# NeuroML Editorial Board meeting, September 2023 - 29 September: 1500 UTC ## Agenda * Software ecosystem updates (v2.3) * Core tools * Third party tools * Update EDEN to include HindmarshRose (and for 2.3 release in general) * Standard updates (v2.3): fixes/new component types * Addition of [HindmarshRose model](https://github.com/NeuroML/NeuroML2/pull/217) * Documentation updates * LEMS updates * Models/use case updates: model conversions, validations * [Human Layer 2/3 cortical model](https://github.com/sanjayankur31/Human-L2-3-Cortical-Microcircuit/tree/feat/neuroml/NeuroML2) (Yao et al 2022) * [OSB models](https://github.com/OpenSourceBrain/.github/blob/main/testsheet/README.md)