detectron2:bug record

image is bluish
What image cv2 read is construct in BGR,while plt.imgshow() will read the image as RGB, so the picture will become bluish

RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (710) : device-side assert triggered at /pytorch/aten/src/THC/generic/
I forget to change the output channel

AttributeError: Cannot find field 'gt_masks' in the given Instances!
Bug is caused by using mask RCNN model to detect the data without mask label

Get -1 in AP value

I get -1 in all the AP value, but I check the image and that trained well.
I found that I set wrong in bounding box. It can show the box in correct palce and train to get right place, but can't evaluate the AP value.
Moreover, you have to delete the .json file in output to evaluate the new model.

tags: FasterRCNN LAB
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