First of all, if you didn't get picked, please don't worry or be saddened. It doesn't necessarily mean there's something wrong with you, mod applications are just designed to find the best candidates. We also focused on people who fit our needs more (i.e. those who contribute already, are familiar with the show, willing to use Discord, etc.). This means that some people, who may be absolutely fantastic mods elsewhere, probably weren't chosen.
Yes, I realise I also posted it to /r/needamod. This is because I had no idea what I was going to get from our users (I got waaay more than expected, even taking previous apps into consideration) so I wanted a decent backup and the chance for any really good non-Whovian mods. And I was too curious to see how many PMs I'd get about it!
It's also worth bearing in mind that we can only really go off what you've put on the form. Personally, I take the cold approach of scoring all the applications as it's easier for me, fairer for you and I generally let the other mods take any other factors into consideration.
The application version of RTFM (Read The Fucking Manual). It seems so incredibly obvious but so many don't do this. A lot of the questions were vague (on purpose) but a few of them asked for specific things and these weren't answered. This includes specifically responding to things in question descriptions. There's nothing wrong with adding additional info that wasn't asked for, but don't do it at the expense of the question. Also, you're welcome to make jokes and such but please don't do it as the expense of an answer.
It's something that we're regularly called anal about, but we care about them. There's no point in having these rules if they're not enforced and enforced well. For example, a lot of people said they'll lock the highly-upvoted post, but if it breaks the spoiler rule, we want it removed, not locked.
Because of this, we need people who are able to follow rules to the letter (even though we're lenient on some rules), which is partially why people who couldn't follow the first question (i.e. put /u/ before their username) were docked a point.
A lot of people put this, and while yes, (non-mod) activity on a subreddit is generally higher if you mod it, nothing is preventing you from contributing already. A few people have also said or hinted that they have ideas, but haven't said what they are. Again, nothing is preventing you from suggesting things. Don't forget, subreddit collectors (i.e. people who want to mod lots of subs but don't do anything or sometimes even damage them) is a problem on Reddit, and this is generally the excuse they stick to.
If you truly care about the subreddit, you won't need to feel the need to hold these actions behind the promise of modship.
Questions such as launching something and fucking up weren't just for general things in your life but as part of your role as a moderator. Knowing you'll plan and advertise your new thing is all well and good but I'm more interested in how you'll handle it in the context of launching something as a subreddit moderator.
I'm looking for more specific answers than something that is not helpful or convincing.
It may seem obvious and I'm sure most of you thought "What's the point in spending extra time on an app that'll never happen?" but the statistics from the app shows that the people who spent longer on their's got higher marks.
Alright, this never counted against anyone who applied as I assume most applicants are thinking in regards of forums rather than Reddit, but I figured I'd mention it anyway. As a discussion sub, discussion drives our moderation and our rules. If a post breaks a serious rule (spoilers, civil) it should be removed (it may be reapproved if fixed). If it breaks a minor rule (i.e. title, non-specific spoiler warning) then a mod comment should be posted (and stickied, depending on the rule). Locking posts only serves to prevent discussion and should be avoided.