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# Open Containers Initiative - October 24, 2022
## Location
Room 335 & Online
Same Zoom as the OCI Dev Call!
Passcode: 77777
## Recording
## Date + Time
Monday, October 24
10am to 12pm Eastern
## Attendees
- Phil Estes 👩💻
- Brandon Mitchell 💻
- Jason Hall 💻
- nisha 💻
- josh dolitsky 💻
- Lachlan 💻
- Akihiro 👩💻
- vbatts 👩💻
- Jesse Butler 👩💻
- cra 👩💻
- amye 👩💻
- Mike Brown 👩💻
- Michael Brown 👩💻
- Sebastiaan van Stijn 👩💻
- tianon 💻
- Jimmy Zelinski 👩💻
- Alexander 👩💻
- Markus Lehtonen 👩💻
- Ramkumar Chinchani
- ... 👩💻
## Notes
- artifact support/v1.1 release candidates available; yay! Now, how do we finish the work - Mike Brown (IBM) leading discussion on topics
- distribution spec conformance tests - update with referrers API
- artifacts repo: what to do with it? Jason - suggested migrating the useful content into image-spec/example of artifact types, etc.
- One less thing to go stale is a plus (vbatts)
- Image-spec has a list of implementations where adding media types used by other projects has precedent (Brandon)
- Distribution-spec for API implementations will likely use conformance, with a 1.1 conformance section (Brandon)
- registry implementation with distribution/distribution:
- https://github.com/oci-playground/distribution
- Josh is demonstrating this later this week with Sajay
- for clients, oras-go tracking issue: https://github.com/oras-project/oras-go/issues/271
- Will there be more maintenance of the 1.0 branch?
- https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/pull/955
- (vbatts) to me this would not be ideal to have a maintained branch. Instead to identify a commit between `v1.0.2...v1.1.0-rc1` to consider as a v1.0.3 candidate. From that the difficulty will be adding commit that bumps the version in `version.go`. This commit could not exist in main ...
- [threaded question on slack](https://opencontainers.slack.com/archives/C0LQVA03W/p1666622133297909)
- client support of new artifact types
- image runtimes don't need this to continue running images
- Higher level clients, tooling, and admission controllers will likely first add support to check image signing
- Signing is the only potential use case that might early adopt this for runtimes
- Is there a need for any KEPs?
- May come into play if we move from admission controller to scheduler and runtime integration (e.g. pod security policy)
- How to lead to standardizing similar mediaTypes e.g. SBOMs
- (nisha) there are multiple SBOM types, and they can link to each other. It would be a lot for clients to handle
- (brandon) push, pull, verify
- (vbatts) there are some assumptions here to acknowledge: there will always be additional mediaTypes and iterations on this workflow. Ideally implementors can gain momentum on generic types like application/sdpx-vX and with some `+zstd` or whatever compression suffix. Use Annotations or similar to differentiate the nature of that document. Additionally, this sounds like a good place for a library to make life easier for implementors to not re-create the wheel over and over. Similar to some of the other OCI ``*-tools` repos.
## Proposed Agenda Items
- Update on Artifacts - How to Move to GA (Mike Brown - IBM)
- Standardizing artifact media types and annotations - allowing multiple SBOM generators to work with multiple SBOM consumers (Nisha Kumar)
- Standardizing references - common string for referencing manifests on a registry, in an OCI Layout, or some other future storage (Brandon Mitchell)
- <https://github.com/opencontainers/tob/pull/114>
- Authentication and authorization - standardize how clients login to registries (Brandon Mitchell)
## Update on Artifacts - How to Move to GA (Mike Brown - IBM)
Status: The state of the Open Containers Initiative (OCI) is strong.
Big Shout-Out to the reference-types WG, their project is finished, the work group disbanded. Their content, wrt. spec changes has been merged into the image-spec and distribution-spec repositories.
Release candidates have been published:
* https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/releases/tag/v1.1.0-rc2
* https://github.com/opencontainers/distribution-spec/releases/tag/v1.1.0-rc1
A map of what needs to happen next:
* Spec project updates to the various conformance test buckets to cover the changes.
* conformance and docs (examples for clarity) for new and changed manifests in the Image spec.
