# [Draft] Deep Link Payment Protocol
BIP: ?
Layer: Applications
Title: Deeplink Payment Protocol
Author: Shun Usami<usatie@yenom.tech>,
Taiki Uchida<yuiki@yenom.tech>,
Aoi Serikawa<seri@yenom.tech>
Comments-URI: https://github.com/bitcoincashorg/bitcoincash.org/pull/145
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 2018-10-21
## Abstract
Basically this is just a [BIP21(URI scheme)](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0021.mediawiki) like deeplink scheme to wallet applications with a callback url.
When the wallet app completed the requested behaviour, the wallet app ping the callback URL.
## Motivation
Currently, the payment experience on mobile devices are very bad, because users have to take many steps like this.
- 1. Copy the address.
- 2. Open a wallet app.
- 3. Paste the address.
- 4. Type the amount to send.
- 5. Send to the address.
- 6. Re-open the source application.
This protocol dramatically reduces the user's required steps.
- 1. Opens the deep link to a wallet app.
- 2. Confirm payment and automatically returns to the source app.
## Specification
### Deep link Scheme
This deep link scheme is protocol for communication between wallet application and another application.
| title | value |
|Custom URL scheme|bch-{type}|
| type | explanation |
| payment | request a payment to wallet application |
| sign | request signing of message to wallet application |
| coming soon | coming soon ...|
### Mobile App to Wallet App Communication
#### 1. Source app generates deep link to wallet app
The source app generates a deep link to wallet apps.
`addr` is a cashaddr without scheme.
|Query key| type | memo | example value|
|amount| Decimal | Coin value to send | 0.0001 |
|callback| String | deep link | yenom://payment-result |
#### 2. Wallet app make the payment
The wallet app build the payment transaction and broadcast it.
#### 3. Wallet app opens the deep link to the source app
The wallet app opens the deep link to the source app after broadcasting the payment transaction or cancelling the payment.
|Query key| type | memo | example value |
|status| String | Status of the payment result. [success/error/cancel] | success |
|txid| String(optional) | Transaction id of the payment. Required if the status is success. | 0eac357541b0ba572849113c5faa1d1990f6382741dc3e2f5507e3ca8346dc0e |
#### 4. Source app verify the tx with txid
Source app should verify the payment is done.
### Web App to Wallet App Communication
#### 1. Source web site generates deep link to wallet app
`addr` is a cashaddr without scheme.
|Query key| type | memo | example value |
|amount| Decimal | Coin value to send | 0.0001 |
|callback| String | web link | http://yenom.tech/payment-result |
|sessionid | String | website session id | eyJ...3mh8 |
#### 2. Wallet app build transaction with OP_RETURN output
The wallet app build and broadcast tx.
This tx should contain OP_RETURN output. This OP_RETURN output should store the SHA256 hash of session id.
[Transaction 0eac357541b0ba572849113c5faa1d1990f6382741dc3e2f5507e3ca8346dc0e - Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Block Explorer](https://explorer.bitcoin.com/bch/tx/0eac357541b0ba572849113c5faa1d1990f6382741dc3e2f5507e3ca8346dc0e)
#### 3. Wallet app pings the webhook URL
The wallet app send http `POST` request to `webhook_url` after broadcasting the payment transaction or cancelling the payment.
The webhook URL must accept a POST request with JSON. The object sent from the wallet app looks like this:
"status" : "success",
"txid" : "0eac357541b0ba572849113c5faa1d1990f6382741dc3e2f5507e3ca8346dc0e"
#### 4. Wallet app opens the callback URL
And then it opens the `callback_url` as well.
|Query key| type | memo | example value |
|status| String | status of payment result. [success/error/cancel] | success |
|txid| String | Transaction id of the payment. Required if the status is success. | 0eac357541b0ba572849113c5faa1d1990f6382741dc3e2f5507e3ca8346dc0e |
#### 5. Source website verify the tx with txid
Source app should verify the payment is done. And also check the hash of the user's session id corresponds with the OP_RETURN output of tx.
## Rationale
This protocol is quite simple.
Alternative [BIP70](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0070.mediawiki#Motivation) like design can be considered.
## Forward compatibility
Adding optional parameters can be done by simply adding them.
Adding required parameters or destructive change can be done by simply changing the type name to new one.
`bch-payment` -> `bch-payment-v2`
## Reference implementation
Coming soon.