Issues of "Openness"

Welcome to the etherpad for the EERA session "Issues of “Openness” – related experiences, issues and challenges: BarCamp for exchange on Open Access, Open Educational Resources and Open Science"

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  • Open Access books (edited volumes, proceedings, )

Topics / Tables

How to run an Open Access Journal

  • financing platinum open access journals: Individual solutions especially for journals that do not have any financing. Great importance of subsidisation by higher ed. institutions.
  • Cooperation between higher ed. and publishers to foster OA and concepts of publishing. Forms of sponsoring.
  • experiences in editorial workflows in Open Access and Open Educational Resources
  • adapting OJS: hacking Themes, database etc.
  • Following COPE & Plan S criteria to get into SCOPUS, SSCI, and other indices
  • How many and which resources does an Open Access Journal need?
  • Plan S and it's implications for journals in educational research

Values / quality

  • Society publisher/journals and open access (twitter: @oa2020de)
  • exploring alternative ways to value publications, beyond quality outcomes like citations and journal impact factors. Perhaps we could focus more on quality processes, like those that address bias, power and money? (via twitter by: @shephardkerry1)

Figurations of Openness/Closeness

  • OER / OEP as part of the Open Science concept
  • "Openness" , open Science? What are we talking about?

Open Data (Erich Svecnik, Marius Gerecht, Christoph Schindler)

  • Open data? As open as data can be (Marius from DIPF)
  • heterogeneous situation of research data in educational sciences (methods, contexts, …)
  • sensible research objects like human beings and public institutions
  • contextualisation/specification of data vs. data privacy/anonymisation
  • restricted access to educational administrational data (open governance data)
  • closed instruments (like test items) restricted through copyright of publishers
  • closeness through commercial, political, … interests
  • open meta/data of publishers/journals/ …, citation databases and indexes and evaluation criteria (open metrics)
  • open meta/data of publishers/journals/ …, citation databases and indexes and evaluation criteria (open metrics)
  • need to take care of quality and FAIR principles
  • need to balance different interests, to value work of research practice and to put infrastructures into work
  • need to foster dialog about "open" research data in educational science


Ideas for further activities

  1. Educational Research Index: We can suggest to the council to set up a questionnaire to be send to all EERA members to figure out if this is needed. Rough ideas: Do you need an quality index for your research? Do you need an quality index to justify your work? Would you use an quality index as decision maker in an appointment committee? Are you afraid of beiing controlled by an Index wich? Is this also the case if the index is developed by the community?
  2. Possible practical outcomes
  • whitelists of journals/ book series for young scholars / cumulative dissertations
  • alternative processes of peer review / coaching /
  • definitions of quality and assessment or even own indexing and valuing mechanisms
  • Open Access Counseling: Supporting collegues who want to move to OA.
  1. We might suggest to the EERA to set up an OJS server where collegues without local technical support can host their journals.
  2. Joint Special Call for ECER2020 (NW02, NW06, NW12): Certain topics, varietry of presentation formats (BarCamp was successful )
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