# Distributed Governance Assessment Instrument
(*Formerly known as the DGov Score Framework Rating Instrument_Essential*)
*For DGov Score Framework Version 0.5*
* [name=Ledgerback Cooperative]
* @char
* @jsmye
* DGAI Version 0.5 (Current as of 2020-07-15)
###### tags: dgov, governance, blockchain, DAO, digital organizations, decentralized digital organizations, digitalization, organization design, organization effectiveness, organization management, organization dimensions, decentralization, participative, decision-making, collaborative, cooperatives, collectives, associations
## Table of Contents
## Disclaimer
The Distributed Governance Assessment Instrument (DGAI) has not been tested nor validated by the Solidarity Project research group by any generally accepted means of doing so, as of writing.
This DGAI is still in the development stage and should be used with absolute caution.
Do not rely on the results of this instrument for any future course of action, including without limitation, any legal-, financial-, or career-related courses of action.
For anyone who want to test and validate the instrument, please do so and report your findings to us by leaving a comment here or creating a pull request on our [**Github**](https://github.com/Ledgerback/Solidarity-Project/tree/master/DGov_Score_Framework/Instruments) repository.
## Proposals
- Add your proposed changes to the DGAI below:
- ...
## Orientation
- Organizational Forms
- Community Organizations
- Information
- Transparency
## Project Management Board
Please refer to the [Kanban Board](https://github.com/Ledgerback/Solidarity-Project/projects/1) for project management of the DGAI.
## Purpose
Instrument for assessing the distributed governance practices of digital/internet-native organizations utilizing the DGov Score Framework V0.5's Intra-firm modules, based on four impact areas for Distributed Governance:
1. Collaborative Governance
2. Compliance & Transparency
3. Organization Identity
4. Member Growth
5. **Unorganized** (Questions that need to be organized in one of the 4 above categories or a new category)
This instrument will produce a rating (i.e., a score) for organizations based on the following intra-firm modules:
- Organization Dimensions;
- Organization Typology; and
- Human-centric Management.
***---JS: We definitely need to do a writeup for this aspect***
The instrument will primarily be based on multiple-choice (single or multiple answers) questions.
## Instructions
1. Only one answer per question unless stated otherwise.
2. Refer to the Definitions section if a term is unclear.
3. Only refer to the terms as defined in Definitions. Do not refer to any third-party source for the definition of a term already defined in this instrument.
## Definitions
|Terms | Definitions|
|All rights reserved | Absolute restrictions on the use of outputs|
| Community reputation |A reputation determined by the totality of the peers (i.e., community), that can be formulated in multiple ways. For example, the community reputation could be some amalgamation of the peer scores, or the peer reputation scores amalgamated with the functional reputation scores|
| Departments | Existence of formal and informal divisions within an organization. |
|External Stakeholders | External stakeholders means stakeholders who are not Members of the Organization but are still a core constituency. For example, the customers of a company.|
|Formalization | The extent to which organizational policies, practices, and ways of completing tasks are standardized|
|Free | No restrictions whatsoever on the use of outputs|
|Functional reputation | A reputation determined based on a peer's performance on a specific function (e.g., participation in governance)|
| Internal Stakeholders | Stakeholders who are Members of the Organization and have influence within the organization. For example, the employees of a company. |
| Hierarchical| Supervisors in higher units have absolute authority over the decision-making, conflict resolution, information flows, power and resource allocation authority of a subordinate team’s actions in lower units |
|Horizontal Relationships | a relationship of peers in the same function where one may have authority over other(s) of the same function|
|Managers| A Member of the Organization who has a subordinate(s) or is tasked with overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Organization |
| Member| A person or organization (i.e., natural or artificial person) that is affiliated with an Organization by fulfilling the requirements for membership, ownership or employment relationship|
|Multi-sig | An account or wallet that requires more than one signature to execute a transaction. Additionally, a multi-sig may refer to a smart contract that controls another smart contract, primarily for the safekeeping of funds, that requires more than one signature to execute a transaction.|
|Network Congestion| When a network’s (often a blockchain or another p2p network) functioning significantly slows down because of more than usual traffic on the network |
|Newcomer | A Member who has recently joined the Organization and has been affiliated with the Organization for less than 6 months|
| Newcomer Joining Rate | The rate that Newcomers join the Organization over the past year|
| Ongoing Member | a Member who has been affiliated with the Organization for more than 6 months |
|Open Source | Some restrictions on the use of outputs (generally restrictions require attribution, use for non-commercial purposes) |
|Operational Jurisdiction| Where the primary place of business is for the Organization.|
|Peer reputation| A reputation determined on a peer-to-peer basis where peers rate the reputation of each other directly|
|Radical Decentralization | Teams have the full authority to make key decisions about tasks and resource allocation, top management has few, if any, authority to make key decisions, supervisor-subordinate relationship is abolished, and decentralization of authority is Formalized|
| Selective Decentralization | the freedom of the teams has clear boundaries, beyond which they have to seek permission from their supervisors, who also retain the right to intervene at any moment|
|Specialization | the extent to which tasks require highly specific (i.e., specialized) work skills|
| Token | A representation, often digital, of a right, asset, good, service, identifier, or something of value |
|Vertical Relationships| A relationship of peers in different functions where one has decision-making and conflict resolution authority over the other(s) based on function or the because a peer is in a higher unit than another peer (e.g., manager-subordinate)|
:memo:**Proposal may be used synonymously with resolution.**
## Instrument
### Basic Information
**1. Name of the Organization**
**2. Organization Type**
- [ ] For-profit corporation
- [ ] Non-profit corporation
- [ ] Association
- [ ] Cooperative
- [ ] Trust
- [ ] Unincorporated association
- [ ] Limited Liability Company
- [ ] Sole Proprietor
- [ ] Decentralized Digital Organization
- [ ] Decentralized Autonomous Organization (aka DAO)
- [ ] None of the above
**3. Types of goods and services offered/Sector**
- [ ] Agriculture
- [ ] Services
- [ ] Energy
- [ ] Healthcare
- [ ] Information Technology
- [ ] Cybersecurity
- [ ] Blockchain
- [ ] Academia
- [ ] Communications
- [ ] Marketing
- [ ] Insurance
- [ ] Entertainment
- [ ] Gaming
- [ ] Manufacturing
- [ ] Venture capital
- [ ] Transportation
**4. Year the Organization was formed?**
- [ ] Before 2010
- [ ] 2010 - 2012
- [ ] 2013 - 2015
- [ ] 2015 - 2017
- [ ] 2017 - 2020
**5. The operational jurisdiction of the Organization, if applicable?**
**6. The formation jurisdiction of the Organization, if applicable?**
### Collaborative Governance
##### Voting Power
For Banzhaf Voting Power of DAOstack DAOs,
please refer to http://deepdao.world/#/app/dashboard.
