Retoractive updates (from week 0 - week 4) because i am a bad boy and i have not been doing my job correctly. May the grand-wizards of the fellowship look upon my request from here on favourably :)

In the very first week of the fellowship, circa July 14. I found the following projects interesting to contribute to:

Staker testnet because i can immediately sense that this will give me a grounded understanding of how ethereum works especially on the client side.

Cryptoeconomic models because i really like economics, and this is a way of relearning and connecting with an older passion while also contributing to ethereum.

Initial reading

  1. Intro to Ethereum
  2. Consensus mechanisms
  3. Proof-of-stake
  4. Staking
  5. Ethereum Roadmap


This was a basic refresher, i read a bunch of introductory articles to ethereum, most of it i understand and am quite familiar with by now, like how staking works, the requirements, what's a node, what's a client, how they interact and how they achieve consensus.

A good illustration of what validation is, is this:

Here, a validator running a node instance using client software (geth, nethermind, etc) stakes their ETH onchain, the network chooses a validator within the pool of validators to start a new block; This block is shared across the network, while all other validators check if it's valid.

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