If this mail is not displayed correctly, please view it in your browser: https://hackmd.io/s/4yy_eGWsg ## 資工系學習共享空間啟用通知 <br>Introducing the New Learning Commons ## [TOC] ### 緣起 Origin ### 為鼓勵同學主動學習並促進學術交流,系學會在系上教師與同仁的協助下,自 104 學年度上學期起著手規劃「空間美感提昇計劃」,針對工程三館 020 室重新設計、裝修,冀望能在有限的經費下,營造出符合學生需求的學術活動空間。 本計劃經系學會與廠商、系上協調,於上學期末系空間規劃會議審核通過,奉准實施。相關工程自寒假期間開始施作,並於今年四月底完成、通過驗收。本空間(020 室)將於五月起正式開放使用。 本空間定名為「交大資工學習共享空間」,除提供系上同學自習與討論外,未來也將舉辦演講與工作坊等活動。 To encourage students to study on their own initiative and to promote academic exchange, the Computer Science Students' Union launched the "Aesthetics Advancement Campaign" with the help of teachers and staffs of the department in the semester of Fall 2015. Despite the limited budget, the Union redesigned and renovated Room 020 in Engineering Building III in the hope that it could be turned into an academic activity space that fits students' needs. The Union cooperated with firms and department officials. The campaign was sanctioned by the Department's Spatial Planning Committee in the end of last semester. The construction had begun since the winter vacation. It was finished and passed our inspection in late April. The space (Room 020) will be open to the public in May. The space is entitled "Learning Commons of Dept. of CS." It will serve as a place for self-study and group meetings for all students in the department. It might also be used to hold lectures and workshops in the future. ### 位置 Location ### 工程三館(資工系館)地下一樓 020 室,系學會辦公室旁。 B1 Rm. 020 in Engineering Bldg. III, the main building of Dept. of CS. (beside the Union Office) ![工程三館 B1 平面圖][ec-b1-graph] ### 實景照 Showcase ### ![EC020 完工照片][ec020-photo] ### 設備與服務 Facilities ### + 多功能延伸桌 3 張 + 折疊椅 20 張 + 黑板牆 1 面 + 高速無線網路 + 電源插座   + Versatile & Extendable Tables ×3 + Folding Chairs ×20 + Chalkboard Walls ×1 + High-speed Wi-Fi + Power Outlets ### 使用須知 Regulations ### 1. <font color='red'>本空間之使用以學術性質之活動為限。</font> 2. <font color='red'>請維護環境清潔,勿隨意丟棄垃圾。</font> 3. 如有移動桌椅或使用黑板,離開時請回復原狀。 4. 為保障所有同學之權益,不得長期佔用座位或放置私人物品。 5. 發現設備故障,或有耗材需要更換,請通知系學會。 6. 無人使用時,請關閉電燈與冷氣。 7. 因使用不當造成設備損壞,需照價賠償。 8. 如需借用本空間舉辦活動,請向系學會申請。   1. <font color='red'>Only use the space for academic purpose.</font> 2. <font color='red'>Keep the environment clean; no littering.</font> 3. When leaving, please revert any alteration you have made. 4. Occupying a seat or leaving personal belongings in the space persistently is prohibited. Please respect the rights of others. 5. Whenever you find anything out of order or requiring replacement, please notify the Union. 6. Please turn off the lights and air conditioners when no one is there. 7. If you damage any equipment, you are responsible for restitutio in integrum. 8. For activity organizers who want to use the space, please apply to the Union to make a reservation. ### 資訊公開 Freedom of Information ### 本計劃分為裝修工程與硬體採購兩部份。裝修工程總支出為新臺幣拾萬零玖仟貳佰陸拾圓整,由晁瑋企業有限公司承包。硬體採購總支出為新臺幣參萬壹仟玖佰伍拾圓整,包含桌椅等設備之添購。本計劃所需經費由系年度預算補助。 The campaign comprises both renovation works and hardware purchases. The renovation works cost NT&#36;109,260. The Union has contracted with Chaowei Enterprise Ltd. for these works. The hardware purchases cost NT&#36;31,950. These purchases are inclusive of new tables and chairs. The campaign is funded by the department. + [空間美感提昇計劃企劃書][file-1] + [裝修工程報價單(一)][file-2] + [裝修工程報價單(二)][file-3] + [硬體採購收據][file-4]   + [Proposal for Aesthetics Advancement Campaign][file-1] + [Quotation for Renovation Works (I)][file-2] + [Quotation for Renovation Works (II)][file-3] + [Receipt for Hardware Purchases][file-4] ### 意見反映 Feedback ### 若有任何疑問或建議,請傳送電子郵件予本計劃承辦人: For any questions and suggestions, feel free to contact the person in charge: ``` Yu-wen Pwu <ywpu@cs.nctu.edu.tw> ``` [ec-b1-graph]: http://www.ccs.nctu.edu.tw/image/intro_B1.jpg [ec020-photo]: http://i.imgur.com/sOEnAnq.jpg [file-1]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2McJSqo4MVhTHJfaEFjeWV3NlE/view?usp=sharing [file-2]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6f7MHn7k1SnN1lzVDVDYXZIcm9hVGFPeEFTWXU0a1c3dS1n/view?usp=sharing [file-3]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6f7MHn7k1Snc2RMQlpoNWVsYkRtd01HZW0xYkgtcmtHQkt3/view?usp=sharing [file-4]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2McJSqo4MVhbXRCRWFYek5QVjQ/view?usp=sharing