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[Draft] Deep Link Payment Protocol

BIP: ?
Layer: Applications
Title: Deeplink Payment Protocol
Author: Shun Usami<>, 
        Taiki Uchida<>,
        Aoi Serikawa<>
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 2018-10-21


Basically this is just a BIP21(URI scheme) like deeplink scheme to wallet applications with a callback url.
When the wallet app completed the requested behaviour, the wallet app ping the callback URL.

Image Not Showing Possible Reasons
  • The image file may be corrupted
  • The server hosting the image is unavailable
  • The image path is incorrect
  • The image format is not supported
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Currently, the payment experience on mobile devices are very bad, because users have to take many steps like this.

    1. Copy the address.
    1. Open a wallet app.
    1. Paste the address.
    1. Type the amount to send.
    1. Send to the address.
    1. Re-open the source application.

This protocol dramatically reduces the user's required steps.

    1. Opens the deep link to a wallet app.
    1. Confirm payment and automatically returns to the source app.


This deep link scheme is protocol for communication between wallet application and another application.


title value
Custom URL scheme bch-{type}
type explanation
payment request a payment to wallet application
sign request signing of message to wallet application
coming soon coming soon …

Mobile App to Wallet App Communication

Image Not Showing Possible Reasons
  • The image file may be corrupted
  • The server hosting the image is unavailable
  • The image path is incorrect
  • The image format is not supported
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The source app generates a deep link to wallet apps.

addr is a cashaddr without scheme.

Query key type memo example value
amount Decimal Coin value to send 0.0001
callback String deep link yenom://payment-result

2. Wallet app make the payment

The wallet app build the payment transaction and broadcast it.

The wallet app opens the deep link to the source app after broadcasting the payment transaction or cancelling the payment.

Query key type memo example value
status String Status of the payment result. [success/error/cancel] success
txid String(optional) Transaction id of the payment. Required if the status is success. 0eac357541b0ba572849113c5faa1d1990f6382741dc3e2f5507e3ca8346dc0e

4. Source app verify the tx with txid

Source app should verify the payment is done.

Web App to Wallet App Communication

Image Not Showing Possible Reasons
  • The image file may be corrupted
  • The server hosting the image is unavailable
  • The image path is incorrect
  • The image format is not supported
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addr is a cashaddr without scheme.

Query key type memo example value
amount Decimal Coin value to send 0.0001
callback String web link
sessionid String website session id eyJ…3mh8

2. Wallet app build transaction with OP_RETURN output

The wallet app build and broadcast tx.
This tx should contain OP_RETURN output. This OP_RETURN output should store the SHA256 hash of session id.

Transaction 0eac357541b0ba572849113c5faa1d1990f6382741dc3e2f5507e3ca8346dc0e - Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Block Explorer

3. Wallet app pings the webhook URL

The wallet app send http POST request to webhook_url after broadcasting the payment transaction or cancelling the payment.

The webhook URL must accept a POST request with JSON. The object sent from the wallet app looks like this:

    "status" : "success",
    "txid" : "0eac357541b0ba572849113c5faa1d1990f6382741dc3e2f5507e3ca8346dc0e"

4. Wallet app opens the callback URL

And then it opens the callback_url as well.


Query key type memo example value
status String status of payment result. [success/error/cancel] success
txid String Transaction id of the payment. Required if the status is success. 0eac357541b0ba572849113c5faa1d1990f6382741dc3e2f5507e3ca8346dc0e

5. Source website verify the tx with txid

Source app should verify the payment is done. And also check the hash of the user's session id corresponds with the OP_RETURN output of tx.


This protocol is quite simple.
Alternative BIP70 like design can be considered.

Forward compatibility

Adding optional parameters can be done by simply adding them.
Adding required parameters or destructive change can be done by simply changing the type name to new one.
bch-payment -> bch-payment-v2

Reference implementation

Coming soon.