ParisTech |
| Maxime Pelcat | IETR, Institut Pascal, INSA Rennes |
| Michael Masin | IBM Research - Haifa |
| Mickael Dardaillon | IRISA/INRIA Rennes |
| Philippe Tanguy | IETR - INSA Rennes |
| Raquel Lazcano | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) |
| Renaud De Landtsheer | CETIC |
| Ruben Salvador | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) |
| Sebastien Le Nours | IETR - Université de Nantes |
| Shuvra Bhattacharyya | U. Maryland and Tampere U. of Technology |
| Simei Yang | IETR |
| Slaheddine Aridhi | Sensoria Analytics |
| Stéphane Molton | DGA |
| Steven Derrien | IRISA/INRIA Rennes|
| Thibault Hilaire | Sorbonne Université - LIP6 |
| Vladimir Lipets | IBM Research - Haifa |
| Yehya Nasser | IETR - INSA Rennes |
<p align="center">
Thanks to our sponsors:
<table><tr><td><img src="https://www.insa-rennes.fr/typo3temp/_processed_/b/8/csm_logo_Insa_7154dd54b1.png" width=150px></td><td><img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRCc2xpqq2WBOUkbGnvr0eWkBDLrQtla7olSp9-p2UuUEYSMG_lIA" width=150px></td><td><img src="http://cowomo.insa-rennes.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/cerbero.png" width=150px></td><td><img src="http://cowomo.insa-rennes.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/EU-Logo-H2020_sc.png" width=150px></td></td></tr></table>
<table><tr><td><img src="http://cowomo.insa-rennes.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/GdRSOC2.png" width=150px></td><td><img src="http://cowomo.insa-rennes.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Rennes_Metropole.jpg" width=150px></td><td><img src="http://cowomo.insa-rennes.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/GdR_ISIS.png" width=150px></td><td><img src="http://cowomo.insa-rennes.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/UBL.png" width=150px></td></td></tr></table>
<table><tr><td><img src="http://cowomo.insa-rennes.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/fond_action_metivier_vert_rvb-1.jpg" width=150px></td></tr></table>
## Logistic
### Location
The COWOMO collaborative workshop will be hosted at INSA Rennes.
The exact address is:
INSA Rennes
20 Avenue des Buttes de Coësmes
35708 Rennes, FRANCE
[\[==Google Maps==\]](https://www.google.com/maps?ll=48.120852,-1.635663&z=15&t=m&hl=fr&gl=GB&mapclient=embed&cid=7971114861046854862) [\[==Getting there by Car, Bus, Teleportation==\]](https://www.insa-rennes.fr/en/information/contact-location.html)
### Rooms
[\[==INSA Campus map==\]](https://www.insa-rennes.fr/fileadmin/ressources/Rubriques/PlanCampusINSA-Rennes_2017-2018.pdf)
The workshop will be held in the following room:
* *Amphitheatre GCU*:
* On Tuesday, the 12$^{th}$ and Wednesday the 13$^{th}$
* Located in Building 7. Entrance of the building is located on its North-East corner, facing **Building 9**.
### Hotels
The best option is certainly to select a hotel near the city center, close to the "Republique" metro/bus station. For instance **Ibis** or **Mercure** hotels:
[\[==Accor Hotels==\]](https://secure.accorhotels.com/store/index.html?utm_term=mar&utm_campaign=ppc-ach-mar-goo-fr-fr-fr-exa-sear-aw&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_content=fr-fr-FR-V3278#/fr/hotels?dateIn=&adults=1&origin=accorhotels&domainId=https:%2F%2Fwww.accorhotels.com&q=Rennes,BRETAGNE&children=&nights=)
The bus system is very rapid in Rennes and can bring you to INSA in 15 minutes (Line C4 from [République](https://www.google.com/maps/place/R%C3%A9publique/@48.109684,-1.6814516,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x480ede349027416b:0x2171776be0777746!8m2!3d48.109684!4d-1.6792576?hl=fr)).
There is one hotel very close to INSA. Please note that it is a bit far away from all the restaurants and pubs from Rennes:
* [\[==Campanile Rennes Est Atalante==\]](https://www.campanile.com/en/hotels/campanile-rennes-est-atalante)
Another choice is to stay in Cesson Sévigné, accessible from INSA by bus:
* [\[==B&B Hôtel Rennes Est Cesson Sévigné==\]](http://www.hotel-bb.com/fr/hotels/ville/rennes.htm?&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_term=fiche-ville&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5LbWBRDCARIsALAbcOdT5nShQbAFMx_p4yy9IiboL2kVxnWyigoqEZcsxhsA4iXdO_xiMzcaAsEtEALw_wcB)
* [\[==Logis Hôtel Lodge la Valette==\]](https://www.logishotels.com/fr/hotel/hotel-lodge-la-valette-10599?PARTID=1012&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5LbWBRDCARIsALAbcOeo2OGyqGk_g9_NAeyvWF-m2KEOsfqHVDWNGQXWbx1_QtncPQHAtEAaAnwZEALw_wcB)
* [\[==Hôtel Restaurant Le Germinal==\]](http://www.legerminal.com/en)
### Restaurants
Here is a list of "advised" restaurant in Rennes: [link](https://hackmd.io/MYdgzArARgplBmBaAnDAJmxAWEMKIEMAGYANkQEZ4YYsctoKsg==#)
Please note that we take care, free of charge, of the 2 lunches on June 7 and June 8 and the social event dinner on June 7.
The social dinner will be held at **Le Carré**, 34 Place des Lices, 35000 Rennes