For more information on the Banzhaf Voting Power Index,
please refer to the links below:
1. http://www.math.hawaii.edu/~les/m100/lecture4.pdf
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdWgGzetdWI
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCZQ_ZEM7XQ
Refer to [this site to calculate the Banzhaf Power Index]( https://homepages.warwick.ac.uk/~ecaae/ipgenf.html)
**7. Range (Highest Weight minus Lowest Weight) of Absolute Banzhaf Power Index.**
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1 - 3
- [ ] 4 - 6
- [ ] 7 - 9
- [ ] 10 - 12
- [ ] 13 - 15
- [ ] 17 - 19
- [ ] 20 - 22
- [ ] 23 - 25
- [ ] 25+
0 = 10
1 – 3 = 9
4 – 6 = 8
7 – 9 = 7
10 – 12 = 6
13 – 15 = 5
16 – 18 = 4
19 – 21 = 3
22 – 24 = 2
25+ = 1
**8. Is the voting system equitable among Members in the Organization?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
No score.
##### Dispute Resolution
**9. Does the Organization have an internal dispute (i.e., conflict) resolution mechanism?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
Same scoring for all Yes, No, and Unsure options questions in the Instrument
Yes = 2
No = 1
Unsure = 0
**10. Does the Organization’s internal dispute resolution mechanism have any of the following features? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Neutral Arbitrator
- [ ] Option to appeal the judgment (i.e., appellate review)
- [ ] Parties can present evidence
- [ ] Parties can select arbitrators
- [ ] Rules and procedures
- [ ] Parties can have a representative
- [ ] Arbitrators are selected from within the Organization
- [ ] Arbitrators are selected from outside the Organization
- [ ] Arbitrators investigate and present evidence
- [ ] A jury of peers from within the Organization
- [ ] A jury of peers from outside the Organization
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
#### Membership Size
**11. How many Members are in the Organization?**
- [ ] Less than 10
- [ ] 10 - 50
- [ ] 50 - 100
- [ ] 100 - 200
- [ ] 200 - 500
- [ ] 500 - 750
- [ ] 750 - 1,000
- [ ] 1,000 - 2,000
- [ ] Greater than 2,000
10 < = 1 point
10 – 50 = 2 point
50 – 200 = 4 points
200 – 500 = 6 points
500 – 750 = 6 points
750 – 1000 = 4 points
1000 – 2000 = 2 points
> 2000 = 1 point
**12. How many distinct classes of internal stakeholders exist?**
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
1 - 3 = 2 point
4 - 6 = 4 points
7 - 9 = 2 points
**13. Does the Organization have any of the following classes of internal stakeholders? (Chceck all that apply)**
- [ ] Users
- [ ] Workers
- [ ] Core Staff
- [ ] Producers
- [ ] Consumers
- [ ] Managers
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**14. How many distinct classes of external stakeholders exist?**
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
1 - 3 = 2 points
4 - 6 = 4 points
7 - 9 = 2 points
**15. Does the Organization have any of the following classes of external stakeholders?**
- [ ] Government
- [ ] Users
- [ ] Partners
- [ ] Investors
- [ ] Consumers
- [ ] Donors
- [ ] Communit[y/ies]
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**16. What is the voter participation rate as a percentage of the total number of Members eligible to vote?**
- [ ] Less than 20%
- [ ] 20 - 30%
- [ ] 30 - 40%
- [ ] 40 - 50%
- [ ] 50 - 60%
- [ ] 60 - 70%
- [ ] 70 - 80%
- [ ] 80 - 90%
- [ ] Greater than 90%
- [ ] None of the above
Less than 20% = 1 point
20-30% = 2 points
30 – 40% = 3 points
40 – 50% = 4 points
50 – 60% = 5 points
60 – 70% = 6 points
70 – 80% = 7 points
80 – 90% = 8 points
90 – 100% = 9 points
None of the above = 0 points
**17. Does the Organization have any of the following requirements for individual membership? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Adherence to the Organization's Principles and Values
- [ ] Adherence to the Organization's Mission
- [ ] Adherence to a movement's principles and values
- [ ] Adherence to a movement's mission
- [ ] Adherence to a community's principles and values
- [ ] Adherence to a community's mission
- [ ] Age
- [ ] Nationality
- [ ] Identity Verification
- [ ] Skillset (i.e., Specialization)
- [ ] Trial Period (i.e., Probationary Period)
- [ ] Contributions threshold
- [ ] Membership agreement (i.e., a standard legal contract)
- [ ] Capital amount (>= $100.00)
- [ ] Membership fee
- [ ] None of the above
No score
**18. Is the identity of a Member made visible during any of the listed activities?**
- [ ] Commenting
- [ ] Evaluations
- [ ] Deliberation
- [ ] Propos[als/ing]
- [ ] Discussion
- [ ] Budgeting
- [ ] Production
- [ ] Elections
- [ ] Meetings
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**19. Does the Organization have an expenses policy that covers any of the following topics? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Types of expenses covered
- [ ] Limits on the amounts of expenses
- [ ] Member(s) assigned to handle expenses
- [ ] Documentation needed for expenses
- [ ] Procedure for approving expenses
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**20. Does the Organization have any of the following requirements for organizational membership? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Adherence to the Organization's Principles and Values
- [ ] Adherence to the Organization's Mission
- [ ] Adherence to a movement's principles and values
- [ ] Adherence to a movement's mission
- [ ] Adherence to a community's principles and values
- [ ] Adherence to a community's mission
- [ ] Operational jurisdiction
- [ ] Formation jurisdiction
- [ ] Skillset (i.e., Specialization)
- [ ] Trial Period (i.e., Probationary Period)
- [ ] Contributions threshold
- [ ] Membership Agreement
- [ ] Certain types of contributions
- [ ] Capital amount (>= $100.00)
- [ ] Revenue threshold
- [ ] Size threshold
- [ ] Membership fee
- [ ] Organizational type (for-profit, non-profit, etc.)
