# IOTA Permanode ## Indroduction [iotaWayBack - viewing transactions from previous snapshots](https://forum.iota.org/t/iotawayback-viewing-transactions-from-previous-snapshots/3986) ## Workaround ``` git clone https://github.com/alon-e/iotaWayBack.git $ mkdir DB ; cd DB $ wget $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server $ sudo sudo apt-get install libmysqld-dev $ sudo pip install -e . $ mysql -u root -p mysql> CREATE DATABASE iotaWayBack; $ python parse_and_store.py ``` ## Usage ``` $ mysql -u root -p Example: $ SELECT * FROM iotaWayBack.transactions WHERE tag='KRLFYOTFNDUXYXCCAPIEJNPVCE9'; (ignore ...) 71882 rows in set (21.19 sec) ``` ## Use IOTA official database ``` Alon Elmaliah [5:31 PM] `mysql -u iota --host alon-e.com -p iotaWayBack` `user: iota ; password: iotaWayBack` this user has only "SELECT" rights. ``` ## Reference * [iotaWayBack (GitHub)](https://github.com/alon-e/iotaWayBack) * [Pre Snapshot DB pool](http://alon-e.com:3000/IOTA_DBs/) ###### tags:`permanode`
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