tags: cs:app
# [CS:APP](https://hackmd.io/@sysprog/CSAPP) 第 10 章重點提示
## 導讀
* [你所不知道的 C 語言: Stream I/O 和 EOF](https://hackmd.io/s/Sy8pJ0x9G)
## System-Level I/O
* [投影片](https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~213/lectures/16-io.pdf) / [錄影](https://scs.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=f107c2ce-79d5-4529-baeb-2bb495d8c11a)
UNIX 設計哲學: "[Everything is a file](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everything_is_a_file)"
* 更精確來說是 "Everything is a file descriptor"
* But file descriptors are also created for things like anonymous pipes and network sockets via different methods
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搭配下圖理解 Linux 網路架構:
延伸閱讀: [In UNIX Everything is a File](https://hackmd.io/@jkyang/unix-everything-is-a-file)
End of line (EOL) indicators in other systems
* Linux and macOS: `\n` (0xa): line feed (LF)
* Windows and Internet protocols: `\r\n` (0xd 0xa): Carriage return (CR) followed by line feed (LF)
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* [Reentrant vs Thread-safe: Part 1](http://magicjackting.pixnet.net/blog/post/113860339)
* [Reentrant vs Thread-safe: Part 2](http://magicjackting.pixnet.net/blog/post/113859925)
* [Reentrant vs Thread-safe: Part 3](http://magicjackting.pixnet.net/blog/post/117448003)
Pros and Cons of Unix I/O
==slides p.51-54, p.56-58==
## 自我檢查清單
- [ ] tty 是什麼?緣起為何?對 UNIX 的影響又是?
- [ ] 為何 socket 也是一種 file type 呢?具體使用方式為何?
- [ ] RIO package 提供 I/O 封裝的目的為何?對應到真實世界的應用為何?
- [ ] Buffered I/O 的動機和效益為何?
- [ ] 在 `fork` 系統呼叫後,child process 和 parent process 的檔案分享狀況為何?(提示:閱讀 man-pages)