- [ ] None of the above
No score
**21. How does the Organization identify, manage, and measure its impact on the most material DGov issues? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Tracking pre-identified impact metrics based on Organization's mission or principles and values
- [ ] Identify and measure metrics based on a materiality assessment
- [ ] Set performance targets/benchmarks for identified material issues and measurements
- [ ] Measure performance based on key performance indicators over time
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
##### Governance
**22. Does the Organization have any of the following formalized governance documents? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Constitution
- [ ] Manifesto
- [ ] Operating Rules
- [ ] Incorporating documents (e.g., Articles of Incorporation)
- [ ] Organizational Handbook
- [ ] Software Protocol
- [ ] Policies & Procedures
- [ ] Code of Conduct
- [ ] Code of Ethics
- [ ] Proposal System
- [ ] Bylaws
- [ ] Statement of Principles and/or Values
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**23. Does the Organization have a reputation system for stakeholders members? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Internal Stakeholders
- [ ] External Stakeholders
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check.
0 points = none of the above.
**24. Does the Organization's reputation system have any of the following types of reputation? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Peer Reputation
- [ ] Functional Reputation
- [ ] Community Reputation
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check
0 points = None of the above
**25. Does the Organization measure functional reputation based on any of the following governance activities?**
- [ ] Number of proposals passed per number of proposals proposed (Passed Proposals / Total Proposals)
- [ ] Number of proposals passed
- [ ] Number of proposals proposed
- [ ] Number of proposals failed
- [ ] Number of proposals voted for per Number of proposals voted against (Proposals voted for and rate of success of that proposal) (Vote for successful proposal / Votes for all proposals)
- [ ] Number of proposals voted against
- [ ] Number of proposals voted against that were unsuccessful
- [ ] Number of proposals voted for that were successful
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check; Capped at 10 points
0 points = None of the above
**26. Has the Organization formalized any rules or protocols to deter the emergence of an unaccountable, oligarchic governance structure within the Organization?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**27. Does the Organization utilize any of the following governance/management systems? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Holacracy
- [ ] Sociocracy
- [ ] Adhocracy
- [ ] Common Property Resource Management
- [ ] Collaborative
- [ ] Democratic
- [ ] Hierarchy
- [ ] Self-management
- [ ] Meritocratic
- [ ] Plutocratic
- [ ] Deliberative Democracy
- [ ] Representative Meritocracy
- [ ] Representative Democracy
- [ ] Do-ocracy
- [ ] Benevolent Dictator for Life
- [ ] None of the above
No score
**28. Does the Organization have an Organization-dedicated treasury (i.e., a fund, an account)?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**29. Does the Organization use any of the following decision-making protocols? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Autocratic
- [ ] Avoidant
- [ ] Consensus
- [ ] Consent
- [ ] Consultative
- [ ] Delegation
- [ ] Democratic
- [ ] Stochastic
- [ ] Futarchy
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**30. How many leaders (formal and informal) are in the Organization?**
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
- [ ] None of the above
1 = 1 point
2 = 2 points
3 = 3 points
4 = 4 points
5 = 5 points
6 = 6 points
7 = 7 points
8 = 8 points
9 or more = 9 points
None of the Above = 0
**31. Does the Organization make any meaningful efforts to develop its Member's leadership skills?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**32. How are resources owned in the Organization?**
- [ ] Private-owned (solely individual)
- [ ] Private-owned (solely organization)
- [ ] Common property (joint ownership)
- [ ] Open Access (no ownership)
- [ ] Public-owned (owned by a public entity)
- [ ] Private-owned (solely owned by a third party(ies))
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check.
None of the above = 0
**33. How are resources allocated in the Organization?**
- [ ] Price Mechanism
- [ ] Managerial decision (authority)
- [ ] Actor-based mobilization of shared resources in commons
- [ ] None of the above
None of the above = 0 points
Managerial decision = 1 point
Price mechanism = 2 points
Actor-based mobilization in the commons = 3 points
**34. Who approves the quality of tasks in the Organization?**
- [ ] Customer
- [ ] Manager
- [ ] Peer
- [ ] None of the above
None of the above = 0 points
Manager = 1 point
Customer = 2 points
Peer = 3 points
**35. Does the Authority and Decision-making Power in the Organization fall under any of the following categories?**
- [ ] Bureaucratic (Vertical: Hierarchical; Horizontal: Hierarchical)
- [ ] Selective Decentralization (Vertical: Hierarchical; Horizontal: Decentralized)
- [ ] Radical Decentralization (Vertical: Decentralized; Horizontal: Decentralized)
- [ ] None of the above
Radical Decentralization = 3 points
Selective Decentralization = 2 points
Hierarchical = 1 point
None of the above = 0 points
**36. Does the Organization empower its Members to engage in the Organization's governance or operational activities?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**37. Are Members allowed to make and submit proposals concerning the Organization's governance?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**38. How is it determined when a proposal officially becomes enforceable in the Organization? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] By a vote of the Members (majority, supermajority, etc.)
