You can use reply to create a new welcome message:
will be replace to the first name
will be replace to the last name
will be replace to the id
will be replace to the username
will be replace to the full name with tag
will be replace to group's title
default text formatting is Markdown
If you want to use $name
the formatting will be Markdown
!welcome_formatting [html/markdown/none]
to set which formatting!captcha [on/off]
to set!captcha
to set text on captcha button!unrestrict
and reply a text message to set/auto_restrict [on/off]
to set!admin [on/off]
to setAll command start with /
also can start with !
The different between /command and !command is
if you enable auto delete bot command
, /command will not leave any message after the command is complete.
But !command will mention sender and the member
/mute [by reply|mention|id|username]
to mute member/mute time
time mush use as 5d12h
or 1d
without any space
Ban Users
can use this command/ban [reply|mention|id|username]
or /kick [reply|mention|id|username]
to mute member/unmute [reply|mention|id|username]
or /un [reply|mention|id|username]
to mute memberBan Users
can use this command/mute
can use /ban time
to ban user for limit timeBan Users
can use this commandBan Users
can use this command/kickme
to kick himself./warn [by reply]
can use /warn time
to ban user for limit time/warn text_mention 5h
, warn will auto remove after 5 hours/sw [time]
to warn silent/unwarn [by reply|usernane|id|text mention]
to remove first warn records in this group/warns [by reply|usernane|id|text mention]
to list warn records in this group/user [by reply|usernane|id|text mention]
to list warn records in ALL the group/warnmax [number]
to set the max number of the warns before the kick!kickbot [on/off]
to set!kick_member_invite_bot [on/off]
to set/setting
to edit auto delete