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# CSCI1951T Project 2 In-Class Activity
Estimated time: 30 ~ 40 Minutes
## Setting up Spatial VR (5 minutes)
- Download **Spatial** in your Oculus Device
- While the app is getting installed, go to [Spatial.io](https://www.spatial.io/) and make an account.
- After creating an account, click [this link](https://www.spatial.io/s/Daves-In-Class-Activity-Room-6440dbdad29caa12f48a9683?share=2468978609238860947) to our in-class activity space.
- Once you have entered the space using web, temporarily exit the space and go to [paring page](https://www.spatial.io/pair) and enter the number you see when you launch Spatial app with your oculus device
- Once yor device is connected to your web account, you are ready to start our in-class activity!
## Groups
- Melvin and Lexi
- Mohammed and Yifei
- Yuanbo and Brian
- Ashley and Austin
- Camilo and Liza
- Vincent, Professor Laidlaw, and Jakobi
## Activity Overview
For project 2, I am interested in developing a standard vr collaboraiton evaluation tool/metrics. During this in-class activity, you will use the rubric I've developed so far in order to evaluate **Spatial VR**.
In order to evaluate the collaboration experience using Spatial VR, we will have 3 major components to this activity.
1. In-person Charades
2. VR Charades
3. Collaborative VR SARS-CoV-2 analysis
## [1] Control: In-Person Charades (5 min)
Everyone should have an email received from me before the beginning of the class. The email contains 5 words for this section.
Start the timer before before performing each round.
First person will describe those 5 words without speaking(using pen/paper/non-verbal communication) and the second person will guess the word. If you are stuck with a word, you can "skip".
Once the 4 words are guessed correctly, repeat this step again with second partner's words(first person guessing the words now).
## [2] Task Load Evaluation: In-Person Charades(3min-5min)
Once you are done with this step, please fill in [this form](https://forms.gle/47EPx9QuFBC97Nfz6). This is for learning about baseline communication/collaboration task load in real life.
## [3] VR Activities
### [3.1] VR Charades
#### Get to know Spatial (3min)
First, log back into the VR Space and get used to the environment. Follow the built-in tutorial. Once done with the tutorial, move around the space to find your partner in the vr space.
#### VR Charades (7min)
> Similar to our first activity, please start the timer each round.
We are going to repeat the charade challenge in VR again. Use the second set of words in the email this time. For each word, partner 1 will check the word on their computer and describe the word using tools available in the vr space.
This time, because Spatial's interaction in the space is somewhat limited, some level of reasonable verbal communication is allowed.
Repeat this both directions.
Once done with the 10 words in total, let's move on to data analysis in VR.
### [3.2] VR SARS-CoV-2 analysis(7min)
We have looked at SARS-CoV-2 3D models several times this semester. However, we are going to analyze it collaboratively today!
Major structural proteins we will look at are:
- Nucleocapsid Protein(Enclosing RNA)
- Envelope Protein
- Membrain Protein
- Spike Protein
In pairs, find a 3D rendering of the virus and identify and mark/annotate using pen tool:
> *Please remember to take a screenshot of the annotated structure when you are counting the number of structural proteins*
- 5 Envelope Protein
- 3 Membrane Protein
- 7 Spike Protein
### [3.3] VR collaboration evaluation(5 min)
When done, go to [this google form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/120o42-YyCZCRChv4oMhwzIVg4iVYX-ofc7CSFP7EW6Y/edit) evaluating your collaborative experience in Spatial VR app as well as the evaluation rubric.
## If we have time:
- class discussion on the vr collaborative experience.
## End of the activity. Thank you everyone!!!