- [ ] By approval of one or more (>=1) Managers
- [ ] By approval of one or more (>=1) Leaders
- [ ] By approval of one or more (>=1) Governing Bodies
- [ ] By approval of one or more (>=1) team members
- [ ] Failure to reject within a set timeframe
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
None of the above = 0
**39. How do Members participate in the Organization's governance? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Making and submitting proposals
- [ ] Voting on matters before the Members
- [ ] Filling and executing governance roles
- [ ] Critiquing, filtering or discussing proposals and other courses of action
- [ ] Setting strategy and direction for the Organization
- [ ] Holding meetings on governance matters
- [ ] Encouraging other Members to participate in governance via Organization programs
- [ ] Developing governance rules and procedures
- [ ] Participating in elections
- [ ] Enforcing compliance with rules and procedures
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check.
None of the above = 0
**40. Do Members of the Organization have a set of ethos similar to the Organization’s ethos?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**41. How do Members of the Organization participate in the problem-solving process? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Problem Definition
- [ ] Generation of Alternatives
- [ ] Selection and integration of solutions
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
** 42. How is knowledge shared among Members of the Organization? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Datastores (e.g., mind maps, handbooks, blockchain, repositories)
- [ ] Talks (or some other speaking event)
- [ ] Team meetings
- [ ] Community meetings
- [ ] Asynchronous communication (e.g., email)
- [ ] Publications of materials on official channels of communication
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**43. How is the strategic direction of the Organization determined? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] By Managers
- [ ] By Leaders
- [ ] By Members
- [ ] By Governing Bodies (Undemocratic)
- [ ] By Governing Bodies (Democratic)
- [ ] Hybrid of the above options
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**44. How are Members of the Organization held accountable in the Organization?**
- [ ] Manager-subordinate accountability
- [ ] Peer-to-peer accountability
- [ ] Team Hybrid (peer-to-peer accountability within teams, manager accountability outside of teams)
- [ ] Customer accountability
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**45. What are the communication channels the Organization uses to communicate with internal stakeholders? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Email
- [ ] Blog
- [ ] Newsletter
- [ ] Social Media (e.g., Twitter)
- [ ] Datastores (e.g., mind maps, handbooks, blockchain, repositories)
- [ ] Forums (e.g., Discourse)
- [ ] Messaging Application (e.g., Telegram)
- [ ] Official Website
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**46. Do the formalized documents of the Organization explicitly require, or empower principles and values in accordance with any of the following?**
- [ ] Self-management
- [ ] Cooperativism (or Democratic)
- [ ] Community
- [ ] Openness
- [ ] Decentralization
- [ ] Human-centric
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**47. How does the Organization motivate Members to act in furtherance of the Organization's goals? (Check all that apply)**
###### Monetary
- [ ] Salary
- [ ] Wages
- [ ] Equity
- [ ] Staking Tokens for a specific period of time while engaging in activities with the Organization, which may be forfeited for bad behavior
- [ ] Increased value of investment
- [ ] None of the above
###### Non-monetary
- [ ] Working on innovative projects
- [ ] Working on meaningful projects
- [ ] Improve Member's reputation
- [ ] Supporting the Organization's mission
- [ ] Supporting the Organization's principles and values
- [ ] Supporting the Web3 mission
- [ ] Supporting the Web3 principles and values
- [ ] Working with interesting colleagues
- [ ] Sharing in the outputs of production
- [ ] Aiding the Member's professional or personal development
- [ ] None of the above
- 2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
- 0 points = None of the above.
- 2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
- 0 points = None of the above.
**48. How does the Organization punish Members for engaging in harmful acts against the Organization (e.g., stealing, corruption)?**
- [ ] Fines
- [ ] Expulsion
- [ ] Foregoing benefits
- [ ] Suspending benefits
- [ ] Demotion
- [ ] Asset Forfeiture (e.g., equity, tokens)
- [ ] Public Shaming
- [ ] Suspension
- [ ] Status removal
- [ ] Governance Forfeiture (e.g., loss of voting power or ownership stake)
- [ ] Payment Forfeiture (e.g., reduction in wages)
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**49. How does the Organization punish Members for engaging in harmful acts against other Members?**
- [ ] Fines
- [ ] Expulsion
- [ ] Foregoing benefits
- [ ] Suspending benefits
- [ ] Demotion
- [ ] Asset Forfeiture (e.g., equity, tokens)
- [ ] Public Shaming
- [ ] Suspension
- [ ] Status removal
- [ ] Governance Forfeiture (e.g., loss of voting power or ownership stake)
- [ ] Payment Forfeiture (e.g., reduction in wages)
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**50. What are the guidance mechanisms the Organization utilizes for Members to know they are acting in furtherance of the Organization’s mission?**
- [ ] Organization's Principles and Values
- [ ] Organization's Mission
- [ ] Organization's Vision
- [ ] Software Protocol
- [ ] Formal documents
- [ ] Customer appreciation
- [ ] Increased revenue
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**51. Does the Organization have any formal roles?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**52. How does the Organization support internal governance? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Well-defined roles with decision-making authority and responsibilities outlined
- [ ] Hold team meetings among members (or managers) about strategy or to make operational decisions
- [ ] Formal procedures on how to decision-making and executing strategies
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**53. How diverse are the funding and material support sources of the Organization?**
- [ ] Low Diversification
- [ ] Moderate Diversification
- [ ] High Diversification
- [ ] No Diversification
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check.
0 points = None of the above.
**55. What type of turnover rate does the leadership of the Organization exhibit?**
- [ ] Low Turnover Rate
- [ ] Moderate Turnover Rate
- [ ] High Turnover Rate
- [ ] No Turnover Rate
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check.
0 points = None of the above.
**56. How diverse are the contributions made by Members to the Organization?**
- [ ] Very Diverse
- [ ] Diverse
- [ ] Moderate
- [ ] Uniform
- [ ] Very Uniform
2 points = check.