* Improvements to artifactType definition description (merge or update and link artifacts repo content)
* conformance for referrers api in the distribution spec and modifications to existing Pull/Push buckets to cover optional subject references
* [Image Spec Milestone](https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/milestone/14)
* [Distribution Spec Milestone](https://github.com/opencontainers/distribution-spec/milestone/6)
* artifacts repo -> image and artifacts spec docs
* image spec 1.0 refresh request prior to 1.1 ga will 1.0 continue to receive fixes (Sebastian)
* registries
* [distribution/distribution](https://github.com/distribution/distribution) needs a PR for updating to the 1.1 OCI specs *many registries start from this CNCF project
* status: [open issue](https://github.com/distribution/distribution/issues/3716)
* working fork: https://github.com/oci-playground/distribution
* `docker run --rm -it -p ghcr.io/oci-playground/registry:latest`
* registries and whether based on distribution/distribution
* go-containerregistry: [open issue](https://github.com/google/go-containerregistry/issues/1434) Jason is working on this PR
* Docker Hub: ? (based on distribution, but would need to accept upstream changes)
* ACR: ?
* ECR: Michael (WIP)
* GCR/GAR: ?
* quay: ?
* bundle-bar: ?
* django-oci: ?
* keppel: ?
* openregistry: ?
* Zot: Ram (WIP)
* ICR: Mike WIP
* OCR (Oracle): Nisha will engage
* name: ____________ status: _____________
* name: ____________ status: _____________
* name: ____________ status: _____________
* clients for build, resolve, push, pull, cache, ... need to do their thing updating to the new specifications
* Status of clients
* How does this affect runtimes today? Image runtimes may not need to update.
* [umoci](https://github.com/opencontainers/umoci), buildah, moby, buildkit, containers/image, containerd, cri-o, ...
* regclient includes support
* crane will likely add support soon, based on go-containerregistry
* sigstore will likely update after go-containerregistry updates
* build tool invention may be needed for:
* new subject refers field in image
* new artifact manifest and it's subject refers linking to other manifests
* image index inclusion of artifacts
* container runtimes and OCI image libraries need to update to the new image-spec and also need to map out:
* where the artifacts will be stored
* how artifacts will be made available to containers, snapshotters, and container runtime plugins
* what cli updates will be made to support the referrers api
* changes needed for resolve, push, and pull to support the distribution-spec changes
* higher level spec changes are needed to build on / take advantage of new artifacts and the referrers API
* while not a "GA" requirement the process is long for k8s KEPs and thus should start earlier rather than later.
* k8s admission controller handling of artifacts for pods/containers
* sigstore/policy-controller should coordinate with the rest of sigstore
* pod spec policy changes
* CRI handling of mounts/validations related to artifacts
* example: image pull policy modified to support patch artifact (see Sajay's Patch Manifest Proposal)
* A flushing out of the release candidate spec changes needs to occur by the registry providers and client tooling, receiving feedback from the implementors
* Example: Relaxing referrers API requirements [#357](https://github.com/opencontainers/distribution-spec/issues/357) && [#968](https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/issues/968)
* Artifact Providers
* New Artifacts need to be proofed out with OCI friendly integrations and do their IANA registration process.
* These new artifacts provide use cases and are a forcing factor to get client tools, registries, and users engaged and moving forward with us.
* Artifact type and blob media type should be standardized (see next section).
* Other projects that were on an earlier trajectory wrt using legacy OCI specs for new artifacts.. and are hopefully moving to the r.next OCI specs
- ORAS: [open issue](https://github.com/oras-project/oras/issues/652)
- HELM: depends on distribution/distribution
## Standardizing artifact media types and annotations - allowing interoperability among clients (Nisha Kumar/Brandon Mitchell)
- Use case: How to support multiple SBOM generators and consumers?
- If the same tool that creates an artifact is pulling it, there's no issue
- When multiple tools can create an artifact, with multiple consumers, what media types are used should to be standardized
- Possible ways to define an artifact:
- Single manifest, multiple blobs:
artifactType: "application/spdx", // undefined IANA media type
blobs: [
mediaType: "application/spdx+json",
// or "application/json", possibly compressed
// ...
mediaType: "application/spdx+xml",
// ...
