Hong Kong experience (NCKU(Taiwan) -> CityU(Hong Kong))

Title : Exchange in CityU Hong Kong
Time : 2018/7/6 ~ 2018/8/10
It's summer vocation in 2018, I sign up for exchange to CityU in Hong kong.It's hard to describe how excited I was. The view of airport in HK, the double layer bus everything here is so fresh to me.

We ard required to get a project done during the time, which is and Remote Controlled Fish Craft, roughly speaking the project can be splitted to four part :

  • Soldering
  • 3D printing
  • Arduino programming
  • Android programming

Fortunately, I got good teamates to help me the deal with the two parts that I'm no good at, which makes me able to focus on programming(Even I did not do Arduino & Android before LOL)

The detail of the programming is describe on github, where I have explained how I design and how I set up the methods to make the fish craft operate

2018/8/6 : We passed the preliminary competition (manipulated by 이창윤)

CityU had arranged us some activities : culture exchange, language exchange, and company tours etc

  • culture exchange : Intoduce the culture in your contry(homeland)
  • language exchange : Teach everyone the basic conversation in your nature tone
  • company tour : Go to like science park, Financial company .. etc to understand how a company run
    I think exchanges were more like ice breaking activities, which make people from different place had chance to have a conversation.

Company tours were meaningful activities, but in my opinion
, It's impossible to really understand how a company run within a few hours, you can find that the tours is designed by companies, and it's impossible to know to real situation in this way, I think internship is a way that get closer to reality

except for the assigned project, There were two things in HK really impress my food & weather. To be honest, the scenery in HK did not attract me(except for 張保仔洞, where I hurt my leg, but this is another story..), but when it comes to food, there were something classic and impressive that I would definely keep in mind :

  • 蝦皇餃(shrimp dumpling) 稻香
  • 酥皮叉燒包(crisply barbecued pork bun)
  • 凍奶茶(ice milk tea)
  • 重慶雲吞(wonton)
  • 粥(porridge)

And the weather in HK was fucking hot & moist, this impress me in another way ~~

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