0 points = None of the above.
**57. How many Members are actively contributing to the Organization?**
- [ ] 1 - 5
- [ ] 5 - 10
- [ ] 10 - 20
- [ ] 20 - 50
- [ ] 50 - 100
- [ ] 100 - 200
- [ ] 200 - 500
- [ ] 500 - 1000
- [ ] Greater than 1000
- [ ] None of the above
1 – 5 = 1 point
5 – 10 = 2 points
10 – 20 = 3 points
20 – 50 = 4 points
50 – 100 = 5 points
100 – 200 = 6 points
200 – 500 = 7 points
500 – 1000 = 8 points
Greater than 1000 = 9 points
0 points = None of the above
**58. How does the Organization integrate Distributed Governance (DGov) into its governance? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Member training that includes DGov
- [ ] Performance reviews that incorporate DGov
- [ ] Governing body (e.g., a committee) that is tasked with reviewing the Organization's governance regarding DGov
- [ ] Informally
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**59. How is DGov incorporated into Member training?
- [ ] Informally
- [ ] Specific formal training integrated into new Member training
- [ ] Specific formal training integrated into ongoing Member training
- [ ] Member commitment to a mission that articulates DGov either individually or as part of a team
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
##### Hybrid Governance
**60. Does the Organization utilize a market(s) mechanism for governance or operational (e.g., providing a good or service) purposes?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**61. Does the Organization utilize a hierarchic mechanism for governance or operational purposes? If so, please describe them below.**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
### Compliance, Ethics and Transparency
**62. Are non-managers of the Organization complying with the formalized (i.e., documented) rules, procedures and protocols of the Organization?**
- [ ] Low Compliance
- [ ] Moderate Compliance
- [ ] High Compliance
- [ ] No compliance
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check.
0 points = None of the above.
**63. Are Managers of the Organization complying with the documented rules of the Organization?**
- [ ] Low Compliance
- [ ] Moderate Compliance
- [ ] High Compliance
- [ ] No compliance
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check.
0 points = None of the above.
**64. How transparent is the Organization to internal stakeholders?**
- [ ] Very Transparent
- [ ] Transparent
- [ ] Very non-transparent
- [ ] Non-transparent
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check.
0 points = None of the above.
**65. How transparent is the Organization to external stakeholders?**
- [ ] Very Transparent
- [ ] Transparent
- [ ] Very non-transparent
- [ ] Non-transparent
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check.
0 points = None of the above.
**66. Is the Organization acting in compliance with its Principles and Values?**
- [ ] Low Compliance
- [ ] Moderate Compliance
- [ ] High Compliance
- [ ] No compliance
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check.
0 points = None of the above.
**67. How does an Organization determine that a Member is eligible to participate in governance (voting, submitting proposals, etc.)?**
- [ ] Completion of Trial period
- [ ] Minimum Membership Age
- [ ] As of joining the Organization
- [ ] Minimum Financial Contribution
- [ ] Minimum Number of Contributions
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**68. How does the Organization receive feedback from Members on its activities?**
- [ ] Surveys
- [ ] Questionnaires
- [ ] Interviews
- [ ] End of year reviews
- [ ] Annual or general meeting
- [ ] During elections
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**68. Are the Organization's contracts with third parties accessible to external stakeholders?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**69. Are the Organization's contracts with third parties accessible by the general public?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**70. Does the Organization have any informal roles?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**71. How does the Organization advocate for Members to make ethical decisions? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Code of Ethics
- [ ] Access to advisory board about ethical decisions
- [ ] Internal controls
- [ ] None of the Above
2 points = check.
0 points = None of the above.
**72. How does the Organization advocate for Members to treat fellow Members with respect and civility? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Code of Conduct
- [ ] Access to Dispute Resolution procedure
- [ ] Code of Ethics
- [ ] Norms and values
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check.
0 points = None of the above.
**73. Does the Organization instruct Members (Newcomer or Ongoing) on the Code of Conduct?**
- [ ] Yes: as a Newcomer Member
- [ ] Yes: as an Ongoing Member
- [ ] Yes: on some time basis (e.g., annual) to Members
- [ ] Yes: in response to a violation of the Code of Conduct
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**74. Does the Organization instruct Members (Newcomer or Ongoing) on the Code of Ethics?**
- [ ] Yes: as a Newcomer
- [ ] Yes: as an Ongoing
- [ ] Yes: on some time basis (e.g., annual) to Members
- [ ] Yes: in response to a violation of the Code of Ethics
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**75. Does the Organization have its financial records reviewed or audited by an independent third party?**
- [ ] Yes: Audited
- [ ] Yes: Reviewed
- [ ] Neither
- [ ] None of the above
Yes: Audited = 2
Yes: Reviewed = 2
Neither = 1
None of the above = 0
**76. Does the Organization utilize any of the following internal financial controls? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Multi-sig cryptocurrency wallet (can segregate payment authorization and execution)
- [ ] Access to credit is limited to appropriate personnel
- [ ] Different access levels in IT systems based on position of member trying to access the data
- [ ] Requiring certain security clearances or privileges in IT systems
- [ ] Segregation of accounts receivable and accounts payable duties
- [ ] Segregation of payment authorization, execution, and/or recordkeeping
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points
0 points = None of the above.