- Single manifest, single blob:
artifactType: "application/spdx+json",
blobs: [
mediaType: "application/spdx+json",
// same media type for both blob and artifactType?
// ...
- Single manifest, compressed blob:
artifactType: "application/spdx+json",
blobs: [
mediaType: "application/gzip",
// or "application/spdx+json+gzip"
// ...
- Single manifest with generic type:
artifactType: "application/sbom", // undefined IANA media type
blobs: [
mediaType: "application/spdx+json",
// compressed?
// ...
mediaType: "application/spdx+xml",
// ...
mediaType: "application/vnd.cyclonedx+json",
// ...
mediaType: "application/vnd.cyclonedx+xml",
// ...
annotations: {
// indicate what kinds of blobs are included for filtering?
- (vbatts) Assume there will always be a next implementation. How to facilitate clients. Artifact type standardized and annotations do more filtering. Start maintaining libraries that support this and allow implementers to use it.
- (Jason) would rather have communities evolve on their own rather than recommend.
- (Brandon) Push and pull with various tools - need to standardize around method
- (Nisha) No standardized workflow
- (Brandon) What are the OpenSSF tools verifying?
- Takeaways
- Need to see a workflow that works
- Similar to using Artifacts as general guidance. Add use
## Standardizing references - common string for referencing manifests on a registry, in an OCI Layout, or some other future storage (Brandon Mitchell)
- <https://github.com/opencontainers/tob/pull/114>
- Examples for registries:
- `alpine` -> `docker.io/library/alpine:latest`
- `docker.io/library/alpine:3@sha256:bc41182d7ef5ffc53a40b044e725193bc10142a1243f395ee852a8d9730fc2ad`
- Examples for OCI Layout:
- skopeo: `oci:dirname`
- anchore: `oci-dir:dirname`
- regclient: `ocidir://dirname:v3`
- buildkit: `oci-layout://dirname`
- Would be useful to define this before every implementation solves it differently
- skopeo and anchore can be confused with registry references (`docker.io/library/oci:dirname`)
- Referencing tags and digests within a Layout
- Appending a `:tag` and/or `@sha256:...`
- Paths containing those fields must explicitly specify a tag
- RFC has no support for relative paths
- [RFC 1738](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1738#section-3.1)
- `<scheme>://<host or empty>/<path>`
- Some implementations use a `.` for the host to indicate a relative path (`<scheme>://./<path>`)
- Others treat everything after the `<scheme>://` as the path so `<scheme>:///<path>` is an absolute path and `<scheme>://<path>` is relative
- (Jason) would also like to have an OCI maintained parser for these
- (Akihiro) Would also like to do immutable tags for reproducibility, but this shouldn't be tied to this initiative because it needs experimentation on where it should live
- Why not eBNF grammar?
- Corner-cases like localhost or dockerhub
- Should this be a working group, or addition to image-spec?
- Jason: add to image-spec
## Authentication and authorization - standardize how clients login to registries (Brandon Mitchell)
- Current Docker method:
- Ping of `/v2` API to get the type of auth
- Bearer auth manually generates scope value in request
- All logins are user/password, some methods use a generic username
- Scopes are always at the repository level
- Possible improvements:
- Skip `/v2` ping and directly call API
- Allow registry to generate scope and other fields for auth request
- Support multiple scopes (cross repository blob mount)
- Fine grained access (push specific tags or media types)
- Define integration with helpers and how long a helper credential is valid
- Other methods to authenticate (mTLS, OIDC)
- Existing issues
- https://github.com/opencontainers/distribution-spec/issues/240
- https://github.com/opencontainers/distribution-spec/issues/338
- Helpful diagrams etc. (shout out jon johnson)
- https://github.com/jonjohnsonjr/go-containerregistry/blob/master/pkg/authn/README.md
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/go-containerregistry/main/images/credhelper-basic.svg
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/go-containerregistry/main/images/credhelper-oauth.svg
- We need to document the lifetime of credentials for each registry (or cloud even).
- This should have a working group (vbatts)
- The room was in violent agreement (asp)