# Learn More About CSGO and Valorant Sensitivity
Hi, You may get information about CSGO and Valorant Sensitivity on this blog. also, you will know the importance of CSGO and Valorant Sensitivity.
Many current and previous CSGO players are either switching to Valorant altogether or at least giving it a try, which has led to a lot of people asking how to convert [CSGO to Valorant sens](https://technoheist.com/how-to-convert-your-cs-go-to-valorant-sensitivity/) so they can enjoy what is effectively a slower, simpler version of Counter-Strike.
Valorant is being tried out by several washed-up ex-CSGO pros as well as regular players. In any case, Valorant has a high skill ceiling, and we all want our sensitivity to be perfect/exactly what we're used to, so we'll show you how to quickly calculate the perfect CSGO to Valorant sens.
<h2>What is CSGO To Valorant Sens</h2>
Online calculators are accessible, but they only perform basic calculations that you can perform just as simply on your own. By dividing your CSGO sensitivity by 3.18, you can convert CSGO sensibly to Valorant sens in the simplest way possible.
You are set to go if you already know your CSGO sensitivity, but for those who are having trouble finding it, you must load the game. Open your settings in CSGO and look for "Keyboard/Mouse." Now that you have recorded your sensitivity, divide it by 3.18 to obtain your matched valorant sens.
<h2>CSGO to Valorant Sens Converter – </h2>
Sensitivity is important for competitive gaming. The right sensitivity settings can help players in Valorant and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO) make more accurate shots and movements.
For more accurate targeting, many professional CSGO and Valorant players choose a lower in-game sensitivity setting.
Finding the ideal setting for your playstyle is crucial because low sensitivity can be challenging for novice players to acclimate to.
You should take into account elements like your mouse DPI, screen resolution, and in-game Field of View when adjusting your sensitivity (FOV).
<h2>Which Sensitivity Should You Choose?</h2>
One of the most important factors to consider for any player is mouse sensitivity. All gaming mice have at least 400DPI.
One of the most important aspects of customizing CS: GO for yourself is mouse sensitivity.
To correctly determine which value is easiest for you to play, try quickly aiming the sight at bots that will run out from around the corner, or simply move along a certain route - so you will immediately understand whether the set indicator effectively affects your aim.
The majority of professionals play with little sensitivity. The main argument for this is that the scope moves more smoothly with low sense than with high sensitivity.
Low sensitivity makes spray control much easier, but it necessitates a lot more mechanical hand movement. Snipers typically set the big sense to less than one zoom to target opponents faster. Woxic, which plays with great sensitivity, is the most popular option on the pro scene.
<h2>How to Calculate Real CS: GO Mouse Sensitivity?</h2>
The game can increase the basic DPI of your mouse; the settings can be found in the game menu. The final parameter you have in the game is real sensitivity.
The actual sensitivity in CS: GO is calculated by multiplying the mouse DPI by the in-game mouse sensitivity.
For example, suppose your mouse DPI is 300 and your sensitivity setting in the game is **2 - 300*2=600**.
So, that's how to increase mouse sensitivity (if necessary) or decrease it - and change the game sensitivity.
<h2>Can I Run Valorant?</h2>
Let's go over the Valorant system requirements quickly.
**Valorant Minimum Requirements**
* Intel Core i3-370M processor
* RAM: 4 GB
* HDD: 20 to 30 GB of storage
* Intel HD 3000 GPU
* OS: 64-bit Using Windows 7 or Windows 8 or [Windows 10](https://www.computerworld.com/article/3199077/windows-10-a-guide-to-the-updates.html)
* 11th version of DirectX
* 720p for the screen
* Internet connection using a broadband network
**Valorant Recommended Requirements**
* Intel Core i3-4150 processor
* RAM: 4 GB or greater
* 20-30 GB HDD storage space
* NVIDIA Geforce GT730 GPU
* OS: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 are all examples of operating systems.
* Version 11 of DirectX
* 1080p screen resolution
* Network: High-speed Internet access
<h2>How to Find the Perfect Number?</h2>
If you've never played a competitive shooter before, this may take some time. The best way to improve your aim to use a lower sens, which allows you to make faster and more precise adjustments.
Once you've decided on a number, play a lot of DMs in whatever game you're playing. DMs are an excellent way to practice and improve your aim.
If you feel like you're overcompensating, try lowering your sensitivity. Increase your sensitivity if you believe you won't be able to make quick adjustments.
<h3>Does CSGO and Valorant have the same sensitivity?</h3>
Valorant sensitivity is calculated by multiplying CSGO's sensitivity by **3.18**. Players won't notice any differences in mouse movement when they play each game after changing CSGO sensitivity to Valorant with this technique.
<h3>What is aiming sensitivity?</h3>
In-game, your aim sensitivity determines how quickly or slowly your screen moves as you move your mouse. Aim sensitivity varies from player to player and is mostly determined by personal preference. While copying another player's sensitivity may work for you, it is still preferable to discover your own sensitivity.
<h3>How do I find my perfect sensitivity in CS:GO?</h3>
To find your ideal mouse sensitivity, follow the steps in this guide. In a nutshell, you must first set your target, then your 360 sensitivity, then your coarse sensitivity, and finally your ideal sensitivity. You'll get there if you follow Steps 0-8 in this guide!
<h3>Why is my mouse sensitivity so low in CS:GO?</h3>
This is a bug discovered recently by CS: GO players. To fix it, go to your Steam account's settings. Uncheck the box next to "Enable Steam Overlay while in-game" on the in-game tab. This should work until Valve figures out how to fix the problem.
<h3>What is the correct mouse sensitivity?</h3>
There is no universal mouse sensitivity that works for everyone; it is mostly a matter of personal preference. Increase your DPI settings and set the in-game sensitivity to 1.0 or as low as possible for better cursor performance. Some of the best CS players limit themselves to **400**.