**77. What information does the Organization make available and transparent to the general public? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Financial performance
- [ ] Membership statistics
- [ ] Mission and/or Goals performance
- [ ] Members of Governing Bodies
- [ ] Governance Rules and Procedures (i.e., Organization Blueprint)
- [ ] Roadmap (Expected strategies and goals)
- [ ] Strategic Documents
- [ ] Governing Bodies
- [ ] Organizational Chart
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**78. Does the Organization share financial information with Members? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] All financial information is disclosed to Members periodically (e.g., quarterly, monthly)
- [ ] All financial information is always disclosed to Members
- [ ] No formal method for disclosing financial information to Members
- [ ] Through an educational program for Members
- [ ] At a general or annual meeting
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**79. Does the Organization share information on its DGov performance with the general public? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Sets targets publicly and publicly shares progress on targets
- [ ] Sharing information on DGov programs and performance
- [ ] Release of a formal report
- [ ] Does not report publicly on DGov performance
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
### Organization Identity
Organization Identity (mission, principles and values, vision, objectives, culture (internal and external), social reputation, licenses outputs, and the like)
##### Culture
**80. How restrictive is the Organization's licensing of its outputs (e.g., software, hardware)?**
- [ ] Free
- [ ] Open Source
- [ ] All Rights Reserved
- [ ] None of the above
Free = 1 point
Open Source = 2 points
All Rights Reserved = 1 point
0 points = None of the above
**81. How many events has the Organization hosted or sponsored related to its mission/purpose in the past year?**
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
- [ ] None of the above
1 = 1 point
2 = 2 points
3 = 3 points
4 = 4 points
5 = 5 points
6 = 6 points
7 = 7 points
8 = 8 points
9 or more = 9 points
0 points = None of the above
**82. How many events has the Organization hosted or sponsored related to its industry/domain in the past year?**
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
- [ ] None of the above
1 = 1 point
2 = 2 points
3 = 3 points
4 = 4 points
5 = 5 points
6 = 6 points
7 = 7 points
8 = 8 points
9 or more = 9 points
0 points = None of the above
**83. Do Members of the Organization accept the existence of alternative views within the Organization (i.e., accepting that there can be a plurality of views, but not necessarily agreement with all views)?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**84. Does the Organization's formal mission statement mention any of the following? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] General or Specific commitment to adhering to DGov
- [ ] General or Specific commitment to a social or environmental impact
- [ ] General or Specific commitment to operating as a specific type of organization
- [ ] General or Specific commitment to a movement (Web3, Blockchain, Platform Cooperativism, Commons/P2P, etc.)
- [ ] None of the above
**85. Does the Organization explicitly claim any of the following as a benchmark for success? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Positive impact on society
- [ ] Positive impact on the environment
- [ ] Positive impact on the Web3 space
- [ ] Positive impact on the wellbeing of Members
- [ ] Positive impact on the finances
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**86. Does the Organization explicitly state a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
##### Data Usage and Privacy
**87. Does the Organization have any of the following policies regarding data usage and privacy? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Publicly available, formalized data and privacy policy
- [ ] Customers can determine how their data will be used
- [ ] Email listings are GDPR compliant
- [ ] Organization does not collect sensitive information
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
##### History
**88. Has the Organization ever had to deal with a split in the Organization for any of the following reasons? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Growth of oligarchic, unaccountable governance structure
- [ ] Leadership failed to maintain appearance of legitimacy
- [ ] Cultural split among Members of the Organization
- [ ] Membership size became too large to effectively govern the Organization
- [ ] Strategy/Direction split among Members of the Organization
- [ ] Lack of leadership
- [ ] Ineffective governance models
- [ ] Ineffective operations models
- [ ] Dispute arose among segments of the Membership
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**89. How many rebrands has the Organization undergone?**
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
- [ ] None of the above
1 = 1 point
2 = 2 points
3 = 3 points
4 = 4 points
5 = 5 points
6 = 6 points
7 = 7 points
8 = 8 points
9 or more = 9 points
0 points = None of the above
**90. How long has the core team of contributors been with the Organization?**
- [ ] Less than 1 year
- [ ] 1 year
- [ ] 2 years
- [ ] 3 years
- [ ] 4 years
- [ ] 5 years
- [ ] More than 5 years
- [ ] None of the above
Less than 1 year = 1 point
1 year = 2 points
2 years = 3 points
3 years = 4 points
4 years = 5 points
5 years = 6 points
> 5 years = 7 points
0 points = None of the above
**91. Has the Organization amended its formal documents for any of the following reasons?**
- [ ] Documents were ineffective in achieving predetermined goals
- [ ] Removing loopholes and vulnerabilities
- [ ] Removing rights from a class(es) of internal stakeholders
- [ ] Keeping formal documents up-to-date with changes in the Organization’s environment
- [ ] Documents prohibited or inhibited effective governance
- [ ] Adding a class(es) of internal stakeholders
- [ ] To add an amendment procedure
- [ ] Financial reasons
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**92. Does the Organization have an amendment procedure outlined in its formal documents?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**93. How does the Organization monitor Managers for day-to-day operations to ensure they are working towards the Organization's goals? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Periodic Electronic Communications (e.g., daily, weekly)
- [ ] Posting updates to a datastore (e.g., mind maps, handbooks, blockchain, repositories)
- [ ] Asynchronous communication (e.g., email)
- [ ] Synchronous communication
- [ ] Periodic Meetings (e.g., daily, weekly)
- [ ] Publications of materials on official channels of communication
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**94. Does the Organization have any of the following tokens? (if a token embodies one or more descriptions, please check all applicable descriptions) (Check all that apply)**
*Note: The Membership Affiliation Token is for signifying membership affiliation, not for signifying any governance rights in the Organization.*
- [ ] Governance Rights Token
- [ ] Good or Service Token
- [ ] Marketplace Token
- [ ] Membership Affiliation Token
- [ ] Ownership Token
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**95. Does the Organization use an open value accounting method to track contributions and distribute value to Members?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
### Member Growth
**96. Can Members make any of the following contributions to the Organization? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Labor
- [ ] Resources
- [ ] Knowledge
- [ ] Event planning
- [ ] Advertising/Promotion
- [ ] Governance Proposals
- [ ] Good or Service Proposal
- [ ] Brand Proposal
- [ ] Teaching
- [ ] Training
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
