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This documentation presents all the step to create a NFT collection on the Teritori Launchpad.
## Apply your collection

A guide to fill the form, and a description of some fields.
Start to create your collection on the [Teritori Launchpad](https://app.teritori.com/launchpad/create).
### 1. Basic
The title of your collection

The detailed explanation of your collection

A symbol for your collection

The cover image that will be shown on the collection page. GIFs are supported

The NFT Storage JWT used to upload files on your NFT Storage space.

You can set it once in [the settings](https://app.teritori.com/settings) to avoid enter it many times.

The network on which the collection will be created

### 2. Details
Only optional inputs here. We strongly recommend you to fill them to provide much information as possible about your project, and so speed up the review.
### 3. Team & Investments
Same as Details, only optional fields here.
### 4. Minting
The time when your collection will be visible in the [Lauchpad](https://app.teritori.com/launchpad)

#### Minting Periods
Start time for the minting

A list of the wallet addresses that are able to mint your NFTs

### 5. Assets & Metadata
**You will upload a list of images and metadata**, that will be the NFTs.
The assets images will be mapped with the metadata.
To do that properly, we provide **two CSV templates** (mapping files) that you will fill.
The CSV files are controled when uploading them to ensure your images and metadatas are correctly mapped.
You can edit the CSV files using a simple text editor, or using a spreadsheet app like LibreOffice Calc or otherwelse.
#### Firstly, download these two CSV files
Please, DON'T CHANGE THE HEADINGS (The first row). Missing headings will generate an error. Unknown headings will just be ignored.
The separators are comma.
- Download the **Attributes mapping file template** `TODO: provide link`
The heading on Notepad:

The heading on LibreOffice:

- Download the **Assets mapping file template** `TODO: provide link`
The heading on Notepad: 
The heading on LibreOffice: 
We follow this common metadata structure adopted by this kind of NFTs (ERC-721), see more on [this OpenSea's doc](https://docs.opensea.io/docs/metadata-standards).
#### Secondly, fill and upload the Attributes mapping file

In this file, you set the available attributes that can be used in the Assets mapping file.
Each attribute has a **type** and a **value**.
Each row has also an **id** that must be **uniques**. These ids will be used on the Assets mapping file.

#### Thirdly, fill and upload the Assets mapping file

In this file, you set the metadata of each asset.
Each asset has a **file_name**, it must be the name of an image file, it's used to know which image to match with which metadata.
Each row has a **name** and a **description**.
Each row has also **attributes** that must be the ids provided in the Attributes mapping file. The ids must be separated by comma.
The columns **external_url** and **youtube_url** are optional.
Example (LibreOffice):

Example (Notepad):

#### Fourthly, upload your images

You just have to select the images mentionned in your Attributes mapping file.
The assets appear in the UI, and you can visualize metadata by clicking on an asset.
#### Warnings and errors when uploading CSV files or images
Don't change the headings in the CSV templates.
Some warnings can cause certain of your rows are ignored.
Some warnings can generate other warnings, in a snowball effect. Take the time to read them, fix your CSV files, and re-upload them.
You can consult [the list of warnings/errors here](https://hackmd.io/pGHYuByvSgKfBeQ-EylSow?view#Warnings-and-errors-when-uploading-CSV-files-or-images).
Note that the Assets & Metadata step can be done later if you want. You can just fill the mandatory fields and submit. The collection will get the status "**incomplete**" and can be completed later.
## Consult your applied collections

Launchpad -> Apply -> [My Collections](https://app.teritori.com/launchpad/my-collections)
Each collection has a **status**.
You can consult [the list of status here](https://hackmd.io/pGHYuByvSgKfBeQ-EylSow?view#List-of-collections-status).
## Complete an applied collection
Launchpad -> Apply -> [My Collections](https://app.teritori.com/launchpad/my-collections) -> Click on "Complete collection":

Then, provide your [Assets & Metadata](https://hackmd.io/pGHYuByvSgKfBeQ-EylSow?view#5-Assets-amp-Metadata)
## Your collection is launched
`TODO` See collection on Lauchpad Home and Marketplace
## List of collections status
- The collection has no status. This should never happen.

- The collection has been applied, but the Assets & Metadata step has not been done.
Refer to [this](https://hackmd.io/pGHYuByvSgKfBeQ-EylSow?view#Complete-an-applied-collection) to complete the collection.

- The collection has been applied, and the Assets & Metadata step has been done. The collection will be reviewed.

- The collection got a review and need other one(s) to be launched.

- The collection review got enough approvals, it will be launched following its **reveal time**.
Refer to [this](https://hackmd.io/pGHYuByvSgKfBeQ-EylSow?view#Your-collection-is-launched) to consult the launched collection.

## List of Errors and warnings in Assets & Metadata
**When uploading the Attributes CSV file**
- Missing at least one heading.

- At least one row have a missing "value".

- At least one row have a missing "type".

- At least one row have a missing "id".

- At least one row have a wrong URL format in "external_url" or "youtube_url". No row ignored. The URL will just not work.

- At least one duplicated "id".

**When uploading the Assets CSV file**
- Missing at least one heading.

- At least one row have a missing "name".

- At least one row have a missing "attributes".

- At leat one uploaded image file is not assigned to an asset.

- At least one attribute "id" that doesn't exist in the Attributes CSV is present in the "attributes". No row is ignored.

**When uploading images files**
- At least one uploaded image is not present in your Assets CSV file.

- At least one image is missing in your Assets CSV file.