**97. Do Members of the Organization participate in furnishing or producing the Organization's goods and services?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**98. What is the number of active goods, services and/or projects the Organization has undertaken in the past year?**
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
- [ ] None of the above
1 = 1 point
2 = 2 points
3 = 3 points
4 = 4 points
5 = 5 points
6 = 6 points
7 = 7 points
8 = 8 points
9 or more = 9 points
0 points = None of the above
**99. What is the number of inactive goods, services and/or projects the Organization is no longer undertaking as of the past year?**
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
- [ ] None of the above
1 = 1 point
2 = 2 points
3 = 3 points
4 = 4 points
5 = 5 points
6 = 6 points
7 = 7 points
8 = 8 points
9 or more = 9 points
0 points = None of the above
**100. What is the number of planned goods, services and/or projects the Organization expects to undertake?**
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
- [ ] None of the above
1 = 1 point
2 = 2 points
3 = 3 points
4 = 4 points
5 = 5 points
6 = 6 points
7 = 7 points
8 = 8 points
9 or more = 9 points
0 points = None of the above
**101. What is the number of projects the Organization has completed in the past year?**
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
- [ ] None of the above
1 = 1 point
2 = 2 points
3 = 3 points
4 = 4 points
5 = 5 points
6 = 6 points
7 = 7 points
8 = 8 points
9 or more = 9 points
0 points = None of the above
**102. How does the Organization aid Members in achieving their professional and career goals? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Opportunities to apply skills to projects
- [ ] Providing education and training opportunities
- [ ] Helping Members find other career opportunities
- [ ] Aiding Members to attend career-related events
- [ ] Providing mentorship opportunities to Members
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
None of the above = 0
**103. How does the Organization aid Members in achieving their personal goals? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Opportunities to apply skills to projects
- [ ] Aiding Member’s to achieve their personal missions
- [ ] Providing mentorship opportunities to Members
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
None of the above = 0
**104. Is there an onboarding process for new Members of the Organization?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**105. What is the Newcomer Joining Rate for the Organization?**
- [ ] 1 - 10
- [ ] 10 - 20
- [ ] 20 - 50
- [ ] 50 - 100
- [ ] 100 - 200
- [ ] 200 - 500
- [ ] 500 - 1000
- [ ] More than 1000
- [ ] None of the above
1 – 10 = 1 point
10 – 20 = 2 points
20 – 50 = 4 points
50 – 100 = 6 points
100 – 200 = 6 points
200 – 500 = 4 points
500 – 1000 = 2 points
> 1000 = 1 point
None of the above = 0 points
**106. Are there opportunities for Newcomers to socialize with other Newcomers (e.g., Newcomer Orientation)?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**107. Are there opportunities for Newcomers to socialize with Ongoing Members?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**108. How do Members of the organization gain greater responsibility and decision-making rights in the Organization?**
- [ ] Consistent quality contributions
- [ ] Providing capital
- [ ] Running and winning in an election
- [ ] Selected by a leader, manager, or governing body
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**109. How does the Organization provide professional growth opportunities for Members? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Formal onboarding process for Newcomers
- [ ] Offer ongoing training on core responsibilities to members for formal roles
- [ ] Provide cross-skill training for career advancements or transitions
- [ ] Provide non-career like-skill training
- [ ] Budgeted for external professional development opportunities (e.g., conferences)
- [ ] Provide reimbursements or programs for intensive continuing education credentials
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**110. How many training sessions are Newcomers required to undertake? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] One training session per week
- [ ] One training session per month
- [ ] One training session per day
- [ ] One training session per year
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**111. How does the Organization engage its Members? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Members can vote for members of Governing Bodies
- [ ] Adoption of self-management principles
- [ ] Formalized feedback and complaint mechanisms
- [ ] Process(es) for Member input before making operational or strategic decision or changes
- [ ] Organization tracks input/feedback/complaint mechanism and resolution/implementation rates
- [ ] Organization conducts member engagement or satisfaction surveys on some time-based basis
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**112. Does the Organization have a formal document concerning Members collaborating with other Members?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**113. Can Members find and contact other Members through any of the following methods? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Member Directory
- [ ] Mailing List
- [ ] Online Forum
- [ ] Organization-only group on a social media platform
- [ ] Wiki
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**114. Does the Organization have a formal document concerning Members collaborating with third parties?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
### Unorganized
**115. Who bears the costs of project failures in the Organization? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Organization
- [ ] Proposing Member
- [ ] Proposing Team
- [ ] Working Team
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**116. Can Members form their own working groups within the Organization?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**117. Can Members form their own committees within the Organization?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**118. Do the Organization’s legal documents have a choice of law or governing law clause?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**119. What are the exit costs for Members who want to leave the Organization? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Ownership Cost (e.g., giving up equity)
- [ ] Financial Cost (e.g., paying to leave)
- [ ] None
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**120. What kinds of voting system does the Organization have? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Weighted Voting
- [ ] One-to-One (1-1) Voting
- [ ] Delegated Voting (aka Proxy Voting)
- [ ] Quadratic Voting
- [ ] Conviction Voting
- [ ] Ranked-choice
- [ ] A method for multiple voting rounds
- [ ] None
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**121. Does the Organization have any of the following safeguards to protect Members from liability for actions in furtherance of, and approved by, the Organization? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Insurance
- [ ] Contract (e.g., Exculpatory Agreements)
- [ ] None
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**122. Does the Organization use any of the following metrics to measure the effectiveness of its governance? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Voting Rate (number of votes / total number of eligible voters)
- [ ] Equity Concentration
- [ ] Submitted Proposal Rates
- [ ] Passed Proposal Rates
- [ ] Total (Passed and Failed) Proposal Rates
- [ ] Reputation Scores
- [ ] None
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**123. How does the Organization determine who can execute a passed proposal? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Executors stated in the proposal
- [ ] Determined by a governing body
- [ ] Determined by a vote of the Members
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**124. How many times can a Member re-introduce a failed proposal for consideration?**
- [ ] 1 time
- [ ] 2 times
- [ ] 3 times
- [ ] 4 times
- [ ] 5 times
- [ ] More than 5 times
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check.
0 points = None of the above
**125. Are there any penalties associated with reintroducing a failed proposal for consideration?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**126. Are proposals required to first be approved by one of the following entities before being presented for a vote by the Members?**
- [ ] A governing body
- [ ] A certain number of approvals or showing of support from Members
- [ ] A certain number of approvals or showing of support from non-Members
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**127. How long are proposals considered active in the Organization before they fail from lack of traction?**
- [ ] 1 – 2 weeks
- [ ] 2 – 4 weeks
- [ ] 4 – 6 weeks
- [ ] 6 – 8 weeks
- [ ] 8 – 10 weeks
- [ ] 10 – 12 weeks
- [ ] 12 – 14 weeks
- [ ] 14 – 16 weeks
- [ ] More than 16 weeks
- [ ] As long as there is a certain number of approvals or showing of support from non-Members
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**128. How are governing bodies held accountable by Members of the Organization?**
- [ ] Oversight governing body (e.g., a board or committee)
- [ ] Yearly review of activities submitted to Members or oversight governing body
- [ ] Members can vote out members of the governing bodies (i.e., elections)
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**129. Can Members signal non-binding preferences, positions, or votes on proposals?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**130. Does the Organization specify the types of governance decisions, and the decision-making procedures thereto, that can be made?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**131. Are there governance decisions that require any of the following voting requirements?**
- [ ] Less than majority (<50%)
- [ ] Simple Majority (>50%)
- [ ] Supermajority (> 60%)
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**132. Does the Organization have any special decision-making protocols in the case of an emergency?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**133. What are the signaling systems for proposals in the Organization?**
- [ ] Binary (e.g., Yes/No)
- [ ] Non-binary
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**134. How are Members of the Organization identified (i.e., common identifiers used in the organization)? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Pseudonym
- [ ] Public Key Cryptography
- [ ] Email Address
- [ ] Decentralized Identifiers
- [ ] Digital Identifiers
- [ ] Self-Sovereign Identifiers
- [ ] Social Media Handle
- [ ] Government Identification
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**135. If a proposal is accepted, does the proposal need to go through additional rounds of review before becoming an official proposal?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**136. How many formal roles are there in the Organization?**
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
- [ ] None of the above
1 = 1 point
2 = 2 points
3 = 3 points
4 = 4 points
5 = 5 points
6 = 6 points
7 = 7 points
8 = 8 points
9 or more = 9 points
0 points = None of the above
**137. Does the Organization have a formal procedure for creating, modifying or destroying groups? (e.g., working groups, governing bodies)**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**138. How many formal partnerships does the Organization have?**
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
- [ ] 4
- [ ] 5
- [ ] 6
- [ ] 7
- [ ] 8
- [ ] 9 or more
- [ ] None of the above
1 = 1 point
2 = 2 points
3 = 3 points
4 = 4 points
5 = 5 points
6 = 6 points
7 = 7 points
8 = 8 points
9 or more = 9 points
0 points = None of the above
**139. Does the Organization have a partnership with any of the following entities?**
- [ ] Nonprofit Entity
- [ ] Community Entity
- [ ] Government Entity
- [ ] For-profit Entity
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**140. Does the Organization’s governance process describe any of the following regarding proposals? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] When a proposal is considered a draft
- [ ] When a proposal is considered active
- [ ] When a proposal is considered withdrawn
- [ ] When a proposal is considered rejected
- [ ] When a proposal is considered inactive
- [ ] When a proposal is considered accepted
- [ ] When a draft proposal is considered updated
- [ ] When a proposal can be replaced by another proposal or by an updated version of the same proposal
- [ ] When a proposal is considered final
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**141. Does the Organization have any of the following categories of Members?**
- [ ] Volunteers
- [ ] Core staff
- [ ] Advisors
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**142. Does the Organization have any templates for governance processes?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**143. Is there a maximum (or cap) number of Members who can be part of the Organization?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**144. Can Members vote to freeze membership growth of the Organization?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Unsure
**145. If the Organization makes a profit, how is the profit distributed? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Equally among all Members
- [ ] Based on stakeholder class: All stakeholders
- [ ] Based on stakeholder class: Investors only
- [ ] Based on stakeholder class: Workers only
- [ ] Distributed to third parties
- [ ] Saved in the Organization’s treasury
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
Cannot select *Based on stakeholder class: All stakeholders* option and select *Based on stakeholder class: Investors only* or *Based on stakeholder class: Workers only*
**146. What are the communication channels Members can use to deliberate and communicate with other Members about proposals? (Check all that apply)**
- [ ] Email
- [ ] Blog
- [ ] Newsletter
- [ ] Social Media (e.g., Twitter)
- [ ] Datastores (e.g., mind maps, handbooks, blockchain, repositories)
- [ ] Forums (e.g., Discourse)
- [ ] Messaging Application (e.g., Telegram)
- [ ] Official Website
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above
**147. Does the Organization's proposal requirements discuss any of the following characteristics?**
- [ ] Specificity
- [ ] Breadth
- [ ] Depth
- [ ] Clarity
- [ ] Length
- [ ] Style
- [ ] Format
- [ ] Layout
- [ ] Specific Language
- [ ] None of the above
2 points = check. Capped at 10 points.
0 points = None of the above.
## Scoring Guide
How to score your answers to the instrument.
Procedure for scoring answers to the instrument.
### General Procedure
#### Yes/No/Unsure
For *Yes/No/Unsure* questions, the scoring is as follows:
- Yes = 2
- No = 1
- Unsure = 0
#### Multi-answer/Checkbox Questions (Check all that apply)
For questions that request you *"Check all that apply"*.
The scoring is as follows:
- 2 points for each option
- None of the above is 0 points
- Maximum points for each question is 10 points.
#### Single-answer Questions
For questions that only request a single answer, the scoring is as follows:
- 2 points for selecting an option; otherwise
- 0 points for selecting None of the above.
### Scale
The scale is still being developed.
Ideally, we want organizations to have scores above 80%.